Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

404: It’S Not Good For A Man And A Woman To Live Together, Isn’T It? Queen Senior? (Please Subscribe

A few days later.

In a palace of the Royal Palace.

Ji Qinghan was lying on Yang Chen's body like an octopus.

His fair forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, his face was shockingly flushed, his breathing was rapid, and he was steaming with heat.

"Brother Chen, I really want to hold you like this forever!"

Ji Qinghan was like a madwoman, murmuring in Yang Chen's ear, while her green and jade fingers drew circles on his broad chest.

Yang Chen was a little helpless.

When he first hugged Ji Qinghan, he was very nervous after not knowing the taste of meat for two years.

But now, the two of them have not left the palace for five days.

Although Hime Kiyohan is beautiful and obedient, he still has business to do.

Moreover, this girl is always around, why does that old woman Karen Ji have the nerve to come to him.

It affected the development of his plan too much.

You have to find something for her to do.

"Qinghan, let me give you something!"

Hearing Yang Chen's words, Ji Qinghan raised his head slightly.

Yang Chen took out the Phoenix Divine Feather left by the Phoenix Master.

Suddenly, an icy coldness swept through the entire palace, and Bo's pressure emanated.

Yang Chen doesn't care, the divine dragon Bloodline in his body can compete with this phoenix power.

But Ji Qinghan was directly suppressed by the power of the phoenix and knelt on the ground.

As a member of the Phoenix clan, to her, this phoenix power was a suppression from the depths of the Bloodline, making her unable to help but crawl to the ground.

Phoenix Shenyu also seemed to feel Ji Qinghan's aura, a loud phoenix cry came from it, and the blue immortal light exploded, directly turning into an ice phoenix and rushing into Ji Qinghan's body.

Hime Qinghan's graceful body was instantly wrapped in icy rules.

Yang Chen looked at this scene, and now he understood why the Phoenix Master wanted to leave a Phoenix divine feather.

That was not for him at all, but for Ji Qinghan.

I'm afraid that Phoenix Master has long since set his sights on Hime Qinghan, a pure-blood ice phoenix.

"Yang Chen, what's going on?"

At this time, Karen Ji broke through the palace Restrictions and appeared in front of Yang Chen.

Looking at Ji Qinghan who was wrapped in icy rules, he asked coldly:

"What did you bastard do to Qinghan?"

"What can I do to her?"

"Can't you see? These ice rules are being integrated into her body, and her strength is improving rapidly. It won't be long before she can catch up with your sister!"

Yang Chen said lightly.

Karen Ji's eyes were stunned.

As a member of the Phoenix clan, she naturally felt the phoenix power just now.

Even though she was only one step away from the True Immortal realm, facing the vast power of the phoenix, she felt as small as an ant looking up at the mountain.

Even the Sun-Moon Divine Phoenix Tower in her hand seemed to be summoned by some kind and wanted to leave her.

An existence that can exude such coercion is simply astonishing to the world, and is always on display.

These ice rules should be that being's understanding of the way of ice.

If this girl Qinghan can absorb and fuse it into her body, the Realm can at least reach the Transcending Tribulation Realm, and her mastery of the Ice Way will rise straight up.

This girl was lucky enough to follow Yang Chen. In just a few years, she not only transformed into a pure-blooded true phoenix, but was also promoted from the Indistinguishable Dao early stage to this level of Realm, which at least saved her Thousand Years of hard work.

It made her sister feel envious and jealous.

Karen Ji looked at Yang Chen and couldn't help cursing secretly in her heart.

This bastard always bargained for a little thing for himself, but he was generous to Yan Hou and Qinghan and never stingy.

"Yang Chen, I ask you, who was the person who blocked you that day?"

"Is it the True Immortal who lived in the ancient world of Kunlun?"


Yang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, he didn't expect that the old woman Karen Ji could guess so accurately.

"Ever since I entered the secret realm of the Fallen Immortal, I have faintly noticed that the Kunlun world is not as simple as it seems!"


"You said before that Master Aurora was still alive, so she must have told you something!"

Ji Qingyou looked at Yang Chen with burning eyes.

However, Yang Chen curled his lips and smiled.

"Queen senior, there are many things that your Realm is not qualified to know!"

"If you want to know this, wait until you step into the True Immortal realm, and someone will tell you!"

"Hmph, stop pretending, I think you don't know much about it!"

Karen Ji snorted coldly, and then said:

"Qinghan is integrating these ice rules, so don't bother her by staying in this Great Hall!"

"You will live in Destiny Palace from now on!"

"Destiny Palace? That's not good. Isn't that your palace, Queen Senior?"

"We are a single man and a widower. We are sister-in-law and brother-in-law. If this spreads out, it will be very bad!"

Yang Chen looked unwilling.

Karen Ji's cheeks were slightly hot, and a sense of shame and anger broke out in her heart.

At this moment, she wanted to give up on becoming an immortal, take out the Sun and Moon Divine Phoenix Tower and die together with Yang Chen.

But in the end, he took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice:

"Yang Chen, I want Closed Door Training to heal my injuries, and Qinghan wants to integrate the rules of ice. Let you sit in the Hall of Destiny for me to stabilize the situation of the dynasty!"

"What do you think you were asked to do?"

"That's it!"

Yang Chen suddenly showed a hint of surprise.

But he was laughing secretly in his heart.

Ji Qinghan had just begun to absorb the rules of ice, and her sister Karen Ji asked him to move to her palace.

Haha, his sister-in-law seems to be really anxious.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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