Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

402: Chaos To The Queen Dao Heart Again! I Owe You This In My Previous Life! (Please Subscribe)

"Yang Chen, I have already said thank you, you can give the Burning Sky Divine Flame to me!"

Karen Ji said again.

Yang Chen suddenly laughed.

"Queen senior, Burning Sky Divine Flame is the third-ranked strange fire!"

"Although you and I are sister-in-law and brother-in-law, you can't just open your mouth and let me suffer such a big loss!"

"If you are willing to use your Sun-Moon Divine Phoenix Tower in exchange, then I would rather suffer less and give you the Burning Sky Divine Flame!"


Flames rose in Ji Qingyou's eyes, full of anger.

"Yang Chen, do you know? If it weren't for you, this emperor would have successfully survived the catastrophe of becoming an immortal and achieved great success!

"The emperor hasn't settled this account with you yet, but your calculations are quite loud!"

"Don't think that this emperor doesn't know, don't you just want to give the Burning Heaven Divine Flame to Yan Honglian to please her!"

"Huh, what a shame!"

Karen Ji said, the look in her eyes gradually turned into contempt.

"Queen senior, what you said is wrong. You haven't survived the catastrophe of becoming an immortal. What does it have to do with me?"

"Also, Queen Yan is my companion, and she is pregnant with my child. Why is it that I am being disrespectful by leaving the Burning Sky Divine Flame to her?"

"Listening to your tone, someone who didn't know better would have thought you were jealous!"

Yang Chen said lightly.

Karen Ji's expression suddenly changed.

"Yang Chen, what are you talking about?"

"Who do you think you are, that I would be jealous of you?"

"This emperor is just fighting for Qing Han. She is so worried about you, but you only think about Yan Honglian. Are you worthy of that?"

Although Karen Hime's tone was still arrogant, Yang Chen caught a hint of panic in her eyes.

I couldn't help but sneer in my heart.

It seems that after being tempered by the Immortal Transformation Tribulation, Karen Ji's ruthless heart is even more riddled with holes.

Although his tone was still filled with murderous anger, he unknowingly started to feel jealous of Empress Yan.

Yes, that's good.

In this way, I am afraid that this old woman will take the initiative to discuss the way of love with him soon.

Then let this old woman know how powerful he is.

"Sister, you don't have to be angry for me, I don't care about this!"

"As long as Brother Chen has me in his heart, that's enough!"

"Besides, Sister Yan is already pregnant with Brother Chen's child. Brother Chen should take more care of her!"

At this time, Ji Qinghan flew over and said.

"Qinghan you!"

Karen Ji wanted to scold her, but Ji Qinghan passed by her and came straight to Yang Chen.

Her beautiful eyes looked at Yang Chen, her affection was like a pool of autumn water, seeming to be vented out.

"Brother Chen!"

Ji Qinghan's voice was choked with sobs.

Yang Chen's lips curled up slightly. As a father of several children, he knew exactly what he should do at this time.

Moreover, it is just the right time to mess with the heart of an old woman like Karen Ji.

He walked forward and hugged Ji Qinghan directly into his arms.

With the graceful body in his arms, Yang Chen couldn't help but feel a little carried away.

After two years without knowing the taste of meat, a sow can compete with Diao Chan.

What's more, Ji Qinghan in his arms is a pure-blood ice phoenix, stunningly beautiful.

Feeling Yang Chen's generous and hot chest, all Ji Qinghan's emotions were instantly ignited.

".||Brother Chen, I, I miss you so much!"

"For the past two years, I thought you were dead, wuwu!"

Two lines of clear tears slipped down Ji Qinghan's fair cheeks.

Both hands tightly hugged Yang Chen's waist, as if he wanted to blend himself into it.

This touching scene made Karen Ji's eyebrows jump.

"How long have you and Yang Chen known each other for this damn girl? I didn't see her so sad when her parents (good ones) died!"

"Is the love between a man and a woman really that intense?"

"Even the old woman Yan Hou was immersed in it and forgot about it!"

"A small word of love has become the biggest obstacle for me to enter the True Immortal realm!"

"Yang Chen, you bastard, we two sisters really owed you in our previous lives!"

Karen Ji's face was gloomy and uncertain, and her heart was in a mess.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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