Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

388: The Power Of Rules! The Power Of One Punch! (Please Subscribe)

"Under True Immortal, are all ants?"

"Is it the power of rules?"

The lady of the palace pondered.

Feeling the tyrannical imperial rules around her, at this moment, she seemed to have a clearer understanding of the True Immortal realm.

But Taizu True Immortal obviously wouldn't give her time to slowly comprehend it, so he turned his fingers into palms, and the rules of the imperial way condensed into a mountain of palm prints directly in front of the palace master's wife, and slammed down.


This palm locked the surrounding space, and the palace master's wife had no way to avoid it, so she could only take it hard.

Dark rules condensed in front of him.

However, when faced with the palm prints intertwined with the rules of the Imperial Way, it was like paper, instantly shattered.

The palace master's wife was beaten until she vomited blood and flew out.

The black robe condensed by True Qi on her body also shattered, revealing her graceful and graceful figure again.

Standing still in the air, a large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth again, and his face was extremely pale.

"Not bad, I actually took the palm of this emperor head-on!"

"With 777 your mastery of the power of rules, if you are given another hundred years, you may be able to survive the catastrophe of becoming an immortal and step into the True Immortal realm!"

"It's a pity that you don't have this chance!"

"By absorbing this emperor's True Immortal origin, you have committed a capital crime!"

Taizu True Immortal stepped on the void and walked slowly towards the palace master's wife.

Although he didn't look at Yang Chen, Yang Chen felt that the space around him had solidified.

It was obvious that the Grand Ancestor, True Immortal, was also preventing him from escaping.

"The power of rules?"

"It seems that the most important thing when entering the True Immortal Realm is to master the power of the rules!"

"Although half of my origin has been lost and I am still in a weak state, I can still crush the palace master's wife, who is one step away from the True Immortal realm, just by relying on the power of the rules!"

"I still underestimate this great ancestor True Immortal. True Immortal realm, after all, it is True Immortal realm!"

Yang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although things are a bit out of control, you can still give it a try.

It doesn't matter if he can't beat him. The True Immortal's freezing of space will not have much impact on him at all, and he can just slip away when the time comes.

Taizu True Immortal walked up to the palace lord's wife, held his palm empty, and wrapped the palace lord's wife directly in the rules of the emperor's way.

A trace of golden origin was forcibly extracted.

"The Kunlun world is the world of destruction. Cultivator cultivation is not easy. You can cultivate to such an extent. It would be a pity to kill you!"

"This emperor also ruled Kunlun in the past. The emperor's heart can accommodate heaven and earth. If you surrender, this emperor can forgive you the death penalty!"

Taizu True Immortal spoke slowly.

The wife of the palace master gritted her silver teeth. Although life and death were in someone's hands at this moment, her beautiful eyes were full of unyielding.

"Don't even think about it!"

After spitting out the word "coldly", a strong lunar energy surged out from around the palace master's wife.

The fusion of Taiyin energy and dark rules can actually withstand the suppression of the imperial rules.

"Humph, you are so stubborn that you think you can compete with this emperor with the energy of Taiyin?"

“I don’t know how high the sky is and how high it is!”

"Today this emperor will break your heart!"

Taizu True Immortal's voice was no longer calm, but filled with anger. It was obvious that the palace master's wife's rejection had angered him.

"Senior, Junior is willing to hand over the True Immortal origin in his body, and is willing to follow senior to practice, and please ask senior to save him!"

Yang Chen shouted loudly at this time (bceh).

Taizu True Immortal ignored him, but formed seals with his hands to make the rules of the imperial way more intense. He wanted to use his absolute strength to break the heart of the palace master's wife and make her surrender.

"Hmph, Yang Chen, a shameless villain like you is worthy of following my great ancestor?"

"My great ancestor is too lazy to talk to you!"

"If you kneel down and beg me today and call me grandpa a hundred times, maybe I can plead with my great ancestor and let him spare your life!"

Zhou Chen said coldly at this time.

Yang Chen said angrily:

"Brother Zhou Chen, you are not interesting enough!"

"Not to mention how many times I helped you before. You were almost cut in half just now, but I saved you. Aren't you repaying kindness with hatred?"

Seeing Yang Chen's angry and anxious look, Zhou Chen suddenly felt a burst of joy in his chest.

In the past, he suffered humiliation when facing Yang Chen, but now, he can finally get his lost dignity back.

Taizu's True Immortal revived and revealed such powerful strength that even the bastard Yang Chen was frightened.

"Yang Chen, do you have the nerve to say that you helped me before?"

"You seduced that bitch Ji Qinghan, hated me for taking my wife, and forcibly planted a soul mark on my aunt's soul. I wish I could kill you with a thousand knives!"

"Now I want you to kneel down and call me grandpa a hundred times, do you want me to do that?"

Zhou Chen shouted angrily in a deep voice.

He had already made up his mind, even if Yang Chen really knelt down and called him grandpa, he would never let this bastard go.

Let Taizu destroy his Cultivation Base first, and then torture him.

It would be best to castrate this bastard in front of that bitch Ji Qinghan and let him be a eunuch of the Destiny Dynasty from now on.


Zhou Ni on the side wanted to dissuade Zhou Chen from going so far.

Because she knows that Yang Chen's true strength is definitely more than what he looks like.

Now a palace master's wife can barely resist Taizu. If Yang Chen, who originally wanted to surrender, is forced into the palace master's wife's camp, it will definitely be difficult for the two of them to join forces.

But just as she was about to speak, her eyes widened.

Yang Chen's body suddenly felt like lightning, and he rushed directly behind Taizu True Immortal.

A punch was thrown violently.

Taizu True Immortal's head was blown open.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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