Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

387: Yang Chen, Do You Have This Much Courage? Under True Immortal, Everyone Is An Ant! (Please Subs

The golden sword sank into the center of True Immortal's body between the eyebrows, and then his eyes suddenly opened.

The golden light suddenly exploded, turning into a series of imperial rules, like a divine chain of order.

The Heaven-Swallowing Formation collapsed directly under the impact of the Imperial Law's rules.

The True Immortal origin that was not absorbed in time flowed back.

The wounds penetrated by Duntiansuo also recovered instantly.

The coffins were scattered in all directions, and Taizu True Immortal stood with his feet in the void. Golden lotuses bloomed under his feet, and dragons roared in formation.

"As the years go by, I wonder whose Kunlun family is in charge of the world today?"

"Has our destiny dynasty declined to this extent?"

Taizu True Immortal's eyes were invincible, his voice was rich and vigorous, and he seemed to be looking down on the world.

Following the sound, the rules of the tomb passage filled the entire ancient tomb.

"Haha, Taizu has woken up!"

"God bless my destiny dynasty!"

"Yang Chen, you bastard, Chinese painting!"

When Zhou Chen saw this scene, he ignored the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth and roared excitedly.

Taizu finally woke up.

Although Yang Chen and the black-robed woman absorbed a lot of True Immortal origin.

But as long as Taizu wakes up, the power of True Immortal will be enough to sweep everything away.

And a True Immortal that can wake up again after a hundred Ten Thousand Years is definitely an extraordinary True Immortal, not an ordinary True Immortal.

This era is destined to belong to his destiny dynasty and to him Zhou Chen.

I need to tell Taizu later not to kill this bastard Yang Chen right away.

Killing this bastard directly would be too cheap for him.

He wanted to destroy Yang Chen's Cultivation Base and torture him severely for a hundred years, and regain all the dignity he lost during that time.

"Descendant Zhou Chen, pay your respects to Taizu~!"

Zhou Chen knelt on the ground and saluted respectfully.

Taizu True Immortal looked at him.

"Imperial Sacred Body, yes, yes, I didn't expect that among the descendants of this emperor, there would be another Imperial Sacred Body. You are expected to become an immortal in the future!"

Zhou Chen hurriedly said:

"Zhou Chen is too embarrassed to deserve Taizu's praise. It's all useless for future generations, and Taizu's body has been humiliated!"

"Fortunately, Taizu has revived now. God bless me and my destiny dynasty!"

Taizu True Immortal pointed his finger, and two golden streams of light sank into Zhou Chen and Zhou Ni's bodies respectively.

Zhou Chen's injuries recovered quickly, the bloody wound on his chest healed directly, and the aura on his body began to grow rapidly, breaking several realms in succession.

Zhou Ni's face turned rosy and she took advantage of the opportunity to break free of the dark chains.

"One of you two is too seriously injured, and the other's Realm is too low, please step aside first!"

"This emperor wants to kill these two daring juniors and get back the lost origin!"


Zhou Chen responded excitedly.

Zhou Ni looked a little worried.

She knows the strength of the palace master's wife, and she is even stronger than Karen Ji, the Queen of Destiny.

That bastard Yang Chen, although his Realm is low, his combat power is extremely abnormal and he has many tricks. He might even be stronger than the wife of the palace master.

The most important thing is that the bastard is extremely insidious.

From the time he came in until now, he has not tried his best.

Taizu has just recovered, so it may not be easy for these two people to join forces.

"Madam, shall we fight or flee?"

Yang Chen looked at the palace master's wife on the side and asked in a deep voice.

"Huh, you want to escape?"


"Now, even if he recovers, he is still at his weakest!"

"If we escape and let him restore the Cultivation Base, and a True Immortal is chasing us, do you think there is still room for you and me in the Crystal Summon World?

The wife of the palace master shouted coldly.

"What do you mean, madam?"

"You and I join forces to take advantage of his illness and make him work hard!"

"True Immortal is not invincible, not to mention that he has lost more than half of his origin!"

"But madam, this is a True Immortal after all. If I hadn't reacted quickly with that sword strike just now, I would have been killed!"

Yang Chen looked reluctant and frightened.

"Hmph, do you have this much courage? Fortunately, the Soul Palace has listed you as the number one enemy in the future!"

The tone of the palace master's wife was a little disdainful.

Then he said:

You are responsible for fixing the space, and leave the rest to me!"

"If things change, you can use space means to leave directly!"

"Today I will kill True Immortal [to prove my True Immortal way!"

Under Yang Chen's background, the palace master's wife's cold voice revealed a strong confidence.

After saying that, the dark light in his hand shined brightly, and the Duntian Shuttle was shot out directly, creating a dark crack in the space where it passed.

“Don’t overestimate your capabilities!”

Facing the Duntian Shuttle that exuded terrifying space-penetrating power, Taizu True Immortal's eyes were indifferent.

With a finger pointing out, the rules of the Imperial Way condensed into a spear.


Duntiansuo was directly blocked.

"What (the king is good)!?"

The tone of the palace master's wife was a little more horrified and unbelievable.

The blow just now was almost her most powerful attack method.

Was it resolved so easily?

How is this possible!

Just now, she drove the Sky Escape Shuttle, but it directly penetrated the opponent's body.

"Hmph, do you think you can rely on this immortal weapon to penetrate this emperor's body, so you think you have the strength to compete with True Immortal?"

"The frog at the bottom of the well doesn't know how big the Milky Way is!"

"Haven't you heard that under the True Immortal, everyone is just an ant?"

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

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