Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

389: Your Acting Skills Are Really Good! Black Hair Turns To White Hair! (Please Subscribe)


Yang Chen's body was like lightning, and he instantly appeared behind Taizu True Immortal.

He gathered all his strength and punched him in the head.

The power of the divine dragon and the calendar of the sun exploded instantly.

Taizu True Immortal is currently dealing with the palace master's wife with all his strength. Even if he has reacted at this moment, it is already too late to face Yang Chen who suddenly appears behind him.

The imperial rules that enveloped him were instantly broken.

The head exploded like a watermelon.

Golden flames also broke out at this moment, covering the broken flesh and blood and burning fiercely.


Zhou Ni’s beautiful eyes widened.

Zhou Chen was stunned on the spot.

This scene was too sudden.

Yang Chen was begging for mercy just now, but now he punched Taizu True Immortal's head open.


How can this be!?

That is the Taizu True Immortal, the three True Immortals!

Under True Immortal, everyone is an ant!

How could this bastard Yang Chen crush True Immortal’s head with one punch!?

Is this an illusion?

Yes, it must be an illusion, an illusion!

Zhou Chen's eyes were confused and distracted, and he did not dare to accept the scene in front of him.

Yang Chen was also slightly surprised at this time.

He originally just wanted to use a sneak attack to injure the True Immortal.

Then he teamed up with the palace master's wife to deal with him.

But he didn't expect that he would blow his head open with one punch.

This Taizu True Immortal, it seems that after a hundred Ten Thousand Years of slumber, the power of Qi and blood in the physical body has declined too seriously.

In the ancient tomb, the rules of the imperial way suddenly declined.

The wife of the palace master shattered the imperial rules surrounding her body and immediately retreated more than a hundred feet.

Looking at Yang Chen, his beautiful eyes were full of anger and fear.

This bastard is really scheming.

He has been hiding his strength.

His physical strength is actually so strong.

A True Immortal's head was blown off by his punch.

Although it was a sneak attack, it turned out to be a True Immortal.

If this punch hits him, I'm afraid his end will be even more miserable.

Moreover, this bastard has been hiding his strength from the beginning, and he was probably planning to use this method to deal with himself.

The Taizu True Immortal's sudden resurrection essentially blocked the killing for himself.

"Yang Chen, I really underestimated you!"

"Your acting skills are really good!"

The wife of the palace master gritted her teeth and said.

"Haha, what did Madam say? The reason why I am like this is to catch Madam by surprise and save Madam!"


The lady of the palace snorted coldly.

But he didn't argue too much with Yang Chen on this issue. Now is not the time to fall out with this insidious guy.

A True Immortal, even if his body is shattered, he will not die.

Taizu True Immortal is still the common enemy of her and Yang Chen.

The imperial rules that filled the entire ancient tomb space began to condense.

Finally, it condensed into a golden shadow of the soul.

The phantom of Taizu True Immortal's soul is quite solid, no different from the real person.

But at this moment, the look of scorn on the world was no longer on his face. Instead, it was twisted to the extreme with anger.

He was a True Immortal, but he was unexpectedly attacked by a junior in the Indistinguishable Dao realm, and his head was shattered with a punch.

True Immortal's physical body has a strong ability to recover even after it has been tempered by the tribulation of immortality.

But the head exploded, which meant that the soul palace disappeared.

The soul had no place to live, and this body was completely reduced to a corpse.

“Damn it!”

"Damn it, junior, this emperor can't eliminate the hatred in my heart unless I crush you to ashes!"

"Both of you are going to die!"

Taizu True Immortal's voice contained endless anger and murderous intent.

True Immortal's anger can cause heaven and earth to shake, causing strange phenomena to occur.

At this moment, not only in the ancient tomb space, but also in the sky over the entire mountain range where the Zhou family's imperial mausoleum is located, thunder exploded out of thin air.

"Humph, your body is gone, but you're still so arrogant!"

"Don't you know that our Soul Palace has many means to deal with the soul?"

The wife of the palace master wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, her eyes became a little fiery.

This Taizu True Immortal only has his soul left, so it will be much easier to deal with.

Moreover, if she uses the Taotie Devouring Heaven Technique to swallow the True Immortal's soul.

In this way, achieving the status of a true Immortal Venerable is probably just around the corner.

Although Yang Chen, an insidious guy, is not easy to deal with, for the current plan, the most important thing is to break through to the True Immortal realm.

We can only take the risk of cooperating with this bastard. At worst, we will redistribute the benefits and give him more.


"Yang Chen, let's work together to suppress the True Immortal's soul. Then we'll split it into 50-50, how about that?"

"But before that, you must return the Sealing Sky Lock to me, and I will use the Sealing Sky Lock to perform the secret technique of the Soul Palace!"

The wife of the palace master said to Yang Chen.

"for you!"

Yang Chen did not hesitate and directly took out the Sealing Sky Lock and threw it to her.

The wife of the palace master took it, her beautiful eyes were a little surprised.

She was originally prepared to bargain and sell some benefits in exchange. After all, although this Heavenly Sealing Lock was not as good as the Dun Tiansuo, it was still a sacred weapon.

Unexpectedly, Yang Chen would be so generous and directly gave the Sealing Sky Lock to her.

What is this insidious guy planning?

Although she was confused in her heart, seeing that Yang Chen had taken out the Space Seal and fixed it in a certain space, the palace master's wife could not think about it at this moment.

The jade hand waved the Sealing Sky Lock, and the Sealing Sky Lock suddenly split into six parts, like six dark poisonous snakes, penetrating towards Taizu True Immortal's soul in the direction of Liuhe.

"Things who don't know whether to live or die, do you really think that without a body, this emperor can't do anything to you?"

Taizu's True Immortal's voice was like thunder, and the rules of imperial law were intertwined. From the position between the eyebrows, mysterious words flew out one by one, condensing into a ball of white immortal light.


All six chains of darkness were destroyed.

The white immortal light went straight towards the palace master's wife.

The wife of the palace master hurriedly waved the Sealing Sky Lock in her hand to resist, but the Sealing Sky Lock touched the white immortal light and was stagnated in place.


The face of the palace master's wife was full of shock, and she subconsciously wanted to dodge the white immortal light.

But this white immortal light was extremely fast and hit her directly, penetrating through her chest.

The wife of the palace master did not vomit blood and fly out like before, but her body seemed to have gone through thousands of years, and her black hair turned into white hair in an instant.

"What the hell?"

Yang Chen was immediately surprised.

The palace master's wife turned from a graceful and beautiful woman into a white-haired old lady.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

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