Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

386: Do You Think I Am Ugly? True Immortal Awakens! (Please Subscribe)

The two scars were three to four inches long, almost running through the entire face.

Yang Chen had some doubts in his heart.

It is normal for cultivators to fight and leave wounds on their faces.

But these injuries will basically not leave scars as long as you apply elixir.

At least he had never seen a female nun with eye-catching scars on her face.

What's more, the Madam's Cultivation Base is only one step away from the True Immortal realm, so it's even less likely to leave scars on her face.

At this time, the lady of the palace absorbed all the True Immortal essence that spilled out of the body into the body.

Her beautiful eyes looked at Yang Chen.

"What are you looking at?"

"Are you curious about the scars on my face?"

"Do you think I'm ugly?"

Yang Chen could hear the coldness in the voice of the palace master's wife.

He shook his head quickly and said:

08 "Madam, you are joking. Although these two scars are abrupt, how can you and Chou be related?"

"I'm just a little confused as to why your Cultivation Base has scars on your face, Madam?"

"Humph, do you care about this? Does it have anything to do with you?"

The Madam’s voice was cold.

As he spoke, he transformed into a black robe again, covering his plump and delicate body.

Yang Chen smiled sarcastically.

But he was basically certain in his heart that the palace master's wife also loved beauty and cared about those two scars.

Otherwise, he would not have put himself in a black robe and covered his face in the first place.

The sky-swallowing formation gathered the power of Yang Chen and the palace master's wife, and its devouring power was extremely powerful.

Streams of golden True Immortal origin, overflowing with brilliance, are pulled out from the wounds on True Immortal's body.

It won't be long before even True Immortal's origins will dry up.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Chen's eyes were about to burst.


"These two bastards!"

"Yang Chen, damn the mud horse, I will definitely kill you if I step on the horse!"

Zhou Chen's angry face was ferocious at this moment, and the killing intent in his eyes seemed to be solidified.

The True Immortal, the great ancestor of his Destiny dynasty, had his immortal body penetrated, and the True Immortal's origin was being extracted using magic power.

If this continues, will Taizu True Immortal's consciousness still be able to gather and wake up?

Yang Chen, that damn bastard, wants to cut off his only hope.

[Ding, the host began to absorb the origin of True Immortal, the Taizu of the Destiny Dynasty. Zhou Chen’s Dao heart suffered a serious blow and plundered the son of destiny. Zhou Chen’s luck value was 1000 points, and he gained a villain value of 100 points! 】

The system sounds.

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Compared with True Immortal's origin, he is more concerned about plundering the luck value from Zhou Chen.

Although the origin of True Immortal is very good, he does not intend to actually absorb and refine it.

Although it is very fast to use the Taotie Devouring Heaven Technique to improve the Cultivation Base, Yang Chen feels that such improvement damages the foundation.

Of course, this is also a matter of vision.

Like Zhou Ni and the wife of the palace master, their goal is the True Immortal realm. As long as they can survive the catastrophe of becoming an immortal, they will be satisfied.

And Yang Chen, after meeting the Aurora Taoist and Dragon Ancestor, his vision is no longer limited to the True Immortal realm.

Of course, although he will not refine and absorb the True Immortal source, it does not mean that he does not need it.

This True Immortal, the founder of the Destiny Dynasty, also practices the way of the emperor. His True Immortal origin has an unimaginable attraction for Qingyou.

If he wants to make Karen Ji's arrogant woman surrender to him, he must not only use coercion but also inducement.

True Immortal is a good choice.

Yang Chen looked at the palace master's wife who had absorbed the origin of True Immortal, and was thinking about when to take action against her.

Suddenly, a dangerous aura came from behind.

Yang Chen almost instinctively punched out the program control seal in his hand.


The space barrier formed by the Space Seal of 307 was instantly shattered.

A golden long sword pierced Yang Chen's eyebrows.

However, it was also because the Yukong Seal blocked it for a moment, giving Yang Chen time to react.

The space fluctuated, and the long sword passed through the phantom he left in place.

"You two are so brave, you dare to refine my body, you are punished by death!"

The rich voice was like thunder, exuding a strong coercion, like the resurrection of an emperor, making people feel the urge to kneel on the ground.

Yang Chen frowned at this moment.

The palace master’s wife also stopped absorbing the True Immortal origin.

Both of them looked solemnly at the True Immortal body in the coffin.

The Taizu True Immortal's consciousness has been condensed and revived.


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