Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

385: Escape Tiansuo! The Scar On The Lady’S Face! (Please Subscribe)

"Yang Chen, the coffin has been opened, the Taizu True Immortal's consciousness is probably awakening!"

"Let's not continue talking nonsense, we must take action immediately!"

The wife of the palace master said in a deep voice at this time.

Yang Chen looked at the coffin, and there was a middle-aged man in dragon robe lying inside.

Although it still looks like a corpse at this moment, a breath of life is lingering around it.

The immortal power emanating from the body is also gradually strengthening.

This all shows that the Taizu True Immortal's consciousness is condensing and recovering.

You really need to take action right away.

If a True Immortal's consciousness is fully restored, even if it is not in a state of complete victory, the Transcending Tribulation Realm cultivator may not be able to deal with it "five or seven".

"What are you going to do, madam?"

Yang Chen looked at the palace master's wife.

"The Taotie Devouring Heaven Technique includes a great sky-devouring formation. The two of us will work together to set up this formation to swallow its immortal power and life energy and delay its recovery!"

"I use the Sky-Escape Shuttle to penetrate his body and release its origin!"

As the palace master's wife spoke, a three-inch shuttle emitting a dark light appeared in her hand.

Seeing this little shuttle, Yang Chen's eyes were slightly startled.

On the Sky Escape Shuttle, he noticed the space penetrating power of the Ji Rope.

This Escape Sky Shuttle is a space holy weapon, and it is no less inferior to his Space Seal.

The Soul Palace is worthy of being an existence that even the ancient clans and dynasties in Zhongzhou Zhengdao’s holy land cannot destroy even if they join forces.

This foundation is also very deep.

Putting away the distracting thoughts in his heart, Yang Chen formed a seal with his hands, and his eyes gradually turned black.


A giant gluttonous beast bolted out of the body.

The giant gluttonous beast let out a series of low roars, and then its body began to disperse, turning into black Devilish Qi.

The wife of the palace master also released a giant gluttonous beast.

Devilish Qi are intertwined around the coffin.

Like a whirlpool, it began to swallow up the immortal power and life energy in the coffin.

Wisps of Devilish Qi wrapped around True Immortal's body and turned into black demonic flames, trying to burn his body.

If this corpse is not the body of True Immortal, relying on the sky-swallowing formation, its origin can be directly absorbed, and the body can also be directly refined.

However, the True Immortal body is obviously not comparable to the body of the Transcending Tribulation Realm and the Indistinguishable Realm.

What's more, this is a True Immortal that is well-preserved and whose consciousness is condensing and recovering.

The sky-swallowing formation circulated for a moment, but not a single bit of True Immortal's origin was absorbed.

"Madam, what are you waiting for?"

"If we let it wake up, do you think the two of us will be a match for True Immortal?"

Yang Chen said anxiously.

In fact, he was not too worried. After all, even if the refining failed, he was sure to leave.

Now, it is nothing more than conforming to the own positioning.

"Why are you panicking?"

"Even if he wakes up, I will still be blocking him!"

The lady of the palace shouted impatiently.

Then, the sky shuttle in his hand shone brightly, the space trembled, and it headed directly towards the coffin.


The body of True Immortal, who was helpless in the sky-swallowing formation, was like paper under the sky-escaping shuttle, and his abdomen was directly pierced by it.

This scene made Yang Chen stunned again.

The penetrating power of this Escape Sky Shuttle was stronger than he imagined.

True Immortal's body was penetrated by just one blow.

Even his current physical body may not be able to withstand such penetrating power.

Fortunately, I knew this in advance and could take some precautions……

Otherwise, it is really possible to fall into the hands of this old woman.

Under the devouring power of the sky-swallowing formation, golden True Immortal origins were pulled out from the wounds and dripped into the vortex.

Suddenly, Yang Chen felt a surge of pure energy entering his body.

This Taizu, True Immortal, practiced the way of the emperor, and his original aura was very similar to Karen Ji.

The wife of the palace master on the side was sitting directly in Lotus Position at this moment, and she actually started to practice.

Only 30% of the True Immortal origin in the sky-swallowing formation poured into Yang Chen's body.

The other 70% were all absorbed by the palace master's wife.

Yang Chen didn't stop him.

Because he knew that the wife of the palace master had reached the limit of her own Transcending Tribulation Realm.

No matter how much True Immortal source is absorbed, as long as it does not survive the Immortal Tribulation, the improvement in its combat power will be very limited.


At this time.

Perhaps it was because he had absorbed too much True Immortal essence and had no time to refine it. The hot imperial aura overflowed from the body of the palace master's wife, directly shattering the large black robe on her body.

Suddenly, a plump and beautiful figure appeared in front of him.

A dark green long skirt fit tightly on her plump and delicate body.

However, Yang Chen's eyes did not appreciate her graceful figure too much, but stopped on her cheeks.

Beautiful eyes like autumn water, a tall nose, a bit like a cherry blossom garden.

Everything is so perfect.

However, these perfect facial features were ruined by two eye-catching scars on her cheeks.

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