Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

352: Defeat Dao Heart, Sister To Sister! (Please Subscribe)

"Fart, who would take advantage of you bastard?"

Hearing Yang Chen's words, Karen Ji immediately shouted coldly.

But then he thought of the last time he transmitted True Immortal's blood.

The numbing sensation caused by running that filthy Cultivation Technique made her face flush and ears flush just thinking about it.

"Yang Chen, some things are destined to be secrets that cannot be known to others!"

"If you want this emperor to silence you in the future, you can mention it at any time!"

Karen Ji knew she couldn't defeat Yang Chen, so she could only say harsh words.

"Haha, the Queen senior is speaking harshly!"

"We are all a family, after all, you are still my eldest sister!

"God knows this and earth knows it. You know it and I know it. No third person will ever know about it!"

"Stop talking nonsense, who is your eldest sister?"

Karen Ji coldly glared at Yang Chen.

There was a hint of guilt in his eyes.

From Qinghan's point of view, own is indeed this bastard's eldest sister.

However, her sister is now going to perform a dual cultivation Cultivation Technique with Little Sister's dao companion, and there will be close contact during the process.

Although it is to draw the blood of True Immortal.

But think about it, I really feel sorry for Qinghan.

"When all the blood of True Immortal is absorbed, kill this bastard~!"

"Let him live well now and treat him as a vessel for cultivating the red fire!"

Karen Ji thought hard in her heart, and then shouted:

"Stop talking nonsense and let's get started!"

After speaking, Karen Ji waved her jade hands and arranged a formation in the Great Hall.

Then Lotus Position sat behind Yang Chen.

The jade hand was placed on Yang Chen's back.

Dragon and Phoenix dual cultivation works.

Suddenly, a majestic dragon's roar and a loud phoenix's cry sounded simultaneously.

The golden dragon shadow and the fire phoenix shadow hovered over the Great Hall, and then became intertwined.


A strong numbness instantly filled Karen Ji's limbs and bones.

Even though her Cultivation Base is extremely high, she has already passed through the soul tribulation and is only one step away from the True Immortal realm.

However, in front of this overwhelming numbness, he is still like a boat with a leaf.

Moreover, because Karen Ji practices the ruthless path and pays attention to the end of love and desire.

This numbing feeling was particularly strong in her body.

It can be said that it goes straight to the depths of the soul.


Karen Ji gritted her teeth to prevent herself from making that vile sound again.

She knew that even though that bastard Yang Chen had his back turned to her at this moment, he must be laughing at her.

She, Karen Ji, is the empress of destiny and will become an Immortal Venerable in the future. How can she be looked down upon by a junior.

"Oh, you have so much patience!"

"As expected of the Queen of Destiny!"

"Let me increase the dose for you and defeat the remaining Dao heart in you!"

Yang Chen secretly smiled in his heart, and the divine dragon Bloodline in his body began to flow, like a great river.

Suddenly, the golden dragon shadow above the two people's heads solidified a lot, and the light shone brightly.


The red fire phoenix phantom let out a mournful cry, as if it could not bear the power of the dragon, and there was a trace of mourning in the cry.



Karen Ji's voice trembled, and her phoenix eyes gradually became blurred.

True Immortal's blood entered her body, and her main focus was still on the True Immortal's blood.

The will to maintain the physical body will eventually be unable to resist the overwhelming numbness.

Yang Chen soon felt a plump mass sticking to his back.

Soft and hot jade hands roamed over his body.

Moreover, this time the strength of the jade hand was even stronger than the last time. Even though the clothes on her body were transformed from Ji Qinghan's phoenix feathers, they were still torn apart by Ji Qingyou.

In this situation, Yang Chen could only sit on the ground, not moving at all.

Like a holy Buddha, resisting the temptation of a witch.


Two hours passed.

Yang Chen let out a long breath. (The Good King's) This time, about one-fifth of the True Immortal's blood was transmitted.

Yang Chen originally only planned to transmit one-twentieth, and the long flow of water made Karen Ji completely lost in this feeling.

But this time there is no choice but to transmit more.

He also had himself to blame.

Every time it takes so long.

The Queen replaced Little Sister to help him solve some unresolved problems just now. This opportunity should not be missed casually.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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