Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

353: My Aunt Is Controlled Remotely! (Please Subscribe)

After a while, the blood-red light on Karen Ji's body was all restrained, and her phoenix eyes slowly opened.

There was a touch of satisfaction in his eyes.

This time she absorbed a large amount of True Immortal blood, enough for her to fully recover from her injuries.

Moreover, you can also understand the power of True Immortal from the Emperor's True Immortal.

If the opportunity is enough, with only one-fifth of the True Immortal's blood, she can hope to peek into the mystery of the True Immortal realm.

But soon, when Karen Ji's eyes shifted to Yang Chen, this satisfaction instantly turned into an astonishing murderous intention.

Because she was actually giving Yang Chen this bastard.

And this bastard is still...

Damn it.


The rules of the imperial law surged out of Karen Ji's body, directly knocking Yang Chen away.

"Yang Chen, this emperor must kill you today!"

Ji Qingyou's phoenix eyes were frosty, and her murderous intent was almost tangible.

Turning the jade hand, the Sun and Moon Divine Phoenix Tower appeared directly.

Yang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

The old woman Karen Ji is really murderous now.


The Sun and Moon Divine Phoenix Tower quickly enlarged, and a bloody divine phoenix rushed towards Yang Chen from it.

"Dammit, as for that?"

"It's not like a real sword or a real gun!"

Yang Chen cursed secretly in his heart.

He hurriedly took out the Yukong Seal and blocked it in front of him.


The rules of the imperial law and the power of space collided, directly collapsing the formation that Karen Ji had arranged before.

Yang Chen took a few steps back, relying on his strong body to barely block Karen Ji's strike.

"Slip away!"

Yang Chen tore open a crack in space and prepared to escape directly.

Although his physical body has now reached the Indistinguishable Dao Fourth Stage Realm.

Ordinary Indistinguishable Dao realm middle stage cultivator can't even withstand the power of his punch.

However, Karen Ji's strength has now returned to the Transcending Tribulation Realm.

It's not something he can deal with.

at this time.

Ji Qinghan's shout came, making Yang Chen stop.

"Sister, stop!"

A stream of blue light directly penetrated the violent imperial rules and came to Yang Chen.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

"Brother Chen and I have become a companion. Any intimate behavior between us is our private matter. Don't interfere too much!"

Ji Qinghan stood in front of Yang Chen.

In her opinion, her sister took action against Brother Chen just because of what happened just now.

Although it was indeed shameful, she did it voluntarily.

(cjae) It was embarrassing for my sister to see the private affairs between my companions.

But if my sister wants to take care of it, then she is nosy.

"Qinghan you!"

Ji Qingyou raised her jade hand, and the rules of the imperial way condensed.

But in the end, I still couldn't let it go.

The Sun and Moon Divine Phoenix Tower also submerged into her body again.

I had just experienced that kind of thing with this bastard Yang Chen.

Now facing her own Little Sister, she really can't maintain the dignity of her eldest sister.

Moreover, the action just now was completely motivated by anger.

Now calm down.

She couldn't continue to kill this bastard Yang Chen.

After all, the seeds of True Immortal and Red Lotus Karmic Fire are all in this bastard.

"Yang Chen, be careful in the future!"

After coldly warning Yang Chen, Karen Ji disappeared directly.


"Brother Chen, are you okay?"

Ji Qinghan turned around quickly, her beautiful eyes full of worry.

"I'm fine. Queen Senior just wants to teach me a lesson. Can she really kill me?"

Yang Chen said indifferently.

"He said it was okay, but his clothes were already like this!"

Looking at Yang Chen's tattered clothes, Ji Qinghan rolled his eyes, took out a Phoenix divine feather again, turned it into a white robe and put it on Yang Chen.

And at this time.

Two streams of light came over.

The light dissipated, revealing the figures of Zhou and Zhou Chen.

"Yang Chen, where is my imperial sister-in-law?"

When Zhou Chen saw Yang Chen standing safe and sound, a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

With the fluctuation of True Qi just now, he thought it was the emperor's sister-in-law who wanted to kill Yang Chen, a bastard.

Unexpectedly, the joy was in vain.

"My sister is back!"

"Zhou Chen, the palace is such an important place. How can you come in and out at will? Get out quickly. I will be annoyed when I see you!"

Ji Qinghan said coldly, not hiding the boredom in his tone.

"Qinghan you!"

Zhou Chen's face was gloomy.

Cursing secretly in my heart:

This bitch really forgets the old love when she has a new love.

"This palace belongs to my Zhou family, not to mention that the emperor's wife has already allowed me to enter the palace at any time to give her instructions on the Cultivation Base. Why can't I come!"

Zhou Chen replied.

Now the emperor's sister-in-law has returned.

He was not worried about what Ji Qinghan could do to him.

In the heart of the imperial sister-in-law, his brother-in-law is more important than Ji Qinghan, the Little Sister.

"you wanna die!"

Ji Qinghan's beautiful eyes were full of anger, and she raised her hand and slapped him.

However, the palm print was still more than ten feet away from Zhou Chen, so it was resolved by Zhou Ni.

"Ji Qinghan, don't go too far!"

Zhou Ni's voice was cold.

"It's too much. I'm just too much, so what can I do?"

"Zhou Ni, without the Great Seal of Heaven, how can you be my opponent?"

Ji Qinghan showed no signs of weakness, and blue flames rose from his body.

I want to settle my old and new grudges with Zhou Ni.

The last time she was trapped by the Tiandu seal in front of Brother Chen, it made her very embarrassed.

However, Yang Chen on the side stopped her.

"Qinghan, don't be so quick to hit and kill!"

"Didn't I tell you? Senior Zhou Ni is now my follower!"

"Well, that's right, I almost forgot!"

Hearing Yang Chen's words, Ji Qinghan's beautiful eyes suddenly flashed with amusement, and then he shouted:

"Zhou Ni, when you see your master, don't you know how to salute?"


Zhou Ni's face was ashen.

Although he was imprinted with a divine soul by Yang Chen.

But she didn't really want to follow this bastard.

"Chen'er, let's go!"

Zhou Ni pulled Zhou Chen and turned around to leave.

If you can't afford to offend her, you can always hide away.


As soon as True Qi was activated, currents flowed from the depths of the soul, straight through the limbs and bones.


Zhou Ni groaned.

Her plump and delicate body trembled and wavered.

Zhou Chen on the side was delighted, but at this moment, he was not happy at all.

His aunt was actually controlled remotely by that bastard Yang Chen.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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