Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

351: Don’T Take Advantage Of Junior Again! (Please Subscribe)

Looking at the scene in front of her, Ji Karenyou's eyes widened.

Although she was already prepared for Yang Chen, a bastard, to have an intimate relationship with Qinghan.

But the scene at this moment still shocked her.

That girl Qinghan, like that old woman Yan Honglian, did such a despicable thing to a bastard like Yang Chen.

How shameless.

You are my Karen Ji’s Little Sister, and now you have turned into a pure-blooded true phoenix.

Why don’t you have a little bit of Phoenix’s pride?

Looking at Yang Chen with a look of enjoyment, a surge of anger rose in Karen Ji's heart.

I couldn't bear it any longer and drank directly:



"Sister, sister?"

Ji Qinghan exclaimed and stood up quickly.

Her beautiful face was already flushed, and now it was even redder than blood.

My sister actually saw me doing this with Brother Chen.

This is, well, so shameful.

Looking into his sister's undeniably angry eyes, Ji Qinghan felt his face burning when he thought of how hard he had tried to please Brother Chen just now.

Unable to stay any longer, he escaped from the Great Hall in a flash.

"Queen senior, why are you here suddenly?"

"I don't know how to say hello, how embarrassing it is!"

Yang Chen lay in the pool, his tone full of helplessness.

Karen Ji, an old woman, came at the right time.

If you don’t come early, you won’t come late.

But now.

He was just a little bit close.

"Humph, this is my emperor's palace, why can't I come?"

Karen Ji stared at Yang Chen coldly.

If this bastard hadn't been useful, she would have slapped him to death right now.

"Yang Chen, my emperor's Little Sister is not that old woman Yan Honglian!"

"If you really like her, you should respect her!"

"If this kind of thing happens again, don't blame me for being rude to you.

Karen Ji warned coldly.


Hearing her words, Yang Chen immediately laughed.

"Is the queen's control too lenient? Qinghan and I are now companions!"

"How can there be no close contact between two companions?"

"Not everyone is like you, the Queen, senior, who practices ruthlessness and renounces love!"

"you shut up!"

"The intimacy between the companions and your behavior just now are two different things!"

"Even if I practice the ruthless way, I will still live for a few Thousand Years. I have never seen this before!"

Ji Karen's phoenix eyes glanced sideways at Yang Chen, full of contempt.

"Oh? Queen Senior has also seen it?"

"But in the cave, oh, yes, I almost forgot, Queen Senior was once married as a woman!"

Yang Chen originally just wanted to tease the old woman Karen Ji, but as soon as he said these words, he suddenly felt cold all over his body, like a ray of light on his back.

"Yang Chen, I see that you are really impatient!"

Ji Karenyou's phoenix eyes were filled with frost, and her jade hand took out "Ten palm prints that were condensed into substance and directly covered the entire pool.

The palm print did not cause any damage to the Great Hall, but the spiritual fluid in the pool evaporated instantly.

"Queen, senior, it's very bad of you to do this. We are all a family, how can you do it just because you say it?"

Yang Chen's teasing voice sounded from behind her.

Karen Ji turned around.

Looking at Yang Chen who was dressed in white and exuding a free and easy temperament, his eyes were a little more surprised.

Although her palm was just to vent her anger, she didn't intend to kill the bastard.

However, it still surprised her that this bastard escaped so easily.

You know, now that she has refined the blood of True Immortal, her strength has recovered a lot.

Although it still has not returned to its heyday, it has also reached the Transcending Tribulation Realm.

Feeling the fluctuations of aura emanating from Yang Chen's body, Karen Ji raised her eyebrows slightly:

"Have you started casting Daoji?"


Yang Chen nodded.

"It's a pity that it was one step away and the casting was not successful!"

"Humph, casting the Dao Foundation is more important than the Golden Core and the Gathering Origin God. It often takes hundreds of years!"

"How long has it been since you reached the peak of Void Refining Realm? If you don't have enough foundation, it is naturally impossible to successfully cast it directly!"

"Yang Chen, the way you have cultivated is too complex. I remind you that it is best to stay in this Realm for decades!"

"Otherwise, if you force a breakthrough, the forged Dao foundation will leave flaws, and it will be extremely difficult to become an immortal in the future!"

Ji Qingyou said lightly.

"What the Queen Senior said is absolutely true!"

Yang Chen nodded and agreed.

But he didn't care in his heart.

He only needs to find the right direction 227, and then use his luck value to offset decades of hard work.

Besides, he was also planning to let Karen Ji, Zhou Chen's sister-in-law, get pregnant and quickly plunder Zhou Chen's luck.

How can we spend decades on casting the foundation?

"The Queen, senior, is coming here. She shouldn't just be concerned about my progress in cultivation, right?"

Yang Chen walked to Karen Ji and asked with a smile.

"Hmph, who cares about your progress in cultivation? I wish you would die of Qi Deviation!"

Karen Ji curled her lips, and then said seriously:

"It's been such a long time, you should be almost recovered!"

"Last time, I had already consumed all the True Immortal blood!"

"It turns out it's for the blood of True Immortal!"

Yang Chen took a look at her graceful and tall body, with a hint of amusement on his face:

"Queen senior, Junior can give you True Immortal blood!"

"But we have to agree first, you are not allowed to take advantage of Junior again!"

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg you readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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