Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

275: True Immortal Is Like An Ant! Descendants Of The Aurora Taoist Master! (Please Subscribe)

Everyone's eyes also turned to the Misty Saint.

Yang Chen also had some doubts in his eyes.

Because, he could feel that this misty saint was not simple.

Just now he killed King Yanbei with one sword.

The rest of the people retreated with fear.

She was the only one who just sighed regretfully without showing any fear.

Moreover, his sword realm has reached the realm of Sword Nine, and his perception has become extremely sharp.

It can be vaguely noticed that although this Misty Saint is only in the Void Refining Eighth Stage Realm, her strength is definitely far superior to that of King Yan Bei in the Void Refining Ninth Stage. "650" "I do know some information about Master Aurora!"

The Piaomiao Saint looked at the statue in front of her and spoke slowly:

"Master Aurora is not the immortals of Kunlun Realm!"

"But he came from outside the world a hundred Ten Thousand Years ago to help the immortals in the Kunlun world!"

"The reason why there is a record of Master Aurora in our Piao Miao Immortal Palace is because the founding ancestor of Piao Miao Immortal Palace was a clansman who followed Master Aurora ten times to the Kunlun Realm to help in the war!"

"Moreover, those who can be called Tao Masters are all extraordinary figures who have created a path of cultivation on their own. Not to mention the Kunlun World in ancient times, even in the Immortal World, they are also figures who stand at the top and are giants!"

"Create a road on your own?"

"Immortal World Giant?"

The words of the Misty Saint made everyone's eyes become hot.

At this time, the prince of Da Chu, who was wearing a dragon robe, suddenly shot a black formation flag towards everyone.

The black formation flag released rune formations, forming a cage, trapping Yang Chen and the Piaomiao Saint.

Then, taking advantage of this gap, he hurriedly rushed towards the center of the statue's eyebrows to enter it first.

“Damn it!”

Yuxuan and the other cultivators all shouted coldly.

Begin to break down the prison formation around you.

The three-color immortal light emanating from the statue's brows and vertical eyes seemed to be a barrier, stopping the Prince of Chu.

"Open it to me!"

The prince of Da Chu directly took out the sacred weapon he was carrying.

A dragon-shaped spear, filled with the aura of the emperor, and dragon roars.

Directly thrust a spear towards the center of the eyebrow to forcefully break it open.

Although his Realm is in the Void Refining Eighth Stage, his strength is not as good as Yang Chen and Piao Miao Saint.

Only by striking first can it be possible to obtain the inheritance of this Immortal World giant.



The holy weapon spear touched the three-color immortal light, but was directly bounced back.

And a beam of light shot out from the eyebrows.


The dragon-shaped spear shattered into three pieces.

Moreover, the beam of light continued unabated and penetrated directly through Prince Tianchu.

Immediately, the body and soul of the Dachu Prince turned into nothingness.

There wasn't even a chance to utter a cry.


"The sacred vessel is broken?"

"The prince of Da Chu is also dead?"

This scene made the other people dumbfounded.

Even Yang Chen's eyes were fixed.

The dragon-shaped spear in the hand of the Prince of Dachu is a sacred weapon, the weapon of the True Immortal..

Even if it is a True Immortal, it is not easy to destroy it.

However, the three-color immortal light emitted from the statue's eyebrows was directly cut into several pieces.

This Aurora Dao Master is indeed worthy of being a giant in the Immortal World.

For him, True Immortal is probably no different from an ant.

The death of Prince Dachu also made everyone realize that the brows and eyes that contain inheritance should not be broken into by force.

At this time, perhaps due to the attack by the Dachu Crown Prince, the statue's brows and eyes also changed.

The originally calm three-color immortal light began to fluctuate, and the immortal light actually rippled like water waves.

Finally, the three-color immortal light separated and arranged in a Z-shaped pattern, forming three whirlpools of light, two horizontal and one vertical, which was very magical.

And it shot a three-color ray of light downwards, directly covering the body of the Misty Saint.

At the same time, the entire body of the Misty Saint was covered in three-color rays of light, and finally, a vertical eye appeared at 5.8 between her eyebrows, which was the same as the statue of the Aurora Taoist Master.


Everyone was immediately shocked.

Yang Chen also frowned.

Just now he felt that this Misty Saint was not simple.

Now it is indeed so.

She should be from the same race as this Aurora Taoist.

Or, they are the Bloodline descendants of Aurora Taoist Master.

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