Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

274: The Tomb Is Opened! Aurora Taoist Master, Unparalleled In Splendor! (Please Subscribe)

The river of blood dissipated and the long knife fell.

In the sky, blood rained.


"King Yanbei is dead?"

"With just one sword, you killed the King of Yanbei?"

This scene made several Void Refining late stage cultivators who were preparing to besiege Yang Chen frightened and instantly lost the courage to take action.

As strong as the King of Yanbei, the Void Refining Ninth Stage can't stop a sword, let alone them.

Even if they join forces to besiege, they are definitely no match.

Several Void Refining late stage cultivators who were originally planning to surround and kill Yang Chen hurriedly retreated hundreds of feet away, fearing that they would follow in the footsteps of King Yan Bei~.

The misty saint's beautiful eyes were solemn, and with a final sigh, she dispersed the ice and snow immortal light on her body.

Yu Xuan looked at Yang Chen, who was unable to lift his head when these top geniuses in Zhongzhou were suppressed by one person and one sword in the sky, her beautiful eyes filled with sparkles - Lianlian.

After this battle, the Holy Son will be invincible to his peers in Zhongzhou.

Yang Chen walked towards Yuzun at this time.

The Sword intent is still on my body.

Although everyone present could not recognize that this was the Sword intent of the Nine Sword Realm.

However, the strength of Sword's intent still makes people feel like they are developing.

Especially Yu Zun.

At this moment, I just feel like my body is filled with endless Sword intent.

As if Yang Chen only needed one look, he would be chopped into pieces by the infinite Sword intent.

Involuntarily, Yu Zun was afraid.

Every time Yang Chen took a step, he took a step back.

Although he considers himself to be invincible, Lian Zhou's Fifth Stage Realm is not inferior to any late stage talent present.

However, facing Yang Chen at this moment, he only felt a sense of powerlessness rushing from the soles of his feet to his forehead.


Yuzun cursed himself angrily in his heart, wanting to rush forward and fight Yang Chen to the death.

However, the body is not listening at the moment.

[Ding, the Jade Lord is afraid of the host, Dao heart collapses, plunders the Son of Destiny, and the Yu Lord’s luck value is 500 points, and the host gets the villain value of 500 points!]

The system sounds.

Yang Chen couldn't help but curse secretly.

They were all afraid and their hearts collapsed, so they stepped on their horses and plundered 500 points of luck.

Do you have to make your cousin and aunt grow pregnant in order to take away all the luck from your boy?

After glancing at Yuzun lightly, Yang Chen suddenly slashed out a sword light.

However, the sword light did not slash towards Yu Zun, but directly towards the Holy Son of Jinyang behind him.

The immortal light of the holy weapon in the hand of Holy Son Jinyang shines brightly.

However, facing Yang Chen's ultimate sword, he still couldn't hold on, and his figure dissipated in the river of blood.

The sacred weapon turned into a stream of light, and was held in the hands of the other cultivators of Jinyang Holy Land, and they quickly escaped.

Yang Chen did not take it, but held the key to the tomb of Holy Son Jin Yang in his hand.

He must capture the key to the True Immortal's tomb.

The reason why I chose Holy Son Jinyang was entirely because this guy was too cheap.

He was the only one just now and took the opportunity to intercept the retreat.

"Everyone, I don't care about what happened before. Now open the True Immortal tomb with me!"

"As for whose hands the True Immortal inheritance falls into, it all depends on their own abilities!"

Yang Chen said, and directly activated the True Immortal tomb key in his hand, and the beam of light shot towards the stone tablet emitting three-color immortal light.

When everyone else saw this, they immediately let out a sigh of relief.

They were really worried that the Holy Son of Daotian would kill them in anger.

Although they know that the Daotian Holy Son is here, their chances of obtaining the True Immortal inheritance are slim.

But they still activated the True Immortal tomb keys in their hands.

After all, obtaining the True Immortal inheritance does not depend solely on strength.

It's not like they have no chance at all.

Suddenly, eight beams of light gathered together.

The immortal light of the three-color stone tablet shines brightly.

Finally, immortal light became a light gate.

A vast immortal power came from it.

Although everyone present is a Void Refining Realm, facing this vast immortal power, everyone is trembling with fear.

There were even some people with lower realms who couldn't bear the pressure and knelt on the ground.

Yang Chen looked at the light gate with solemn eyes.

0...Please give me flowers...

He has a lot of True Immortal blood in his body.

Moreover, there is also a blood sword that can kill True Immortal.

But at this moment, the True Immortal blood and blood swords in his body were trembling in the face of this vast immortal power.

This Aurora Taoist is not just an ordinary True Immortal.

I'm afraid the strength is still far above that of True Immortal.

And he is obviously not the only one who realizes this.


A figure rushed into it first.

"Holy Son, let's quickly enter it!"

Yuxuan said quickly.

Yang Chen nodded and flew into it with Yu Xuan.

After the eight people who held the keys to the True Immortal tomb entered, a cultivator felt the vast power of the immortal and was unwilling to break into it.

However, as soon as he got close to the light door, there was a shrill roar.

The figure was directly purified into nothingness by the three-color immortal light.

Suddenly, no one dared to break in by force.

In the space of the stone monument.

A huge statue appeared in front of everyone.

The statue is of a woman, with an unparalleled elegance and a beautiful face.

However, between his eyebrows, there is a vertical eye emitting three-color immortal light.

The immortal light wandering in the space of the stone tablet is emanating from the vertical eye between the eyebrows of the statue, reflecting the colorful world.

"Is this statue the Aurora Taoist Master?"

"I didn't expect that she turned out to be a woman of extraordinary beauty!"

A cultivator spoke up, staring blankly at the beautiful statue in front of him.

"Piaomiao Immortal Palace has a long history, and it is said to have been inherited from ancient times!"

"The Piaomiao Saint has always stayed aloof from the world, but just now she went out of her way to fight for her. I'm afraid she knows some secrets that we don't know!"

At this time, Yuxuan suddenly said.

Her beautiful eyes stared at the Misty Saint, her tone somewhat malicious.

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