Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

276: The Powerful Misty Saint! Three-Eyed Fairy Clan! (Please Subscribe)

After the Misty Saint opened her eyes, her aura also increased rapidly.

It was directly upgraded from the Void Refining Eighth Stage to the Void Refining Tenth Stage, reaching the pinnacle of the Void Refining stage.

Red, blue, silver, and three colors of light on the body complement each other.

And an ancient aura began to be released from her body.

Except for Yang Chen, everyone felt the bloodline pressure in their hearts.

Even Yang Chen felt that the golden blood in his body was flowing much faster, making waves of roaring sounds like a rushing river.

"This Misty Saint is indeed not simple. I have heard for a long time that she is also an extremely special existence in Misty Holy Land!"

"Holy Son of Daotian, why don't we take action together and interrupt her awakening Bloodline!"

"Otherwise, once her Bloodline awakens, the inheritance here will definitely belong to her!"

At this time, a cultivator said in a deep voice.

But 02, as soon as the words were spoken, a red light shot out from the center of the misty saint's eyebrows.


The Void Refining late stage cultivator who proposed to interrupt her awakening Bloodline was directly covered by the red light beam.

The red light instantly turned into flames and burned it directly.

Not even the soul could escape.

"Whoever dares to stop me will die!"

The voice of the Misty Saint was cold and contained murderous intent.

At this moment, she was not as elegant and clear as before.

Yang Chen didn't take action.

The Piaomiao Saint was obviously inspired by the Aurora Taoist Master, and then she awakened the Bloodline in her body.

At this time, there is definitely no way to interrupt her.

If you force the attack, you may be attacked by the three-color immortal light.

Just now, even the holy weapon couldn't withstand the blow of the three-color immortal light.

After a while.

The three-color immortal light on the Misty Saint gradually dissipated.

The veil on his face also turned into powder.

Suddenly, a stunningly beautiful face was revealed to everyone.

The city is peerless, like icebergs and snow lotuses.

But combined with the three-color radiant vertical eyes between his eyebrows.

But there is a bit of magic in the coldness.


Seeing Yang Chen staring blankly at the Misty Saint, Yu Xuan couldn't help but snort.

Because this ethereal saint who has always been wearing a veil, her appearance is not inferior to hers at all.

Moreover, the Holy Son was still staring blankly.

"There are other people waiting, so you'd better get out!"

"Yuzun Yuxuan, you two, I can give you an opportunity!"

"The inheritance of Master Aurora requires three people to enter it together. The two of you can come with me!"

The Misty Saint said calmly, her tone unquestionable.

The reason why Yuxuan Yuzun was selected was, firstly, because they were members of the Jade Clan, with the Holy Spirit Bloodline flowing in their bodies, and they practiced the power of light, which was consistent with the inheritance of the Aurora Taoist Master.

The second is that the Realm of the two of them is the lowest and is easy to control. It can ensure that she accepts the inheritance without any accidents and takes the lead in the inheritance.

"Since the Piaomiao Saint has said it, of course I am willing!"

Yu Zun walked to the side of Piao Miao Saint.

At this moment, his heart was simply ecstatic.

Originally, he was afraid of facing Yang Chen, but he no longer had any hope for inheritance here.

But I didn’t expect there would be an unexpected surprise.

This misty saint dared to invite him to join her to accept the inheritance.


This is so good, so good.

A giant of the Immortal World who treats True Immortal like an ant, if her inheritance is obtained, it will definitely not be difficult to kill Yang Chen, a bastard in the future.

At that time, the humiliation I have suffered will be repaid tenfold.

Moreover, he is receiving the inheritance with his cousin and the Piaomiao Saint, and with the beauty by his side, something might happen.

Seeing Yu Zun's proud face, Yang Chen also felt helpless in his heart.

He is indeed a son of destiny.

Even if you stand still, you will have the opportunity to be delivered to your door.

And this kind of routine is also common in novels.

The Piaomiao Saint used the Jade Lord to enter the center of her eyebrows and raise her eyes, but her inheritance was taken away by him.

This should be the next plot.


Now it’s time to change it.

"Piao Miao Saint, I am also very interested in the inheritance of Aurora Taoist Master, and my attainments in the Path of Light 033 can be said to be the best among my peers. Why don't you let me enter it with you?"

Yang Chen asked at this time.

The tone was a bit playful.

The Piaomiao Saint did not choose him, and he knew the reason clearly.

Naturally, it is because he is too strong and difficult to control.

"You have no connection with our Three-Eyed Immortal Clan, so you can't enter it!"

The Misty Saint said lightly.

"Three-Eyed Immortal Clan?"

"This is the first time I've heard of it!"

"But what if I have to enter it!"

Hearing this, a flash of meaning flashed in the beautiful eyes of the Misty Saint.

"Don't think that you can kill a waste like King Yanbei and you won't be afraid of anything. I am not afraid of you!"

"Now I have reached the peak of Void Refining, which is two small steps higher than you!"

"If you dare to take action, I will have no choice but to kill you first!"

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