Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

223: Cross The Third Stage And Defeat With One Sword! Really Just A Nephew? (Seeking Subscription)

"Sword Eight!?"

"Sword Intent Eighth Stage, even a sword cultivator in the Indistinguishable Dao realm may not be able to comprehend such a Sword intent, but was comprehended by a cultivator who just entered Void Refining?"

"Those who can reach the realm of sword eight on the way of swordsman are all world-renowned figures in Zhongzhou!"

"Among the thousand years, the kendo cultivator who has stepped into the realm of Sword Eight, has the lowest Cultivation Base, and is also at the Void Refining late stage. He was the master of the Jiange Pavilion back then!

"I didn't expect that there would be such a master of swordsmanship in Daotian Holy Land!"

"This person is far more evil than Dugu Wutian!"

With the discussion of a Power cultivator.

Yang Chen on the martial arts arena put his fingers together.

Although the Ancient Pure Yang Sword was not taken out.

But at this moment, he himself seemed to be a sword, an invincible sword.

A resounding sword roar, thousands of swords screamed together.

Golden flames erupted from Yang Chen's body.

Combined with the Sword intent, a golden giant sword was instantly formed.


Yang Chen drank in a low voice.

Fingers swung like swords.

Although the bright dragon is condensed by the light god, Sacred is powerful.

But under the golden giant sword burning with the flame of the sun god, it was cut off directly in the middle.


Faintly, the bright dragon even let out a mournful moan.

The huge dragon body was destroyed by Sword intent and flames in just an instant.

And as Yang Chen took a step forward, the infinite Sword intent pointed directly at Yu Zun at this moment.


A sword cry seemed to explode from the void.


Although the Sword intent was invisible, it broke through the light armor on Yu Zun's body in an instant.

Let him spurt a mouthful of blood directly, and follow behind him for more than a hundred feet.

"What a strong sword!"

"Just one sword, cut off Yu Zun with a full-strength (adae) blow!"

"Moreover, with the Sword intent alone, the Guangming Chen box on Yuzun's body was broken!"

"Is this too exaggerated?"

"It would be fine if Yang Chen is also Void Refining Fourth Stage, but he is Void Refining First Stage!"

"Cross the Third Stage Realm and defeat a body of the holy spirit with an invincible map!"

"Even the Sword intent of Sword Eight Realm, it can't be so perverted!"

Many cultivators in the field looked at each other in blank dismay. Even though they were all cultivators at the peak of Void Refining or even in the realm of Indistinguishable Dao, it was still a little hard to understand at the moment.

After all, Ya is already the top talent in Zhongzhou.

They think that among the Sect, it is difficult to find a jade Venerable that can compare with it.

But at this moment, such a peerless arrogance with an invincible posture was defeated by someone who crossed the Third Stage Realm.

Then, how monstrous is this Yang Chen?

Is Sword Eight Realm so powerful?

At this time, an old man in black robe said in a deep voice:

"That is indeed the Sword intent of Sword Eight Realm!"

"However, it's not the beginning of Jianba, but the small success of Jianba!"

"That Sword intent should be the Pure Yang Sword Art of Pure Yang Venerable back then!"

"This son's attainments in the way of swordsmanship are not inferior to this seat, and even surpass them!"

"It's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, which makes my old bones ashamed!"

The voice of the black-robed old man was low, even mixed with a sense of loneliness.

"Sword Ba Xiaocheng!?"

" Void Refining First Stage has comprehended the realm of Sword Eight, and has also reached Xiaocheng Realm!?"

"In the land of Zhongzhou, there is such a monster of swordsmanship!"

"This kid's swordsmanship is comparable to that of Jushan Swordsman!"

"Taotian Holy Land is worthy of inheriting Ten Thousand Years, and its heritage is indeed profound!"

"With this son here, in the future Zhongzhou Sword Dao, I'm afraid we will have to see Daotian Holy Land!"

No one doubted the words of the old man in black robe.

Because, he is one of the six sword masters of Jiange, and he has entered the realm of Jianba for more than two thousand years.

He is a well-known sage of swordsmanship in the land of Zhongzhou.


Seeing Yang Chen showing such a shocking Sword intent, and smashing Yu Zun's bright dragon with one sword, Zhan Qiuyun couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Meimou looked at Yang Chen, a bit of anger flashed across her mind, and she couldn't help cursing inwardly:

"This little bastard is really hiding something deep!"

"Before this seat, I really underestimated you. You actually comprehended the Sword intent of Sword Eight Realm, and you are still a small Realm!"

"Even this seat is above the way of the sword, and it is only the first entry into Jianba!"

The beautiful woman in the fairy palace beside her was also full of surprise in her beautiful eyes at this moment.

Sword eight small success, this kind of Sword intent, not many people in the entire land of Zhongzhou can achieve it.

Those who have achieved it are all well-known elder cultivators.

However, the beautiful woman in the fairy palace was also full of doubts while being shocked.

Because, Zhan Qiuyun's reaction was too unusual.

She knows Zhan Qiuyun very well, but she knows that Zhan Qiuyun is cold in heart and rarely cares about others sincerely.

Moreover, look at her demeanor just now, why is there a bit of anger.

This Yang Chen is really just her nephew?

The relationship between them is probably not that simple.

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