Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

224: One Punch Crushes The Invincible Heart! I Have To Start With My Aunt! (Seeking Subscription)

On the martial arts field.

The bright armor on Yuzun's body was broken, and there was a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

His face was full of disbelief.

"Kenpachi Realm!"

"One sword, one sword destroyed my strongest blow!?"

"How can it be!"

"This is impossible!"

Yuzun growled in his heart.

Ever since he embarked on the path of cultivation, he has always defeated his opponents with force~, becoming invincible along the way.

Even my aunt said that when she was young, she didn't have the fighting power that she did.

He is the body of the Holy Spirit.

He is the one with the strongest bloodline in the Ten Thousand Years of the Jade Clan.

We should fight against all the geniuses and find our own invincible path.

However, he was defeated by a junior from the First Stage of the Void Refining Realm in the Daotian Holy Land with a sword.

Yutai raised his head and looked around, as if he could see everyone laughing at him just now.

Especially when she saw the surprised expression on her cousin Yuxuan's face and the beauty in her sleep.


Yu Zun felt like his heart was twisting in a knife.

His cousin's eyes were not on him.

Instead, it was on Yang Chen.

Damn it.

[Ding, the host defeated Yu Zun with one sword, Yu Zun was invincible, Dao heart was seriously damaged, plundered son of destiny Yu Zun’s luck value of 2000 points, and the host obtained villain value of 2000 points!]

[Ding, the host showed his peerless talent, and Yu Xuan's favorable impression of the host greatly increased. He was noticed by Yu Zun, and Yu Zun's mood was seriously damaged. He robbed the son of destiny Yu Zun's luck value of 2000 points, and the host gained 2000 villain points! 】

System sounds sounded one after another.

Yang Chen couldn't help but curl his lips slightly.

There was some sigh in my heart.

Good guy, he is indeed the invincible son of destiny.

Interrupting his invincible pretense, he actually received so many rewards.

A total of 4,000 points of luck were plundered in one fell swoop.

Yang Chen looked at Yu Zun.

In fact, Yuzun's strength is not weak.

The sword strike just now seemed like he just made one sword strike.

But in fact, that is his strongest sword.

His Sword intent is a small achievement in the realm of Kenpachi.

And there is only one step left to enter the Great Completion of Kenpachi.

With the blessing of this Sword intent, plus his Sun Flame.

It can be said to be the most rigid and powerful, capable of destroying and burning everything.

Only then did he seemingly cut off the giant dragon of light that Yu Zun had used with all his strength with one sword strike.

As for breaking through his armor of light.

It is a secret technique recorded by Chunyang Venerable in the Chunyang Sword Codex.

It's called the art of drawing a sword and slaying the sky.

This secret technique can condense one's own Sword intent to attack.

Back then, Chunyang Venerable, using this secret technique to kill three Indistinguishable Dao Power, only relied on its own Sword intent when True Qi Yuanshen could not be used.

Of course, Chunyang Venerable's Sword intent is definitely much stronger than his.

However, with his Sword Intent that is close to Kenpachi's Great Completion level, it will not be a problem to break through Yu Zun's bright armor.

"Senior Brother Yuzun, are you okay?"

"Haha, the winner has been decided. Fairy Yuxuan and I still have an appointment, so I'll take my leave now!"

Yang Chen cupped his hands towards Yuzun, showed a warm and caring smile, and then turned around and walked towards the stone platform where Yuxuan was.

However, this smile, in Yu Zun's view, was a naked mockery of him.

I also have an appointment with my cousin.

"Asshole, I want you to die!"

Yu Zun roared, with ferocious murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

He was the body of the Holy Spirit, the Void Refining Fourth Stage, but was wounded by the sword of a cultivator of the Void Refining First Stage.

This is a great disgrace.

Only by killing this bastard can I calm my own heart.

Only then can we re-establish our belief in invincibility.

, Let cousin!, not become someone else's shape.

Several fine cracks opened on the Jade Lord's body, and large amounts of blood leached out from them.

The blood burned fiercely, and the jade-white light bloomed crazily.

His own momentum rose rapidly.


0...asking for flowers...

Yu Zun growled.

Once again, he condensed a spear of light and pierced Yang Chen.

This attack was simple and unpretentious, but full of killing intent.

"Xiaochen, be careful!"

Zhan Qiuyun hurriedly reminded her.

Although Yang Chen has his back to Yuzun at this moment, his soul perception is always watching him.

After all, this is the effect he wants.

There are not many opportunities to harvest wool. He needs to clear it up a few times.

Moreover, he wants to completely crush Yuzun's invincible Dao heart.

Turn around sharply.

Punch out.

There isn't any True Qi, nor is Kendo used.

Just a punch.


It hit the bright spear stabbed by Yu Zun firmly.


The spear full of murderous intent was broken into two pieces.

One of the spears pierced Yuzun's chest.

He was nailed directly to the stone pillar at the edge of the martial arts field.

Blood flowed down the stone pillar, and the appearance was even more miserable than that of Dugu Wutian just now.

[Ding, the host severely injured Yu Zun with one punch, completely shattering Yu Zun's invincible heart. Yu Zun's mood collapsed and he fainted. He robbed the son of destiny of Yu Zun's luck value of 1000 points, and the host gained 1000 villain points! 】

The system sound sounds.

Yang Chen couldn't help but his eyes narrowed slightly.

Yuzun's invincible heart was shattered, and he plundered a thousand points of luck.

It seems that it will be a bit difficult to plunder his luck value in this area.

Yang Chen looked at Yu Yourong who was sitting on the stone platform.

In my mind, I couldn't help but think of this beautiful woman's peerless appearance and the beauty of her appearance.

The corners of his mouth gradually rose.

It seemed that if he wanted to plunder Yuzun's luck in the future, he would have to start with her, his aunt.


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