Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

222: Qiu Yun, If You Care About It, It Will Be Messed Up! The Realm Of Kenpachi! (Seeking Subscripti

Yu Zun pointed his gun at Yang Chen, his voice was full of wild and domineering.

At this moment, the audience fell silent.

All eyes followed Yu Zun's spear and looked in Yang Chen's direction.

"He is Yang Chen?"

"Void Refining First Stage, will it be Yu Zun's opponent?"

"The previous thunder calamity was the scariest Void Refining thunder calamity I have ever seen in my life. If this person grows up for another three hundred years, he may be able to surpass Yu Zun, but now, he is too young!

"Yu Zun is not going to give him a chance to grow up, he wants to smash his Dao heart now!"

"If he fights, with his Cultivation Base of Void Refining First Stage, he is absolutely no match for Yuzun. If he refuses to fight, Dao's heart will be damaged!"

"Yu Zun's move is a bit vicious!"

"Perhaps seeing Fairy Yuxuan and Yang Chen walking so close, life and death!"

"Wonder if Saint Lord will stop it?"

On the stone platform around the Martial Arts Field, everyone was talking about it.

Some Biejiao Power who came to watch the battle, although they don't know much about Yang Chen, they all showed expressions of interest at the moment.

Daotianshengdi, Tianjiao compete, this is naturally what they are happy to see.

Several Elders sent a message to Daotian Saint Lord, hoping that she could prevent Yu Zun from inviting him to fight.

However, Yu Yourong sat on the seat of Saint Lord and didn't say a word.

"Yang Chen, come to fight!"

Yu Zun gave another deep drink.

The sound was like thunder, because of mixed fighting intent and anger.

"Fairy Yuxuan, you saw it, I have nothing to do!"

Yang Chen smiled wryly.

Yuxuan frowned tightly.

He secretly scolded Yu Zun in his heart.

Such an invitation to fight, regardless of the outcome, Yang Chen will have a rift with the Jade Clan.

Moreover, how will the cultivator of the Holy Land view the Jade Clan in the future against the foreign arrogance?

I'm afraid that after this battle, those Elders who remain neutral will drift away from the Jade Clan.

Yang Chen took a step forward and appeared on the martial arts arena.

"Yang Chen, the gap between you and Yuzun Realm is too big, you can be human as far as this battle goes!"

The big Elder shouted in a deep voice at this time.

"When I fight with people, I always respect my opponents, but I don't have the habit of keeping my hands!"

"If you are worried about getting hurt, you can directly admit defeat!"

Yu Zun snorted coldly.

"Brother Yuzun, just do it!"

Yang Chen said lightly.

Although Yuzun is the Void Refining Fourth Stage, and also strongly defeated a same rank swordsman.

But this alone is not enough to make him retreat.

Moreover, the invincible son of destiny, the villain himself must interrupt his invincible path.

If it is only clicked to the end, it will not be enough to attack his invincibility.

"very good!"

A sneer appeared on Yu Zun's face.

Then, above the spear, light bloomed.

The dazzling light and divine brilliance are like a falling sun.

Some cultivators with weaker Cultivation Base on the surrounding stone platforms couldn't help but close their eyes.

"Damn it, Yu Zun is going to attack with all his strength!"

"He wants to take the opportunity to kill Yang Chen!"

"Hmph, the Jade Clan will obliterate the appearance of a heavenly pride in the holy land. Is the majestic holy land just a private weapon of the sub-clan?"

Some Elder spoke coldly.

Many people feel a little heavy in their hearts.

Yu Zun's spear, together with Dugu Tiantian who was Void Refining Fourth Stage, couldn't catch it.

Let alone Yang Chen who just stepped into the Void Refining realm.

This is obviously to take the opportunity to kill him.

At this time, Zhan Qiuyun, who had been watching the movement on the stone platform, couldn't help but feel a wave of Qi in his body.

In the beautiful pupil, is full of worry.

"Qiu Yun, I've never seen you worry about someone so much!"

"This little guy, who is yours?"

At this time, the Misty Immortal Palace beautiful woman sitting beside her couldn't help but wonder.

Hearing this, Zhan Qiuyun's eyes flickered.

But her acting skills are superb, and she quickly regained her composure.

"This little guy is Ling Shuang's disciple, he can be regarded as my nephew!"

"However, since I came to Youyue Peak, I have been practicing with me, and I also treat him as my disciple!"

"I see!"

The beautiful woman of the fairy palace lightly reaches her head.

But there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Because, she could clearly see the panic in Zhan Qiuyun's eyes just now.

With Zhan Qiuyun's personality, own disciples don't even care, so would they care so much about Little Sister's disciple?

Moreover, when asked by himself, he showed a flustered gesture.

The beautiful woman of Immortal Palace couldn't help becoming interested in Yang Chen, and began to watch him.

"々`Yang Chen, catch the gun from this seat, and only then will you be eligible to compete with this seat for the position of Holy Son!"

"Don't let me down!"

Even though he said this, Yu Zun had already made up his mind in his heart that he wanted to use this spear, which ended up killing Yang Chen.

Dare to hit her cousin's idea, this bastard must die!

"Death to this seat!"

Yu Zun drank coldly in his heart.

Long spear thrust out.

The bright divine brilliance directly turned into a bright dragon and rushed straight to Yang Chen.

This martial arts arena can withstand attacks below the Indistinguishable Dao boundary.

But at this moment, with the appearance of the bright dragon, a series of formation light curtains emerged on the martial arts arena.

This is too much power and influence, which has inspired the protective formation of the Martial Arts Field.

Zhan Qiuyun sat up suddenly from her seat.

The power of space around him fluctuated.

But the fairy (Qian Wanghao) Gong Meifu who was beside her hurriedly pulled her back.

"Qiu Yun, the Holy Son Dabi, people can't be people!"

"And, looking at that little guy, this seat doesn't seem to be in any panic!"

"If you care about it, you will be in chaos!"

The words of the beautiful woman in the fairy palace fell.


A shocking Sword intent shot straight into the sky.

this moment.

Everyone's spirit swords were trembling and whistling.

Including some Indistinguishable Dao Power cultivators, the spirit swords are also trembling unexpectedly.

"What a strong Sword intent!"

"This Sword intent, this is, Sword Eight Realm!?"

In the arena, a Power cultivator exclaimed, and the sound spread throughout the martial arts arena.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers to support Yu!

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