Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 204: Borrow Bloodline To Have A Child! Can't You Borrow It Yourself? (Seeking Subscript

"Yang Chen, let Peak Lord Youyue bring you this time, it's me who is looking for you!"

"You follow this seat!"

Saying that, Daotian Saint Lord turned and walked towards the apse.

Yang Chen followed.

The apse of Daotian Palace.

The figure of Daotian Saint Lord standing in the mist stood in front of Yang Chen.

Can't see the face, can't see the shape.

But because of the short distance, Yang Chen could smell a faint fragrance.

This delicate fragrance is different from ~ the fragrance of flowers and plants.

It is a fragrance similar to the rare treasures of heaven and earth.

It smells refreshing.

In Yang Chen's eyes, a faint golden glow couldn't help flashing.


Suddenly, with a low drink.

Then, Yang Chen's eyes were stabbed.

"Yang Chen, you are too presumptuous. I didn't care about you in the Great Hall just now, and now you dare to spy on me!"

"Do you want to die?"

Daotian Saint Lord's voice was a bit cold.

Yang Chen felt covered by a murderous intent.

It seems that it will be wiped out at any time.

But soon, the killing intent dissipated.

"If there is a next time, I will not forgive you lightly!"

Daotian Saint Lord said coldly.

Then jade palms stretched out:

"You take out a drop of Blood Essence and hand it over to me!"

Hearing this, Yang Chen looked slightly startled.

"I don't know why the Saint Lord wants his disciple Blood Essence?"

"This seat needs to be tested!"

"I won't hurt you!"

Daotian Saint Lord was a little impatient.

Yang Chen didn't continue to ask, and took out a drop of Blood Essence.

Daotian Saint Lord looked at the drop of Blood Essence that was as bright as a golden gem, exuding a strong aura of divinity.

The voice couldn't help getting a little excited.

"This is divine blood!"

"It seems that your physique is not the Sacred Body, but the Divine Body!"

"This seat really did not guess wrong!"

"Yang Chen, I won't ask you what kind of physique you are, but I have a favor and I need your help!"


Yang Chen was a little surprised.

The majestic Saint Lord, who just released his own coercion, forced a strong woman like Zhan Qiuyun to smash her teeth into a strong man who swallowed her stomach.

Want him to help?

"I don't know what the Saint Lord wants his disciples to do for him?"

Yang Chen asked.

Daotian Saint Lord did not answer directly, but said:

"Just now in the Great Hall, the woman standing next to Yuzun is named Yuxuan. She is the number one beauty of our Jade Clan, and she is also at the top of the Earth Immortals list!"

"What do you think of her?"


"Top one on the fairy list?"

Yang Chen smiled.

"It's really beautiful!"

"Be worthy of being the top of the fairy list!"

Daotian Saint Lord said in a deep voice at this time:

"Yang Chen, if I want your help, it has something to do with her!"

"To be honest, my Jade Clan is called the Jade Beauty Clan. I am the descendant of the Holy Spirit. Like the Zhan Clan, they are both ancient clans who created the Daotian Holy Land together!"

"Since the establishment of the Holy Land, my jade beauties have been intermarrying in order to ensure the purity of the Holy Spirit Bloodline in their bodies!"

"But after all, a hundred Ten Thousand Years have passed, and the Holy Spirit Bloodline passed down by the ancestors of the Holy Spirit, after thousands of generations of inheritance, has finally gradually become thinner!"

"In the past few Ten Thousand Years, ordinary people without Holy Spirit Bloodline have been born in the clan one after another!"


"Therefore, a strong physique is urgently needed to help our clan revive the Bloodline!"

"And since I saw you for the first time, I found that the Bloodline breath on your body is closer to the Bloodline of our family!"

"So, I would like to borrow your Bloodline side!"

"Borrow, borrow my Bloodline?"

Yang Chen was a little confused, and couldn't help asking:

"I don't know Saint Lord, what should I do?"

Daotian Saint Lord said directly:

"It's easy for you!"


"You and Yuxuan can have a few children!"

"Give birth to an heir?"

Yang Chen's eyes widened.


"You don't suffer from this matter!"

"Yuxuan is at the top of the list of fairies, and her reputation spreads far and wide. There are not many male cultivators who love her!"

"I, the Jade Beauty Race, have never married outsiders. If it weren't for your powerful Bloodline, I'm afraid I wouldn't have this opportunity!"

"I have already told Yuxuan that she has no objection. After you go out, walk around with her a lot and get to know her first!"

Daotian Saint Lord's tone sounded like Yang Kang was taking advantage.

This made Yang Chen very unhappy.

Although Yuxuan is beautiful.

But he is also very handsome.

Moreover, his Bloodline, no matter how you can borrow it, you can borrow it.

Even if you want to borrow it, why do you need Yuxuan to borrow it.

Oh my God, isn't the Saint Lord also a woman?

you can't borrow

I don't think you are too old!

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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