Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 203: Shaking Invincibility! What Is This Beautiful Woman Doing? (Seeking Subscription)

Yang Chen looked at Daotian Saint Lord with some playful eyes.

However, his gaze was noticed by Yu Zun.


Yu Zun gave a cold drink.

He has long been unhappy with Yang Chen.

A boy from the wilderness who came out of the North Spirit Realm was actually valued so much by his aunt.

He also gave him one of the only three Daotian Tokens in Daotian Holy Land.

Qing'er, my aunt's direct disciple, even called him brother, and was very affectionate to him.

This made him very unhappy with Yang Chen.

Now, this kid dared to hit the imperial aunt with such a disrespectful look.

They were all men, but he knew exactly which part Yang Chen was looking at at his aunt just now.

Can't bear it.

We must give this kid some color today.

Yu Zun closed his eyes, then opened them suddenly.

A wave of divine power shot out from his eyes.

The power of the soul instantly turned into countless 990 sharp swords, rushing towards Yang Chen from all directions.

Every sword is mixed with holy brilliance.

It seems to be able to purify everything in the world.

He wanted to subdue Yang Chen with a surprise move with a mind and soul attack.


Yang Chen cursed secretly in his heart.

He just took a look, but couldn't see anything through the cloud.

Is there something wrong with this idiot?

It's not your own mother.

Can't you see your aunt?

Back then, Yan'er and Hao'er were not as excited as you when they heard the good show starring Daddy.

You are so impatient now, if you also listen to the good show starring me and your aunt in the future, what will you do?

Dead by then?

"Xiaochen, be careful!"

Zhan Qiuyun gave a low drink at this moment.

I was in a hurry to help.

However, it was already a step too late.

Soul Sword Rain has already enveloped Yang Chen (bjeh) from all directions.

However, facing Yu Zun's soul attack, Yang Chen didn't hold back any fear.

A nine-color soul energy emerged from between his eyebrows.

It turned into an energy shield, directly enveloping him.


The sharp swords of the soul from all directions hit the nine-color energy shield.

But it didn't break it.

At this time, the golden flame of the Japanese stock appeared on the energy.

Directly burn all the soul swords into nothingness.


Soul Sword Rain is formed by Yuzun's spirit power.

It was completely burned by the golden flame released by Yang Chen.

It immediately made his face pale.

The soul power was lost too much, and the primordial spirit was traumatized.

"Damn it!"

"A junior, how could it be?"

Yu Zun couldn't believe it.

For a junior of the God Transformation Realm, it was beyond his expectations to resist his divine soul attack.

It was even possible to incinerate his soul power in an instant.

How can this be?

It will take at least one or two years for him to recover the soul power he lost just now.

Damn it.

"Hmph, a cultivator from the Void Refining Fourth Stage sneakily attacked the Divine Transformation cultivator with a divine soul technique, but he was injured himself, hehe, what a shame!"

"This kind of person is also worthy to be the holy son of my Daotian Holy Land?"

"This seat is the first to refuse!"

At this time, Zhan Qiuyun on the side seized the opportunity and sneered a few words.


"Good boy, I have underestimated you!"

Yu Zun's face was gloomy.

【Ding, the host burnt out the soul power of a Divine Partition of Yu Zun, which caused his soul to be injured, and his invincible state of mind was shaken. He plundered 1000 luck points from the son of destiny Jade Zun, and the host got 1000 villain points!】

The system sound sounds.

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth suddenly curled up in amusement.

This looted a thousand luck points?

This invincibility is too easy to shake.

It seems that the Invincible Son of Destiny is easier to deal with than the traditional Son of Destiny.

Although his Cultivation Base has improved rapidly during this period, his Primordial Spirit Cultivation Base has not fallen. Nine-colored Poria cocos releases the energy of the soul to continuously improve and nourish his Primordial Spirit.

And his soul power is composed of nine kinds of energy including thunder and flame, which is quite powerful.

Coupled with the golden flame of the sun god body, it also has a strengthening effect on the burning of the soul power.

Yu Zun just attacked him with the secret technique of the soul, trying to take him down instantly.

It really hit own foot.

"Zun'er, Yang Chen is an honored guest of my Jade Clan, how can he do anything at will?"

Daotian Saint Lord scolded at this moment.

"Aunt, he just now"

Yu Zun wanted to explain.

That bastard just insulted you, aunt, with his eyes.


However, Daotian Saint Lord interrupted him directly:

"Since Yang Chen is fine, I won't argue with you this time!"

"In the future, we must get along well with Yang Chen and don't do it again!"

"Yes, I know!"

Although Yu Zun said he knew, but the eyes he looked at Yang Chen were still full of hostility.

Yang Chen was also a little surprised.

This day, Saint Lord, should have noticed his playful eyes just now.

However, now she has taught a lesson to her nephew who was injured for standing up for her.

This beautiful woman.

What are you doing?

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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