Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 205: Sacred Body Gets Third Rank! If You Give Birth To An Heir! (Seeking Subscription)


Yang Chen naturally only dared to mutter these words in his heart.

If he said it directly, he would probably be buried in Daotian Temple today.

Although I think the idea of ​​letting Daotian Saint Lord borrow his own Bloodline himself is very good.

However, he must first find out the specific situation of the Jade Clan.

Check out his Bloodline, is it irreplaceable.

"Saint Lord, that Jade Zun is the body of the Holy Spirit, stronger than Mingyue Sacred Body, why don't you let him multiply and grow the Bloodline of your Jade Clan?"

Yang Chen asked at this time.

"Although Jade Zun is the body of the Holy Spirit, Bloodline is also the most powerful of my Jade Clan in Ten Thousand Years!"

"However, the Bloodline of Yuzun "510" is more like the last reflection of a group, and his body of the holy spirit was also formed by using my family's secret method. Bloodline is powerful, but it is difficult to pass on!"

"What our family needs now is a fresh breath of divinity, that is, the Bloodline of the primordial body!"

Daotian Saint Lord said slowly.

"I see!"

Yang Chen gradually understood the current plight of the Jade Beauty Clan.

Although Yu Zun's physique is strong, but it is only the acquired bloodline, which belongs to the power of returning light, it is difficult to strengthen the group, and it is also difficult to pass it on.

What they need is the body of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, which is the first generation of Bloodline.

Moreover, it must be a divine body.

Because they need the divine breath inside.

In this way, his Sun God Body cannot be said to be completely irreplaceable, but it is not easy to find a replacement.

After all, in the land of Zhongzhou, although there are countless arrogance.

But the top Tianjiao is the Sacred Body level.

God body, basic Tian Ten Thousand Year launched one.

In this way, Yang Chen became more courageous.

"Saint Lord, I don't know if Fairy Yuxuan is the body of the Holy Spirit?"

Yang Chen asked again.

"Of course not Yuxuan!"

"To form the body of the holy spirit, you need to have enough Bloodline strength and use my family's secret method to form it. Even in my family, only two have appeared in the last ten thousand years!"

"This is mid-grade Sacred Body, do you think it's a wild vegetable on the roadside? It's everywhere!"

Daotian Saint Lord's voice was somewhat mocking.

Then he explained:

"Most people in the world only have a vague understanding of Sacred Body, thinking that once Sacred Body comes out, it represents the top of the essence of the world!"

"Actually, Sacred Body is also divided into upper, middle and lower third ranks according to its own strength!"

"Like Zhan Qiuyun, the bright moon Sacred Body transformed from the body of Youyue is the weakest inferior Sacred Body!"

"And Qing'er's Pure Spirit Sacred Body is a middle-grade Sacred Body, even close to a top-grade Sacred Body!

"And on top of the top grade Sacred Body is the Divine Body!"

"I see!"

Yang Chen nodded.

This is the first time he knows.

I used to only know that Sacred Body belongs to the top physique.

Unexpectedly, Sacred Body also has specific grades.

It's no wonder that Daotian Saint Lord immediately accepted Qing'er as his personal disciple after knowing that Qing'er was a pure spirit Sacred Body.

It turns out that Qing'er's pure spirit Sacred Body is already close to the top grade Sacred Body.

"Saint Lord, you just said that the Yazugan only produced two holy spirit bodies in ten thousand years!"

"I don't know the other one, who is it?"

Yang Chen asked seriously.

In fact, he already had the answer in his heart.

Daotian Saint Lord was obviously silent for a moment, and then said:

"The other person is this seat!"

"It turns out that Saint Lord still has such a powerful physique, no wonder he can take charge of the Daotian Holy Land and become a giant in Zhongzhou!"

Yang Chen immediately complimented...

"Oh, stop flattering!"

"If you practice Thousand Years, your achievements will definitely surpass this seat!"

Daotian Saint Lord's voice, following Yang Chen's compliment, is now a little less majestic and more accommodating.

Yang Chen took advantage of the situation and asked:

"Saint Lord has practiced for Thousand Years, I don't know if he has any heirs?"

As soon as these words came out, the clouds around Daotian Saint Lord visibly fluctuated.

Then, the temperature in the Great Hall dropped sharply.


A cold drink.

A layer of ice slag formed on Yang Chen's body.

Although he is the body of the sun god, he is as strong as the sun.

But at this moment True Qi seemed to be frozen.

But in just a few breaths, the ice slag disappeared.

The cold and stern aura on Daotian Saint Lord's body also dissipated.

The clouds and mist fluctuate, as if the Daotian Saint Lord is taking a deep breath to calm down.

It's just a pity that I can't see the ups and downs of her breathing under the neck.

However, the name is Yu Yourong, so I believe it will not be returned.

Finally, Daotian Saint Lord coldly said:

"Since I stepped on the road of cultivation, I have been alone, where did the 0.0 offspring come from!?"

"This kind of boring question, don't ask it again in the future!"

"So the Saint Lord has no children!" 1

Yang Chen suddenly looked surprised.

Then he was full of doubts:

"Since the Saint Lord has no heirs, why should Fairy Yuxuan be in charge of strengthening the Cultivation Base and Bloodline of the Saint Lord, instead of Saint Lord yourself?"

"If you give birth to an heir, the strength of Bloodline will definitely be far better than that of Fairy Yuxuan!"

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