Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 195: The Star Core Enters The Body! Chu Xi Is Watching You! (Seeking Subscription)


Zhan Qiuyun exclaimed.

Hastily running True Qi to wrap the whole body, and put on a moon robe again.

But Yang Chen still saw the scene that he will never forget.

This scene made him think of the scenery outside.

The mountains are towering, the trees are luxuriant, and the grass is luxuriant.

"Little bastard, hurry up and put on your clothes!"

Yang Chen is reminiscing about the scenery just now.

Zhan Qiuyun's cold drink immediately brought him back to his senses.

bow your head.

I saw that I was also frank.

Looking up, he happened to meet Zhan Qiuyun's eyes.

At this time, Zheng Zheng stared at the "987" position of a certain department of his own.


Noticing Yang Chen's gaze, Zhan Qiuyun couldn't help but spit.

Thinking of being seen by this little bastard just now, she felt ashamed for a while.

But at this time, she didn't have time to settle accounts with Yang Chen.

Because the True Qi in the body has reached the edge of breakthrough and is breaking through.


Suddenly, a thunderclap exploded.

In the cave, purple lightning filled the air.

Thunder Tribulation is here.

At this time.

The sun's star core may have been stimulated by lightning, and it started to rotate rapidly.

The golden light was several times stronger and more dazzling than before.


Suddenly, the sun star core sprinted and directly sank into Yang Chen's lower abdomen.

"I f*ck!"

Yang Chen was startled immediately.

The sun star core is placed on the blue star, which is a proper nuclear reactor, and this horse enters his body.

Can I survive?

The turbulent air of the sun surged crazily in Yang Chen's body.

Even though he is a sun god body and a body cultivator, at this moment, there are tiny cracks in his body.

"Xiaochen you!"

Zhan Qiuyun was also taken aback.

Unexpectedly, the sun star core would directly sink into Yang Chen's body.

This time, it was difficult.

Although the solar energy contained in the sun star core can be quickly refined and absorbed.

However, this also has a time buffer.

But now, so much sun energy directly entered Yang Chen's body.

The consequences.

It is very likely that Yang Chen will explode.

"Master, come and help me!"

Yang Chen drank in a low voice, and hurriedly sat down in the Lotus Position.

The solar star core was affected by the thunder calamity just now, and the energy of the sun was released crazily.

There is too much sun energy in his body.

With his current Cultivation Base, there is simply no time to absorb it.

These turbulent solar energy is not the same as the solar energy in the Yin & Yang mirror.

It is the solar energy naturally formed by the heaven and the earth, which is relatively mild.

These are the solar qi in the star core of the horse's sun, which is already extremely manic.

Now filled with all his Meridians.

If he can't absorb it in time, I'm afraid it won't be long before all the Meridians will be shattered and his physical body will burst.

Zhan Qiuyun took two steps forward, wanting to help Yang Chen.

However, electric arcs had already begun to appear on her body.

It was Lei Jie who had already locked her.

After a while, Thunder Tribulation will pour down.

Stepping into the thunder tribulation of Indistinguishable Dao Realm, if it strikes Yang Chen again.

Plus the violent sun star core in his body.

At that time, not to mention the physical body, even the soul may not be able to keep it.

"Damn it!"

"What should I do?"

Zhan Qiuyun was very anxious.

Although she has achieved her goal now, she has successfully transformed into Mingyue Sacred Body, and is about to step into the Indistinguishable Dao realm...

However, we can't ignore the evidence of this little bastard's death.

"Master, is Senior Brother Yang in danger?"

At this time.

Outside the cave, Chu Xi's anxious voice came.

The Remnant Star Sword in Chu Xi's body seemed to sense something at this moment, and kept trembling.

"Chu Xi?"

Zhan Qiuyun's beautiful eyes lit up.

"How did you forget her!"

"The star purple body can control the power of the star, and the sun core itself is also a kind of star!"

"It's hard to say that Chu Xi can help this little bastard stabilize the sun's core!"

Zhan Qiuyun True Qi condensed a palm and directly grabbed Chu Xi who was outside.

"Master, Master, Senior Brother Yang?"

Chu Xi was worried when she saw Yang Chen whose body was full of fine cracks.

"Chu Xi, the sun star core has entered Yang Chen's body, the energy is too violent, his body can't stand it at all!"

"This seat is about to break through, and the thunder disaster is about to fall, so I can't help Yang Chen!"

"Your star purple body can control the star, so the 4.2 sun star core can be stabilized as much as possible!"

"Whether Yang Chen's body can be kept or not depends on you!"


Zhan Qiuyun looked at Yang Chen with beautiful eyes.

Talk to yourself:

"Little bastard, this is the only thing I can do for you!"

"After this hurdle, I might consider being your dao companion in the future!"

Then, Zhan Qiuyun took a step forward.

The figure disappeared directly into the cave.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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