Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 194: Bright Moon Sacred Body! Naked Relative! (Seeking Subscription)

"little bastard!"

"The ears are still good!"

Zhan Qiuyun rolled her eyes at him.

Then, without getting too entangled, she sat down in front of Yang Chen.

However, he kept a little distance from Yang Chen, and did not have direct physical contact.

This is her last stubbornness as a aunt and elder.

Seeing her like this, Yang Chen couldn't help laughing secretly.

But also did not poke.

Instead, with both arms, he directly hugged Zhan Qiuyun's plump and graceful body into his arms.


"Okay, it's hot!"

Zhan Qiuyun couldn't help taking a breath.

Because Yang Chen absorbed a large amount of solar energy, the temperature on his body was extremely high at this time

However, she didn't care about these at the moment, and quickly absorbed all the golden original qi into her body.

The most urgent thing now is to quickly use these original qi to dispel the coldness in the body.


Zhan Qiuyun took a deep breath.

Under the neck, there was a wave of ups and downs.

On the jade face, sweat is now full, sliding down the neck and entering the robed minister.

Yang Chen couldn't help opening his eyes wide.

Although Zhan Qiuyun was concentrating on absorbing the original energy, she also noticed his fiery eyes at this moment.

She couldn't help but glared at him, and said softly:

"Little bastard, watch your own eyes!"

"Concentrate on it, be careful that the sun's energy in your body runs amok and disorderly, even if you are the sun god body, it will damage your foundation!"

Yang Chen couldn't help curling his lips.

Now I know how to care about my roots.

Why don't you say it when you are madly absorbing the original energy.

But he didn't continue watching.

The moon robe is so tightly covered that nothing can be seen.

His mind sank, and he began to absorb the energy of the sun with all his heart.

The two remained in this posture for three full days.

Although during the period, Yang Chen stopped sending the original Qi several times.

But Zhan Qiuyun didn't break free from his embrace.

Because the sun's energy lingering around Yang Chen also had some effect on her.

The energy of the sun in the sun star core seems to have an endless supply.

At this moment, Yang Chen has become a converter.

This means that his sun god body is strong enough, plus he is a body cultivator and a dragon Bloodline.

If Chunyang Sacred Body did this, I'm afraid it would be scrapped on the spot.

"Master, it's been three days!"

"Has your Youyue Body not yet turned into Bright Moon Sacred Body?"

"If it doesn't work, forget it and wait for another day?"

Yang Chen said helplessly.

Zhan Qiuyun glared at him when he heard the words:

"Shut up!"

"Are you showing signs of weakness now?"

"Besides, Ben's almost there!"

The reason why Zhan Qiuyun said this was not because she didn't really think about Yang Chen.

but because.

She could clearly feel the presence of a hard thing.

This kid is not generally strong.

...asking for flowers...0

He didn't look weak at all.

The energy of the sun in the sun star core is enough to cover his consumption.

Another two days passed.


Behind Zhan Qiuyun, a golden full moon rose slowly.

The bright moonlight covered the entire Immortal Cave.

And directly penetrate the cave, and then from the sky.


The Youyue Body of this seat has finally turned into the Bright Moon Sacred Body!"

Zhan Qiuyun's voice was full of excitement.

Yang Chen could feel her excitement at this moment from the turbulent waves hitting the shore on his chest.


At this time, a violent True Qi fluctuation came from Zhan Qiuyun.

True Qi fluctuated so strongly that it directly sent Yang Chen flying.

The sun star core in his hand also lost control.

The seal left by Zhan Qiuyun on it also completely lost its effect at this time.


The fiery golden light radiated directly, and instantly turned into a raging golden light.

Both Yang Chen and Zhan Qiuyun are less than five feet away from the sun's star core.

Plus the two were defenseless.

The billowing sun and fire directly wrapped the two of them.

The clothes on Yang Chen and the moon robe on Zhan Qiuyun instantly turned to ashes.

Suddenly, a piece of whiteness appeared in front of Yang Chen's eyes.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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