Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 196: Please, Junior Sister Chu Xi! It Was A Good Show! (Seeking Subscription)

Chu Xi looked at the Lotus Position and sat. Yang Chen, whose body was covered with fine cracks, ignored his magnanimous body, and hurried to sit in front of him.

The purple mark between the eyebrows flickered.

The power of Star diffused out.

Wrap her and Yang Chen in it.

"Senior Brother Yang, you must persevere!"

Saying that, purple light injected into Yang Chen's body.

Although Chu Xi's Realm is only in the Nascent Soul realm, the power of Star displayed is relatively weak.

But the sun star core in Yang Chen's body, which was in a state of berserk, was still slowly stabilized under the influence of this force.

The released solar energy also returned to normal.


Yang Chen took a deep breath.

Then opened his eyes.

In the eyes, it is like two groups of golden flames dancing.

Looking at Chu Xi who was pale and haggard due to releasing a large amount of Star power, Yang Chen couldn't help saying:

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, thank you for your hard work!"

"Senior brother Yang, you have helped me so many times, I am very happy to help you once!

A smile spread across Chu Xi's face.

Every time it was Brother Yang who helped him and saved his life.

Now, it was finally my turn to help Senior Brother Yang.

Dao companions are supposed to help each other.

Otherwise, I would be too useless in front of Senior Brother Yang.

Even masters and other peerless figures are Senior Brother Yang's women.

As a Nascent Soul cultivator, if you want to have a place in Senior Brother Yang's heart, you must keep up with Senior Brother Yang's pace and be a useful person, not a beautiful vase.

At this time, Chu Xi's gaze also paid attention to Yang Chen's body.


A shyness flashed in his eyes.

That thing, although she is quite familiar with it.

But when I saw it suddenly, I still felt shy.

The python has a python-like air, which makes people a little scary to look at.

This look in her eyes was naturally captured by Yang Chen.

However, Yang Chen is not in the mood to tease Chu Xi right now.

Although the solar core in the body has stabilized, it is still slowly releasing the solar energy.

All the Meridians in his body have been filled with the sun energy at this time, reaching the critical value that his body can bear.

The most urgent task now is to take out the sun core.

Yang Chen's mind sank into his body, and the power of his soul turned into formations and wrapped them towards the sun's star core.


In an instant, the sun's star core had a tendency to spin violently and accelerate again.

The frightened Yang Chen hurriedly dispersed the power of the surrounding spirit.

This is riding a horse.

Yang Chen cursed secretly in his heart.

The majestic sun god body has no choice but to take a piece of sun star core.

If it is outside, he can also forcibly seal it.

But now it's inside him.

Keep him tied up.

At this time.

Chu Xi saw his current state, and said:

"Senior brother Yang, maybe I can help you take out the sun's star core!"


"Can you take it out for me?"

Chu Xi nodded.

The jade finger points to the star mark between his eyebrows.

"The most amazing part of the Star Purple Body is the Dao Star Eyes!"

"The star eye can control the star, and the sun star core is naturally a kind of star!"

"And the star pupil forms a unique space, which can accommodate the sun core, and the solar energy released by the sun core can be temporarily stored in that space!"

"And I can also take this opportunity to absorb the power of the Star in the sun's core!"


Yang Chen was a little surprised.

I didn't expect the Star purple body to be so amazing.

"Then how do you take out the sun's core?"

Hearing this, Chu Xi looked a little shy:

"As long as the Star imprint on my forehead is in contact with your lower abdomen, Senior Brother Yang, the star core of the sun can be taken out!"

Chu Xi said, looking at Yang Chen's lower abdomen, her face became a little more rosy.

That ugly thing actually greeted her.

Seeing her like this, the corners of Yang Chen's mouth couldn't help curling up.

The palm of his hand patted Chu Xi's head lightly.

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, I'm counting on you!"

"You should be more proficient in this posture!"

With that said, Yang Chen stood up.

"Please, I hate Senior Brother Yang!"

"Be more serious!"

Chu Xi scolded.

Then, the purple mark between the eyebrows lit up again.

Yang Chen could clearly see that the sun star core actually entered Chu Xi's frown from his body.

This scene is really miraculous.

The star mark between Chu Xi's eyebrows is like an independent world, which can accommodate hundreds of millions of stars.

Yang Chen read some records in ancient books.

The star purple body that cultivates Great Completion has a very strong grasp of space, and the body even forms a world of its own.

Now Chu Xi is just Nascent Soul Cultivation Base, with such ability.

If you step into the Void Refining environment, the means you have can hardly imagine.

The strength of Star's purple body is indeed true.

"Senior Brother Yang, you have to go to me after a while to absorb the energy of the sun!"

Chu Xi stood up and said.

The star imprint between the eyebrows, because the sun star core is included in it, exudes a faint golden light at this time.

The whole person exudes a holy and noble temperament, like a fairy above Nine Heavens.

Yang Chen looked at Chu Xi in front of him, plus Chu Xi's posture when he collected the sun star core just now.

Suddenly, he felt a little angry.

His body was filled with the energy of the sun, like a small volcano that was about to erupt at any moment. At this moment, he couldn't suppress it anymore.

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, there is one more favor I need you to help me with!"

Yang Chen's voice was heavy.

"What are you busy with?"

Chu Xi was a little puzzled.

But as soon as she met Yang Chen's gaze, she couldn't help but retreated two steps.

Senior Brother Yang looked like he was going to eat her up.


Yang Chen took a step forward, and Chu Xi suddenly opened his eyes wide.

cave mouth.

Xiao Dong was a little anxious.

He was very worried when his sister was alone with that bastard Yang Chen.

It's been so long now.

For some reason, Xiao Dong felt a little palpitation inexplicably at this moment.

As if something important was about to be lost.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in front of his eyes.

A purple thunderbolt descended from the sky in the distance, like a winding thunder column, connecting the sky and the earth.

The sky was covered with dark clouds.

Tribulation thunders fell one after another.

"Hmph, that old bitch Zhan Qiuyun has been struck by lightning for so long and hasn't been killed yet?"

"Bitch, if I let you survive the thunder disaster, I will not have a good life in the future. I might as well die under the thunder disaster!"

"It's just a pity, daddy hasn't played with you yet!" 880 Xiao moved his eyes to Tianqiong.

Thinking of Zhan Qiuyun's plump and graceful body, his eyes are full of fire.

"No, I can't continue to let my sister stay alone with that bastard Yang Chen!"

"During this period, if I hadn't appeared in time every time, that dog thief Yang Chen would have succeeded long ago!"

"My sister is mine, absolutely can't completely change into Yang Chen's shape!"

Xiao Dong thought angrily in his heart, and then walked towards the entrance of the cave.

I want to force my way in.


Even the formation that Zhan Qiuyun arranges casually is not something he can break through.

"Damn it!"

"That bitch Zhan Qiuyun's formation is so solid!"

Xiao Dong scolded angrily.

When there was no hope of breaking the formation, he put his ear on the formation light curtain, wanting to hear the movement inside.


A burst of oriole's crowing was indistinct, intermittently transmitted to the ears.


Xiao Dong had some doubts on his face.

How could there be such a sound in the cave?


He froze.

Then, the veins on his forehead popped up, and his face instantly turned ferocious.

Blood welled up.

His face turned red and purple, and purple turned green.

The intermittent sound in the cave was that bastard Yang Chen.


Xiao Dong let out a mournful roar.

He punched hard on the formation light curtain.

"Yang Chen, I'm Cao f*ck, I'm going to kill you!"

"I must kill you!"

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