Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 193: Divine Transformation Seventh Stage! Shigu Can't Wait? (Seeking Subscription)

"Brother Yang!"

Chu Xi recovered at this time, and hurriedly walked to Yang Chen's side.

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, you are here to help Junior Brother Xiao Dong heal his wounds first!"

"Auntie wants to break through the Realm with the sun star core, and needs me to help her see the calendar!

Yang Chen patted Chu Xi's shoulder, didn't say much, and hurried into the Immortal Cave.

Although the feeling may be sucked dry.

But man, don't say no.

Especially for a beautiful woman like Zhan Qiuyun.

"Damn it!"

The sun core is mine, mine!"

"Dog man and woman!"

Xiao Dong's face was gloomy, he gritted his teeth and cursed.

The sun core contains the purest power of the sun, which can help him completely restore the source of the pure yang Sacred Body.

Moreover, it can also help him greatly improve his strength.

With this sun star core, he can stand up in one fell swoop.

But now, it is occupied by that old bitch Zhan Qiuyun.

"Little 283 please shut up!"

"How can you control the sun star core?"

"If it wasn't for Senior Brother Yang just now, you and I would have died at the hands of black hearts!"

"Also, the sun star core is collected by the master, so the sun star core is naturally the master's, don't take everything as your own!"

"If Master heard what you said just now, you will be in danger again!"

Chu Xi hurriedly turned around and reprimanded.

I was afraid that Master would slap him to death after hearing this.

"Chu Xi, you bitch, you know how to speak for Yang Chen!"

"I'll make you regret it sooner or later!"

Xiao Dong cursed secretly in his heart.

Glancing at Chu Xi bitterly, he snorted coldly, walked directly to the side, and took out the piece of red blood gold.

Although the value of red blood gold is far less than that of the sun star core, it is still quite precious.

(bfcb) and contains a strong fire attribute Spiritual Qi.

Xiao Dong began to absorb and recover from his injuries.

And at this time.

In the cave.

Zhan Qiuyun sat on the ground in Lotus Position, dragging the sun star core in her hand.

An extremely hot temperature flows through it.

Although it was temporarily sealed by her, the golden light still illuminated the entire cave.

"Xiao Chen, let's start!"

"After you absorb it, you will quickly make up for the lack of original energy!"

"With your sun god body, it shouldn't be difficult to do this!"

As Zhan Qiuyun spoke, she untied a seal.

Immediately, a dazzling golden light shot out from the sun.

Although there was only a tiny streak of golden light, wherever it passed, the stone wall instantly turned into billowing magma and dripped down.

Yang Chen stepped forward and stretched out his hand to cover the golden light.


A burning pain came.

The palm of my hand couldn't bear the high temperature, and it gave off a burnt smell.

The blood in the Meridians was like boiling water, and instantly became manic.

"As expected of the Sun Star Core, even the Sun God Body can't bear it!"

"But this is also the reason why my current strength is only Divine Transformation Sixth Stage!"

"After all, even the beautiful woman Zhan Qiuyun dare not touch this sun star core!"

Yang Chen took the Sun Star Core and held it in his hand.

Although the palm of his hand was scorched and painful, a large amount of solar energy also entered his body.

At this time, Yang Chen also saw the sun core clearly.

Only the size of a heart.

But the energy contained in it is amazing.

Moreover, it is also extremely pure power of the sun.

Yang Chen sat in the Lotus Position, and began to refine and absorb.

The body of the sun god and the energy of the sun are of the same origin.

The speed of refining and absorption is extremely fast.

The body's breath is rising steadily.

After a few hours, Yang Chen reached the Divine Transformation Seventh Stage state.

Breaking through from the Sixth Stage to the Seventh Stage is a small advancement.

Yang Chen absorbed all the solar energy obtained from the Yin & Yang mirror in his body before, and he didn't step forward.

However, with the help of the Sun Star Core, the breakthrough went extremely smoothly.

"This little bastard, he only cares about improving his own Realm!"

"This seat has worked so hard to snatch the sun's core, is it really for you to improve your strength?"

Zhan Qiuyun saw that Yang Chen had directly promoted the First Stage Realm in a few hours, and immediately cursed inwardly, couldn't help but spit.

At this time, Yang Chen just opened his eyes.

I saw her angry scene.

Can't help flashing a little playfulness in his eyes.

This beautiful woman and senior aunt had such an expression that he had never seen before.

There is even some permission to love.

"Auntie was scolding me just now?"


"It looks like Master Aunt can't wait!"

"In that case, come on!"

As Yang Chen said, he opened his arms, and the golden original energy on his body began to emerge.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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