Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 188: Nether Mysterious Sect! Chu Xi's Boredom! (Seeking Subscription)

Seeing this scene, Xiao Dong's face immediately turned dark.

If it wasn't for the poor Cultivation Base, he really wanted to rush up and chop Yang Chen into pieces.

This bastard always takes advantage of his sister in front of his face.

I hate it so much.

Xiao Dong gritted his teeth.

But he also knows that now, he can only endure.

The strength is far inferior to that of Yang Chen, not to mention, even her sister herself is willing to be hugged by that bastard.

A bitch, like Zhan Qiuyun, is a bitch.

Xiao Dong thought bitterly in his heart.

At this time, countless meteors fell towards the Meteor Mountain Range in the sky.

Xiao Dong said in a deep voice:

"Sister, another meteor has landed, so hurry up and feel it!"

"We came here to find opportunities!"

Chu Xi was originally enjoying Yang Chen's embrace.

Hearing this, Dai Mei frowned slightly.

Move him a little, it's so annoying.

But she also knew that Little Brother was eager to become stronger.

I can only say helplessly:

"All right!"

As she said that, Chu Xi looked up at the sky, the Star imprint flickering between her brows.

The power of Star diffused out.

Finally, Chu Xi pointed to a meteor that continued to fall toward the east.

"On that meteorite, I noticed something unusual!"

"But the place where it fell is a little far away from us!"

Hearing this, Xiao Dong didn't hesitate and flew over quickly.

Yang Chen followed slowly behind.

An attitude of not wanting to compete with Xiao Dong.

Chu Xi couldn't help being moved when she saw it.

Brother Yang is really kind to Xiao Dong, but it's a pity that Xiao Dong doesn't know how to flatter him, so he always has trouble with Senior Brother Yang.

At this time.

In the direction where the meteorite landed, a golden divine light burst out.

The golden 903 divine light soared into the sky, straight into the sky, and filled the sky with divine brilliance.

The divine brilliance instantly burned into a large flame, as if it was about to burn the sky and destroy the world.

"What a scorching breath, Riding is a treasure of the yang attribute!"

"The origin in my body, the speed of cohesion has actually accelerated a lot!"

"This treasure works wonders for my Pure Yang Sacred Body!"

"No, I must have it!"

Xiao Dong's eyes were fiery, and he immediately rushed towards the place where the meteorite landed.

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, it looks like a treasure has been born!"

"Your star purple body is really extraordinary!"

"However, it should consume a lot of soul power to run the star eye once!"

Yang Chen looked at the star mark on the center of Chu Xi's eyebrows.

During this period of time, he also watched some introductions about Star Purple.

The star imprint on Chu Xi's eyebrows will gradually become a star eye as she practices.

Not only can you mobilize the power of the Star, but you can also watch the Shattering Void, penetrating the infinite space.

It can be said to be powerful and extraordinary.

Yang Chen is now close to Chu Xi not only because he wants to plunder Xiao Dong's luck value.

He also wants to train Chu Xi to be his right-hand man, capable and capable in the future.

After all, the star purple body has a physique of the Sacred Body level.

"It consumes a lot of soul power!"

As Chu Xi spoke, a trace of fatigue appeared on her face.

At this time, Yang Chen's palm was attached to her forehead.

Nine-colored rays of light penetrated into the center of Chu Xi's eyebrows.

"This is? What a pure soul power!"

Yang Chen only transmitted for a moment, then stopped.

"Senior Brother Yang, was that just now?"

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, I have a nine-colored Poria cocos, which can continuously release the power of the soul!"

"You must never tell anyone!"

"Well, I know!"

Chu Xi nodded quickly.

I can't help but feel a touch of warmth and sweetness in my heart.

Poria cocos can have nine colors, which is a rare treasure in the world.

Brother Yang told himself the secret.

This is absolute trust in own.

The two were about to reach the place where the meteorite fell.

At this time, Ridao came:

"Good boy, if you dare to grab the treasure with me, you really want to die!"

Then, Xiao Dong sternly shouted:

"I am a disciple of Daotian Holy Land, how dare you?"


When Yang Chen and Chu Xi arrived, they saw Xiao Dong flying out of a meteor crater.

However, he didn't fly out by himself, but was slapped out by someone's palm.


Falling heavily to the ground, Xiao Dong spat out a mouthful of blood.


Chu Xi flew over in a hurry.

At this time.

A crooked figure flew out of the crater.

"Hehe, a fairy is here!"

"It's just right, I'm in a good mood, I can take good care of you!"

The crooked old man was dressed in a black robe with skull marks all over it, and he was not a kind person at first glance.

However, among those who cultivate immortals, how many kind-hearted people are there?

Competing for treasures has always been ruthless, killing people at every turn.

The crooked old man stretched out his palm (bcca) to hit Chu Xi directly with his True Qi handprint.

Chu Xi wanted to escape with Xiao Dong.

However, it feels like the surrounding space is frozen, unable to move at all.

"Want to go?"

"Go back with me obediently, and be my slave in the future!"

"Being able to accept a fairy from the Daotian Holy Land as a female slave will bring honor to my face!"

The crooked old man smiled triumphantly.

But at this moment, a sword light streaked across the sky.


True Qi's condensed palm was cut into nothingness most directly.


"Dare to meddle in this seat's business?"

The stooped old man stared at the sky.

I saw Yang Chen pointing at each other into swords, walking in the void, walking slowly.

A mere God Transformation Realm Sixth Stage, dare to meddle in this seat's business?"

"It's really courting death!"

The crooked old man looked gloomy.

The body's breath is rising steadily.

Yang Chen was also a little surprised, he didn't expect to meet Xiu Tian who was at the peak of God Transformation Realm so soon.

But just right.

His current Realm has reached God Transformation Realm Sixth Stage.

Just use this old man to test the level of own combat power.

"Brother Yang, be careful!"

Chu Xi also felt the astonishing aura of the stooped old man, so she couldn't help reminding him.

At this time.

Sensing the movement here, figures in the distance flew over quickly.

Both are cultivators in the immediate area.

"The fire and rain just now erupted from here!"

"Those should be the disciples of Daotian Holy Land?"

"Who is this old man? Don't die?"

"Dare to attack people from Daotian Holy Land, don't you know that Elder, the guardian of Daotian Holy Land this time, is the famous Lord Youyue Peak?"

"That is a terrifying existence that is only one step away from the Indistinguishable Dao realm!"

"This old man is not easy to provoke!"

At this time, someone recognized the identity of the old man:

"He seems to be the black-hearted sweetheart of the Nether Xuanjiao!"

"The Profound Sect of the Netherworld?"

These four words immediately caused many people to retreat a few steps.

In the Zhongzhou Continent, although the Daotian Holy Land is famous, the Nether Mysterious Sect doesn't lose much.

Moreover, compared to the orthodox holy places like the Daotian Holy Land, the name of the Nether Mysterious Sect is even more daunting.

"These people in Daotian Holy Land are miserable!"

"The Nether Xuanjiao is not afraid of Daotian Holy Land!"

"And the two sides still have enmity!"

"That black-hearted sweetheart has already stayed in the God Transformation Realm Tenth Stage for a thousand years, and is not far from the encirclement!"

Hearing the discussions from the surrounding people, Chu Xi's face turned pale, and she was a little worried about Yang Chen.

"Sister, inside that meteorite is a solar star core!"

"You must help me get it!"

"That way, then my pure Yang Sacred Body can be completely restored!"

At this time, Xiao Dong said weakly.

Hearing this, Chu Xi couldn't help but glared at him, and said angrily:

"Okay, you shut up!"

"If you weren't greedy, we wouldn't have fallen into this dangerous situation!"

At this moment, she is bored with Xiao Dong, the Little Brother.

Brother Yang has always cared about the consumption transition of Own's soul power, and even took the initiative to infuse himself with Jiucai Fuling's soul power.

As for Xiaodong, he only knows how to help him obtain treasures.

Didn't he hear just now that the person in front of him is an old monster who is not far from the Void Refining realm?

Compared with Senior Brother Yang, Xiaodong is real, selfish and childish, even a little annoying.

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