Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 187: Red Blood Gold! Backhand Hug Your Sister! (Seeking Subscription)


Hearing the system's voice, Yang Chen was taken aback.

Can't help but look back at Xiao Dong.

Just looking at his eyes full of resentment and ferocity.


Yang Chen smiled.

Unexpectedly, he was discovered by Junior Brother Xiao Dong again.

There is no way, the smell is too strong, even Zhan Qiuyun smelled a strange smell, Xiao Dong smelled nothing unusual.

After all, it wasn't the first time he had discovered it.

However, two hundred points of luck were gathered.

Junior brother Xiao Dong's patience is getting stronger and stronger now.

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, this is a spiritual tea leaf, please put it in your mouth!"

Yang Chen handed Chu Xi a piece of tea.

Chu Xi understood immediately.

Meimou couldn't help but glared at Yang Chen shyly.

"It's all you, Senior Brother Yang!"


As a large number of meteors gradually fell, the cultivators gathered on the outskirts of the mountain range began to enter the meteor mountain range.

The Meteor Mountain Range spans hundreds of thousands of miles.

Even if so many cultivators entered it, they disappeared in an instant.

Yang Chen, Chu Xi, and Xiao Dong came to a mountain peak.

Chu Xi looked up at the falling meteors in the sky, and the Star imprint on her eyebrows flickered.

She is feeling the power of the star contained in the falling meteorite.

The breath on the body is also rising.

The purple light envelops Chu Xi, and the power of her own Star pervades, as if to merge with the power of the Star falling from the meteorite in the sky.

Yang Chen watched from the side, his face was full of shock.

The Star purple body is really extraordinary, no wonder it is also the essence of the Sacred Body level.

This means that Chu Xi only has the strength of the Nascent Soul early stage. If she reaches the Void Refining Realm, I am afraid that with her star purple body, she can completely arouse the power of the star, and directly attract all the valuable shooting stars in the sky to her. come here.

Moreover, with the help of Star's power, Chu Xi can't help but be able to practice, and his combat power should be quite impressive.

But in this way, the plan in Yang Chen's heart made him even more eager to try.

If you have a child with Star Ziti, then.

It's time to put this matter on the agenda.

Before Junior Brother Xiao Dong dies, let him take a look at his own nephew.


"Senior Brother Yang, I can feel a different wave in that meteor!"

Chu Xi said at this time.


Yang Chen looked around.

A small meteor fell not far from them, smashing the ground into a deep hole.

There are such craters everywhere in the Meteor Mountain Range.

The small ones are only a few feet in radius, and the big ones have a radius of thousands of feet.

"Sister, let's pass away!"

Xiao Dong immediately flew up and rushed towards the meteorite.

The meteorite discovered by sister Star's purple body must be extraordinary, and there are treasures hidden in it.

That bastard Yang Chen followed over with a cheeky face, he absolutely couldn't let him take advantage of this.


Xiao Dong arrived, but there were no cultivators around, so he slashed at the meteor with his sword.

Xiao Dong is worthy of being the son of destiny, he was seriously injured and unconscious by Yan Qiuyun before.

But after two months of recuperating and training, not only did Realm not stop, but also broke through, from Foundation Establishment Tenth Stage to Gold Core First Stage.

With one strike of the sword, the meteor that was about the size of a human head was split open by him.

Red light diffused out.

"It's blood gold!"

Xiao Dong's eyes were full of joy.

Red blood gold is an excellent material for refining fire attribute spirits.

A small piece of red blood gold is extremely valuable.

Even Nascent Soul Divine Transformation cultivator, when refining spirit weapons, will only add a small amount of red blood gold to upgrade the grade.

The value of such a large piece of red blood gold is enough to attract the crazy snatch of Divine Transformation cultivator.

"It turned out to be a large piece of blood gold!"

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Xiao Dong!"

"Such a large piece of red blood gold is priceless, and I am a little envious!"

Yang Chen and Chu Xi walked side by side, cupped hands smiled.


Xiao Dong snorted coldly, and put away the fruit directly.

Turned around and walked to the side, ignoring Yang Chen.

Seeing Yang Chen and his sister standing together, he couldn't help but think of his sister doing that kind of thing to that bastard Yang Chen.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he was also a man, and he knew that posture clearly in his heart.

He is also more aware of the stimulation of men.

Just thinking about him was a burst of resentment.

Seeing this, Chu Xi felt helpless, so she could only apologize to Yang Chen:

"Senior Brother Yang, don't be as knowledgeable as Xiaodong!"

"It's okay, I'm used to Xiao Dong's temper!"

"Besides, for your sake, I won't argue with him either! (Hi Nuo Li"

"Well, thank you Senior Brother Yang!"

"Senior Brother Yang, if you need red blood gold, I will talk to Xiaodong and ask him to share some with you!"

Chu Xi said softly.

Yang Chen couldn't help hugging her into his arms.

This woman is really understanding.

The palm of her hand walked on her back, feeling the warm touch of her fingertips.

Yang Chen glanced at Xiao Dong, with a little playfulness and mockery.

Dammit, I really gave you a face!

To compliment you, you are still aloof.

Daddy hugged your sister backhanded.

Really soft, really fragrant.

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