Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 189: Sword Intent Of The Seventh Level Of The Sword! Yin Demon Banner! (Seeking Subscription

"Sister, you?"

Xiao Dong was stunned by Chu Xi's disgusted gaze and tone.

He couldn't believe that his sister would look at him with such eyes and tone.

He is her Little Brother.

The only relative in this world~.

"Damn it!"

"It's Yang Chen, that bastard who's sowing discord!"

"Chu Xi, you are also a slut, decades of sibling love is not as sweet as Yang Chen's bastard!"

"Bitch, bitch, one day I will make you regret it!"

Xiao Dong cursed in his heart.

[Ding, the host cares about Chu Xi, Chu Xi is bored with Xiao Dong, the siblings have a rift, and plunders the son of destiny Xiao Dong's luck value of 500 points, and the host gets villain value of 500 points! 1


Yang Chen looked slightly startled.

Sibling gap?

It seems that Junior Sister Chu Xi is also bored and disappointed with this Little Brother.

Not bad.

In this way, I don't have to pretend to be a good brother-in-law anymore.

And after Xiao Dong died, Junior Sister Chu Xi wouldn't be too sad.

"Junior, die for me!"

The Devilish Qi surged on the Black Hearted Man, and he slapped Yang Chen with a palm.

Devilish Qi formed countless chains, and among them were countless ghosts howling mournfully.

Yang Chen felt that the surrounding space was frozen.

The cultivator at the pinnacle of Divine Transformation can already use the power of space.

Solidify a piece of space, or form a seal like a space lock.

Although the space method is not very strong, it can form a fatal blow to a low-level cultivator.

If it is a cultivator in the early stage of Divine Transformation, facing this strike, the space freezes, and there is no way to retreat, so you can only fight with all your strength.

Then it is often not dead but also seriously injured.

This is also the reason why the black-hearted sweetheart dared to attack Yang Chen.

Because in his opinion, a cultivator of the Divine Transformation middle stage can be suppressed by himself in a short time.

However, he underestimated Yang Chen.

A sword light cut out.

The sword light is formed like a golden flame, containing the sharp Sword intent to cut through everything.

Although the big hand formed by Devilish Qi chains looked like a dark prison, it was cut into nothingness by this Sword intent.

The monstrous Sword intent spread out in all directions.

It hit everyone present.

"What a strong Sword intent!"

"My spirit sword is actually clanging and singing!"

"I didn't expect that this Divine Transformation middle stage cultivator of Daotian Holy Land turned out to be such a powerful sword cultivator!"

"This Sword intent has probably reached the seventh level of Sword!"

"As expected of the Holy Land of the Dao Heaven, with a profound heritage, there are such geniuses!"

At this time, many cultivators have gathered around.

There is no shortage of Divine Transformation levels among them.

There are even a few who have reached the Divine Transformation late stage and pinnacle.

But they were all shocked by the shocking Sword intent released by Yang Chen.

Chu Xi supported Xiao Dong and stood aside, looking at Yang Chen exuding a powerful Sword intent, who looked like a peerless sword fairy, his beautiful eyes were shining brightly, full of admiration.

"Damn it!"

"Yang Chen, this bastard, can really pretend!"

"If you give me Hundred Years, I'm no worse than him!"

Xiao Dong secretly hated in his heart.

in the sky.

Yang Chen and the black-hearted sweetheart fought for more than ten rounds in an instant.

...asking for flowers......

Devilish Qi and Sword Qi criss-crossed the valley, flattening and collapsing more than a dozen surrounding peaks.

After a short fight, Yang Chen also understood his current strength.

Without using the ancient Chunyang sword, in terms of his own strength alone, there is not much difference in combat power between him and the black-hearted sweetheart.

Even Yang Chen still has the dragon body technique, which is useless.

As long as someone gets close to him, he can instantly destroy the other person's physical body.

"Damn it, junior, die for Ben!"

The black-hearted sweetheart originally planned to suppress this lifeless junior in front of him in a moment.

But who knows, they fought back and forth with each other.

If it gets out, how will his black-hearted sweetheart hang around in Zhongzhou in the future?

A Divine Transformation Tenth Stage can't beat a Divine Transformation Sixth Stage, does he still have the face to return to the Netherworld?

The black sweetheart waved his hand, and the black magic flag of Sun Pillar appeared.

The Devilish Qi surged, and the entire sky was instantly covered with dark clouds.

During this period, there were ghostly whimpers coming from all directions.

"It's the Yin Demon Banner!"

"Ninth grade devil armaments' of Nether Xuanjiao!"

"This Yin Demon Banner is the master of the black-hearted sweetheart, the soldier of the Elder of the Nether Xuanjiao. He used to refine and kill more than ten Void Refining realm cultivators and tens of thousands of Divine Transformation Nascent Soul cultivators in one fell swoop. Absolutely terrifying!"

"Divine Transformation Sixth Stage forced the black-hearted sweetheart of Divine Transformation Tenth Stage to use a piece of ninth-grade devil armaments', this seat, I can't believe it!"

"This disciple of Daotian Holy Land, what is his name? Which Elder's disciple is he? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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