Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 186: What's The Smell? Strange! Meteor Mountains! (Seeking Subscription)

At this time, thousands of disciples gathered in a martial arts arena in Daotian Holy Land.

All of them are full of aura and have extraordinary temperament.

Several hundred-foot-long flying spirit boats were suspended in the air.

Thousands of disciples began to board in an orderly manner.

On the deck, Zhan Qiuyun wore a moon robe, her hair was rolled up, and as the breeze blew, she looked like a peerless fairy princess.

The surrounding disciples, Elder, all had fiery eyes.

But dare not look more.

Everyone knows that this Youyue peak master looks like a fairy under the moon, but his methods are quite fierce, killing people like hemp, and his bones are piled into mountains.


"It looks so noble, Sacred, why is he hugged by Yang Chen to play dirty!"

"People are cold in front of others, but people behind them may be so slutty!"

"When Daddy succeeds in cultivation, I want to taste your taste, and let you sing conquest under my crotch!"

Among the crowd, Xiao Dong stared straight at Zhan Qiuyun.

Glanced back and forth on her graceful figure, as if trying to see through the moon robe.

This time, he will naturally go to the Meteor Mountain Range.

If he could get some treasures from those 12 meteorites, his cultivation speed would be faster.

And my sister has awakened Star Purple Body, as long as I follow behind my sister, I will definitely gain a lot.

Xiao Dong was about to board the flying spirit boat.

Suddenly, Ridao's cold voice sounded beside his ears:

"Xiao Dong, where's your sister?"

Hearing this, Xiao Dong raised his head and met Zhan Qiuyun's cold eyes.

Bitch, what are you pretending to do in front of me!?

Although he cursed in his heart, he still bowed and saluted:

"Master, this disciple doesn't know!"

Humph, Mi!"

Zhan Qiuyun snorted impatiently, and looked away from Xiao Dong.

She gets annoyed when she sees Xiao Dong.

If it wasn't for that little bastard Yang Chen threatening him, he would have been slapped into ashes with one palm last time.

And that girl Chu Xi.

Tell her to call Yang Chen to leave the customs, what are you doing?

I haven't come back for so long.

Zhan Qiuyun pinched the seal with her jade hand, and the spatial fluctuations came out.

She sent a message to Chu Xi, asking her to come over immediately.

After a while.

Two streamers of light came from the sky.

landed on the deck.

Yang Chen was dressed in white and looked handsome.

His body exudes a tyrannical aura, but without losing his elegance, he looks like an immortal in the dust.

As soon as it appeared, it attracted the admiring gazes of many female disciples around.

And Chu Xi, standing beside Yang Chen, although she is peerless, her cheeks are flushed at the moment.

The hair was a little messy, I don't know if it was blown by the wind just now, or what.

"Master, I'm sorry, the disciple is late!"

Chu Xi walked up to Zhan Qiuyun and apologized.

However, Zhan Qiuyun sniffed her nose and frowned.

"What smell?"


heard the words.

An astonishing blush rose on Chu Xi's cheeks.

That strange smell, she naturally knew what it was.

He couldn't help turning his head and glaring at Yang Chen.

It's all the fault of Senior Brother Yang.

Don't do that.

Master urged, she didn't even have time to freshen up.

If Master finds out, it will inevitably be another round of reprimand.

Meteor Mountains.

It stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Although there will be a meteor shower every forty-nine years.

This is not a long time span in the cultivation world of Zhongzhou.

Many cultivators will have the opportunity to come here more than ten times or even dozens of times or hundreds of times in their lifetime.

But at this time, the Meteorite Mountain Range was still very lively.

On the outskirts of the mountain range, there are figures flickering on every mountain peak.

I don't know how many flying spirit boats, large and small, are still staying in the sky.

However, when several flying spirit boats from Daotian Holy Land arrived.

Those flying spirit boats in front of them all consciously gave up their positions.

After all, Daotian Holy Land is one of the dominant powers in Zhongzhou.

Those who dare to provoke them, there are not a few in the entire Zhongzhou.

Beside Yang Chen, the star imprint on Chu Xi's eyebrows became brighter and brighter at this time.

Even Yang Chen himself felt a mysterious force.

"This is the power of the Star?"

Yang Chen looked up at the sky.

At this time, most of the cultivators are also looking at the sky.

Because, it can be clearly seen that there are several streams of light piercing the sky and heading towards the Meteor Mountain Range.

The meteor did not cross the earth, but directly hit the depths of the mountain range 480 degrees, and the earth trembled.

"Sister, come with me for a while!"

Xiao Dong walked to Chu Xi's side and said in a low voice.


"But Xiao Dong, you are not allowed to go against Senior Brother Yang!"

"There are countless powerful cultivators coming to the Meteor Mountain Range, and it is up to Senior Brother Yang to protect us!"

Chu Xi turned her head and said.

Worried that Xiaodong will be in trouble with Senior Brother Yang.

After all, Xiaodong has always had a deep prejudice against Senior Brother Yang.

However, as soon as she spoke, Xiao Dong frowned.

this smell?

Just thinking about it for a while, Xiao Dong's face turned blue immediately.

My sister didn't come just now, because she was doing that kind of thing for that bastard Yang Chen?


bitch, bitch!

[Ding, Xiao Dong found out that the host had defiled Chu Xi, his mood collapsed, and he plundered 200 points of luck from the son of destiny Xiao Dong, and the host got 200 villain points!]


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