Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 185: Will Bully Others! Enough Time! (Seeking Subscription)

Two months passed quickly.

Yang Chen ended Closed Door Training.

The weakness caused by Zhan Qiuyun's absorption of too much original energy before has been fully recovered.

The Cultivation Base of God Transformation Realm Sixth Stage has also stabilized.

During these two months, he mainly studied the Insight Chunyang Sword Art, from which he practiced a lot of kendo Supernatural Power.

The Chunyang Sword Code is a secret code of kendo created by Chunyang Venerable in the past, which contains the kendo crystallization of his life.

Venerable, the cultivator that can be crowned with these two words, has reached the acme of Indistinguishable Dao.

"July 20" is also a respectful title for the power cultivators standing at the top of the land of Zhongzhou.

Wanting to gain insight into their kendo doesn't happen overnight.

For an ordinary cultivator, even if the Kendo Talent is peerless, it will take hundreds or even thousands of years.

However, Yang Chen has a villain value and can use the villain value Insight.

In the past two months, I can't say that I have fully comprehended it, at least I have gained 40-50% of Insight.

At this time, his attainments in the Dao of the Sword are even deeper than those of ordinary Void Refining cultivators.

Sword intent is lingering on his body, and he can cut everything around him into fly ash at any time.

However, as he opened his eyes, the fierce Sword intent on his body gradually disappeared.

"Senior Brother Yang, you're out!"

Seeing Yang Chen walk out of the room and Chu Xi standing in the yard, she smiled and said.

This smile is so alluring and peerless that it is enough to make Baihua lose color.

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth couldn't help but playful.

In the past two months, because Chu Xi had to take care of the seriously injured Xiao Dong, and because he spent most of his time in Closed Door Training, the two of them could only see each other for about half a month.

Every time we meet, some intimacy is unavoidable.

Although every time he was about to reach the last step, he would be interrupted by Xiao Dong who suddenly appeared.

However, the relationship between the two has also improved a lot.

For example, Xiao Dong found several white stains on Chu Xi's body.

However, although Xiao Dong was angry.

However, the more things went on, the stronger his ability to bear.

The plundered Luck value is also reduced a lot.

Every time it was three hundred or five hundred, the most recent time, Jing won two hundred luck points.

This made Yang Chen very helpless.

"Senior Brother Yang, meteor showers are about to appear in the Meteorite Mountain Range, and the Holy Land has gathered disciples in the Martial Arts Arena, let's prepare to go there too!"

"Master, I will also go there every day!"

As Chu Xi said, a blush appeared on her cheeks.

In the past two months, Master has instructed her to practice several times.

Every time she faced Master, the scene where she and Senior Brother Yang were hugging each other would resurface.

I can't help thinking about it.

As a result, I was scolded by the master several times.

"Meteor Mountain Range!"

Yang Chen looked at the little purple Star imprint on the center of Chu Xi's eyebrows, which is now more obvious, which also added a bit of nobility to Chu Xi.

"Junior sister Chu Xi, we haven't seen each other for ten days!"

Yang Chen suddenly said...

Hearing his words, Chu Xi nodded lightly:

"Yes, twelve days!"

She remembers clearly every day when she was separated from Senior Brother Yang.

Yang Chen walked to Chu Xi's side at this time, and gently rubbed her head.

"Junior sister Chu Xi, I miss you!"

"Brother Yang, you, you hate it!"

"You will bully others!"

A blush appeared on Chu Xi's cheeks, and she immediately scolded.

Couldn't help but hit Yang Chen on the shoulder.

During this time, every time Senior Brother Yang wanted to do that shameful thing with her, he would do it like this.

Although she hadn't seen her for ten days and she wanted to be alone with Senior Brother Yang for a while, Chu Xi still said:

"Senior Brother Yang, in a few hours, the flying spirit boat will be leaving!"

"If we don't, let's go there first!"

5.2 "Otherwise, it will be too late!"

Hearing this, the corners of Yang Chen's mouth hooked slightly.

His hands continued to caress her black silk.

"You also said, there are still a few hours!"

"Enough time!"

"This, okay!"

"I really can't do anything about you, Senior Brother Yang!"

Chu Xi had no choice but to look at Yang Chen full of resentment, and finally could only follow him into the room.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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