Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 184: Don't They Want To Be Teachers And Apprentices? (Seeking Subscription)


Another fifteen hundred villain value?

Not bad.

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth hooked slightly.

Junior brother Xiao Dong must be full of humiliation at this moment.

He looked towards Xiao Dong who was kneeling on the ground.

Yang Chen couldn't help but smacked his lips.

I have to say that Junior Brother Xiao Dong's posture at this time really looks like a dog.

"Auntie, forget it, give my nephew a face, and let Master Xiao Dong go!"

"After all, Tao doesn't want to either"

Yang Chen whispered in Zhan Qiuyun's ear.

Hearing this, Zhan Qiuyun looked at him with eyes full of anger, and gritted her silver teeth.


She really wanted to give this little bastard a hard time.

It was all because of him.

Now he even threatened himself.

Really Damn it.

Next time, if you still want to touch yourself like this, don't even think about it.


Zhan Qiuyun snorted coldly.


With a wave of his sleeves.


A straight pistol hit the kneeling Xiao Dong directly.


Xiao Dong was directly sent flying, and blood spewed out.

"Hmph, if you can survive a blow from this seat, you will be lucky!"

Zhan Qiuyun coldly said something.

Then he turned his head, glared at Yang Chen fiercely, took a step forward, and the figure disappeared directly.


Chu Xi hurriedly ran to Xiao Dong's side.

Being slapped by Zhan Qiuyun, although he didn't use all his strength, if it was someone else, even Nascent Soul cultivator, he would be belching at this time.

But Xiao Dong, worthy of being the son of destiny, was still heaving a sigh of relief.

This vitality is really tenacious.

"It's okay, it's okay, Xiaodong is still alive!"

Chu Xi heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly took out a Medicine Pill, and stuffed it into Xiao Dong's mouth.

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, today's affairs are all up to me!"

"After Junior Brother Xiao Dong wakes up, I will apologize to him!"

"But don't get me wrong, my aunt and I, the reason for that is just a way of cultivation!"

Yang Chen opened his mouth to explain.

Chu Xi sent a wave of True Qi to Xiao Dong, and the Medicine Pill put him on the ground after starting to dissolve it.

Then get up.

Beautiful eyes looked at Yang Chen faintly.

"Senior Brother Yang, you, you don't need to explain!"

"I understand!

"And, I, I don't care!"

Chu Xi said, her cheeks blushed a little.

"As long as Senior Brother Yang doesn't dislike me, I, I don't care who Senior Brother Yang has that kind of relationship with!"

Chu Xi's voice was broken and intentional.

Although Senior Brother Yang and Master have that kind of relationship, she is a little lost.

But she also knew that the future of Senior Brother Yang, a proud son of heaven, did not belong to her alone.

...ask for flowers...

It's just that she didn't expect that even Master Youyue, the aloof Master, would have such a relationship with Senior Brother Yang.

After that day, don't they want to be teachers and apprentices.

Thinking of that scene, Chu Xi couldn't help feeling hot on her cheeks.

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, you are so kind!"

Yang Chen was also somewhat moved.

Originally, I thought about coaxing him well.


Unexpectedly, Chu Xi was so reasonable and understanding.

At this moment, facing the shy and beautiful Chu Xi, Yang Chen directly opened his arms and hugged her into his arms.

"Brother Yang!"

Chu Xi also tightly hugged Yang Chen's waist.

The tender body clings to him.

It is expressing own's continuous affection.

Feeling the softness in his arms, Yang Chen couldn't help looking at Xiao Dong who was lying on the ground.

I can't help feeling a little pity in my heart.

Junior brother Xiao Dong is now in a coma.


If he is conscious now, he sees Own sister being run into his arms again.

Then, it must be another big wave of villain value.

What a pity, what a pity.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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