Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 175: Pure Yang Residual Star, The Sword Of Dao Companion! (Seeking Subscription)


Hearing the system's voice in his mind, Yang Chen was stunned.

Xiao Dong found out about his slander against Chu Xi?

Looting two thousand luck points?

Unexpectedly, Junior Brother Xiao Dong's sense is quite keen.

This can all be found.

Ha ha, this is also a surprise.

It's just that I feel sorry for Junior Brother Xiao Dong.

He must be very sad now.

After all, sister Own is doing useful things for his villain.

Yang Chen turned his head and glanced at Xiao Dong.

It happened to meet his eyes full of jealousy and fierceness, like a wild beast, as if it would pounce on him at any moment.

Oh, Junior Brother Xiao Dong is really "six-five-seven" angry.

Buried under the sword mountain.

Xiao Dong looked at the Burial Sword Mountain, which was as high as ten feet high.

There was confidence in his eyes.

He is determined to obtain the Pure Yang Sword left by the Pure Yang Sacred Body.

"When I get the Sword of Pure Yang, I must take my sister away from Daotian Holy Land!"

"My sister was obviously deceived by that bastard Yang Chen, now she doesn't listen to what I say, not only gave the first kiss to that bastard, but also to that bastard!"

When Xiao Dong thought of the white stain on his sister's body just now, his heart ached.

His beloved elder sister actually did such a shameful thing to Yang Chen.

Damn it.

After getting the Sword of Pure Yang, you must leave the Daotian Holy Land as soon as possible.

Only by leaving here can I stay away from that bastard Yang Chen, and my sister can continue to belong to me!

Otherwise, my sister will turn into a bastard in a short time!

Xiao Dong took a few deep breaths to suppress the restlessness in his heart.

Then Lotus Position sat on the ground and began to condense its own Sword intent.

In the Sword Intent, there was an obvious scorching heat.

The original breath of pure yang Sacred Body is revealed in it.

Although Xiao Dong only has the Realm of the Foundation Establishment Tenth Stage, the Sword intent condensed is stronger than the ordinary Gold Core, and even comparable to some Nascent Soul cultivators.

It can be seen that Xiao Dong's swordsmanship talent is indeed extraordinary.

"As expected of a son of destiny!"

"It seems that Xiao Dong's chance must be related to his pure Yang Sacred Body!"

Yang Chen secretly said in his heart.

At this time, Chu Xi said beside him:

"Senior Brother Yang, I'm starting too!"

After finishing speaking, the beautiful eyes closed, and the Sword intent condensed.

Although Chu Xi is an ice attribute cultivator, her Sword intent does not have much ice aura, instead there is a star power contained in it.

There was a faint purple light emitting from Chu Xi's body.

Yang Chen took a closer look, and suddenly found that the white light and purple light on Chu Xi and Xiao Dong's bodies actually resonated at this moment, as if they complement each other.

"It seems that Chu Xi's physique is also unusual!"

"After all, she is the sister of the son of destiny, so it can't be simple!"

Yang Chen didn't continue to observe, he closed his eyes, and a sharp and hot Sword intent condensed on his body.

This month, he spent 7,000 villain points to practice kendo.

And gave Insight the thirty-six Heavenly Devil stone carvings with the sword cutting the sky.

At this time, the Sword intent he comprehends, I dare not say how strong it is, but it is definitely not weak compared to the sword intent of God Transformation Realm.

Moreover, Yang Chen's Sword intent has the characteristics of his sun god body.

When it reaches the yang, it can kill all evil spirits and yin and cold.

The Sword intent entered the Burial Sword Mountain, and resonated with the ancient swords buried on the mountain.

At this moment, Yang Chen had a feeling that as long as he wanted, he could take any of them.

However, he didn't mean that.

At the foot of the mountain, there are many ancient swords left by some former Divine Transformation cultivators.

These Gold Core Nascent Soul disciples may be quite satisfied with obtaining such an ancient sword...

But an ancient sword of this level has no effect on Yang Chen.

His Sword intent has been rising all the way, releasing his masculine and masculine characteristics to the fullest.

Suddenly, Yang Chen seemed to feel a call.


"Is this the call of the ancient sword?"

Yang Chen was a little surprised.

The ancient sword took the initiative to call, which means that this ancient sword must not be simple.

Yang Chen followed the summoning Sword intent to the top of the funeral mountain.

A simple and simple long sword was quietly inserted on the mountain.

And his Sun Sword intent covered the ancient long sword, and was absorbed by it.

Then, the simple long sword released a dazzling white light.

Like a big sun, slowly rising into the sky.

The entire Burial Sword Mountain was shrouded in the brilliance released by the simple long sword.

At the same time, over the Burial Sword Mountain, there seemed to be dots of stars, and the purple light shone down.

This scene immediately shocked everyone.

Many people woke up from the state of Enlightenment Sword.

The vision of the birth of Jianjian Mountain only said 2.3 to explain one thing.

A famous sword is born!

In the history of Daotian Holy Land, countless Kendo Powers were born.

After these cultivators died, they buried their swords in the Mountain of Burial Swords.

If it is born in a later life, a vision will come from the sky.

"Big sun and stars!"

"Could it be that the one who was born this time is the legendary Pure Yang Residual Star?"

"Pure Yang Residual Star, it is said that it is the sword of the two kendo powers of my heaven and holy land ten thousand years ago!"

"Those two seniors are still a pair of fairy companions!"


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