Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 176: Is It Really Empty For A Long Time? Star Purple Body! (Seeking Subscription)

Over the Burial Sword Mountain, the big white sun and the purple stars lined up in the sky.

In the entire Buried Sword Mountain, the rules of swordsmanship became extremely active.

The countless ancient swords buried on the Jianjian Mountain began to tremble at this moment, as if celebrating the birth of Chunyang and Remnant Xing.

"A famous sword is born!"

"Pure Yang, residual star?"

At this time, one after another majestic aura appeared.

The birth of the pure yang remnant star alarmed some old monsters who had been in the closed door training for a long time in the Daotian Holy Land, and they all broke through and went to Jianshan.

On Youyue Peak.

Zhan Qiuyun also opened her eyes suddenly.

"Pure Yang remnant star was born?"

"This Pure Yang Sword, could it be that little bastard Yang Chen got it?"

"It's been more than a month since the last time, the little bastard should have recovered, and I should go to squeeze him out again!"

"Hmph, he took such a big advantage last time, this time, I can't let him off lightly!"

Talking a few words to herself, Zhan Qiuyun couldn't help thinking that she was in this position last time, being hugged tightly by that little bastard Yang Chen, and herself, the whole moon robe was wet with sweat.

Thinking about it, Zhan Qiuyun couldn't help feeling a little hot all over her body.

"Damn it, what's wrong with seat 06?"

"Dao heart will be disturbed by that little bastard Yang Chen!"

"Could it be, has it really been empty for a long time?"

Zhan Qiuyun was secretly annoyed.

He got up, put on a clean moon robe, and walked out of the wooden house.

In the Daotian Temple.

Qing'er was wearing a long blue dress, sitting on a jade platform in Lotus Position.

In just one month, her Realm has reached the Gold Core Fourth Stage state.

It's just that the little face also lost a little bit of agility, and a little more cold.

But in this way, the childishness of the girl is much less.

"Hmm, Chunyang Residual Star was born!?"

In the Great Hall, an elegant voice resounded, carrying a bit of the majesty of being in a position for a long time.

Although it sounds very pleasant, it is a bit abrupt in this empty Great Hall.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Qing'er asked out loud.


"Qing'er, go out for the teacher, you continue to practice, don't slack off!"

"You have wasted too much these years, don't waste any more time!"


Qing'er had a bitter face and nodded.

When the blurred figure on the high platform disappeared, Qing'er couldn't help but pouted and muttered:

"Brother smelly, words don't count!"

"It's been a month, and you haven't come to see me yet!"

"Master is so strict, I am not allowed to step out of the Great Hall!"

"How can I meet you, my stinky brother!"

At this time, buried under the sword mountain.

The void oscillates.

Several old men appeared out of thin air.

One of them said:

"Back then, Chunyang Venerable and Canxing Venerable spent almost half their lives casting these two swords!"

"Pure Yang Residual Star, it can be said that it is only one step away from the holy artifact!"

"When the two swords intersect, the power is not even inferior to the holy weapon!"

"Everyone, who is your disciple who has such a talent in swordsmanship!

The eyes of several old men flickered with divine light.

Finally, it was fixed on Yang Chen and Chu Xi who were sitting in the Lotus Position.

"It's those two little guys!"

"These two little guys are a bit unfamiliar, I have never seen them before!"

One of the old men in black robes reached out to grab Zhan Yunxuan, and he grabbed Zhan Yunxuan directly.

"Yunxuan, you are in charge of maintaining the order of Burial Sword Mountain, who are those two people, do you know each other?"

Zhan Yunxuan couldn't help trembling in his heart when facing the core Elders of Daotian Holy Land, he hurriedly bowed and said:

"Patriarch, that woman in purple is Aunt Qiu Yun's disciple, Chu Xi!"

"That man is a disciple brought by Aunt Ling Shuang, named Yang Chen!"


As soon as these words came out, the old man in black robe was stunned.

Then, a smile appeared on his face.

"In this way, these two little fellows are all members of my Zhan family!"

"Haha, great!"

When the rest of the people saw this, they all looked regretful and couldn't help sighing in their hearts.

In the next Thousand Years, the Zhan family's right to speak in Daotian Holy Land is estimated to be back to its peak again.

The position of saintess will go to Zhan's family without accident.

Now, the young disciples who obtained the two peerless ancient swords of Chunyang Residual Star all came from his family.

At this time.

In the sky, the vision gradually dissipated.

Then, on the top of the Burial Sword Mountain, two beams of light shot down, directly sinking into the weight of Yang Chen and Chu Xi's bodies.

"Pure Yang Sword!"

Yang Chen murmured.

At this time, above the Sea of ​​True Qi in his body, the tongue sword with a sun handle exuding white light was suspended.

In the golden sun, streaks of golden divine brilliance emerged, pouring into the ancient sword.

The ancient sword clanged immediately, and the white light became even more dazzling.

"This sword is not bad!"

Yang Chen is quite satisfied with this Pure Yang Sword.

Although he is now a body cultivator, with a strong physique.

But with such a peerless sword, the combat power is not small.

Moreover, the Chunyang Sword also comes with a set of sword codes, called the Chunyang Sword Code.

It records many kendo Supernatural Power, Zhigang Zhiyang.

It complements his sun god body perfectly.


Yang Chen opened his eyes.

Two golden lights flashed away.

The Sun Sword intent on his body also gradually dissipated.

At this time, Yang Chen realized that there were a few old men standing around him at some point.

Each breath is as deep as an abyss like an ocean.

Even Zhan Qiuyun, who was in an angry state, did not reveal such a majestic breath.

"Good boy, at such an age you have the Cultivation Base of God Transformation Realm Fifth Stage!"

"And it's a body cultivator!"

"It's even more yang physique!"

"Ling Shuang has taken in a good disciple!"

An old man in black robe stroked his beard and smiled.

"Senior is?"

Yang Chen got up, eyes revealed puzzled.

"This old man is the Great Elder of Dao Heaven and Holy Land!"

"It turned out to be the master, the disciple has met the master!"

Yang Chen immediately bowed 543 to salute.

He has been in Daotian Holy Land for a while, and he has some understanding of Daotian Holy Land.

Under the Saint Lord, there are nine core Elders.

These nine core Elders are all existences above the Void Refining environment.

Among them, the Elder is the ancestor of the Zhi family.

That is, the grandfather of the sisters Zhan Lingshuang and Zhan Qiuyun.

Therefore, according to his seniority, he should indeed be called Shizu.

"Little guy, don't be too polite!"

"What does this little girl have to do with you?"

Yang Chen looked at Chu Xi who was on the side.

Immediately stared blankly.

At this moment, although Chu Xi still had her eyes closed, the aura she exuded from her body had changed a lot compared to before.

More ethereal and profound.

On the white skin, there is a faint purple light.

The whole person seems to be covered with a mysterious veil.

There is a little purple light between the eyebrows, like a star embedded in it.

It adds a bit of extravagance and Immortal Qi to the whole person.

At this time, the old man in black robe said:

"This girl is an extremely rare star purple body, which can absorb and mobilize the power of stars, not much less than Sacred Body!"

"The great world is approaching. In our era, a Sacred Body-level physique was hard to come by in thousands of years. Now, it is coming one after another!

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