Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 174: Hard Work Just Now! Sister Defiled? (Seeking Subscription)

Entrance to Burial Sword Mountain.

A few cultivators in silver armor stopped Xiao Dong and refused to let him in.

One of them said:

"Xiao Dong, the Jianjian Mountain Enlightenment requires at least a Cultivation Base of Gold Core Realm. You are now only a Foundation Establishment Realm, and you cannot enter the Jianjian Mountain Enlightenment!"

"If you dare to pester me again, I, the Palace of Law Enforcement, will punish you severely!"

Xiao Dong said unwillingly:

"Li deacon, I already have the Foundation Establishment Tenth Stage, and I'm only one step away from entering the Gold Core, so you can't let me in?"

However, Shining Armor cultivator is expressionless:


"The Holy Land has rules about this, and you must follow the rules!"

At this time, a young man wearing a jade crown and a brocade robe came over.

"Who's making trouble here?"

"It's you, move?"

"Hehe, it's really - the enemy's road is narrow!"

When Zhan Yunxuan saw Xiao Dong, a sarcastic smile appeared on his face.

"A mere Foundation Establishment Tenth Stage also wants to enter Burial Sword Mountain, but you don't have the qualifications yet

"You still want Holy Land to break the rules for you, what are you!"

"Get lost, or this young master will suppress you!"

Zhan Yunxuan insulted mercilessly.

Xiao Dong's forehead suddenly popped out of anger.

"Bastard, damn thing!"

"Just wait, when I succeed in cultivation, the first thing I will do is to kill you!"

Xiao Dong thought bitterly in his heart.

Reluctantly turned around and left, but not far away, a familiar voice came from beside my ear:


Xiao Dong was startled.

"elder sister?"

Xiao Dong's expression was happy at first, but when he saw Yang Chen beside his sister, his expression immediately turned cold.

This bastard is still by my sister's side, it really lingers.

"Sister, they won't let me in, can you help me find a way?"

Xiao Dong thought for a while and said.

Although I don't want to trouble my sister.

However, he really has nothing to do now.

Several Divine Transformation cultivators were guarding the goal, and he had no chance of breaking through.

"Xiao Dong, your Cultivation Base has not yet reached Gold Core, which does not meet the requirements of the Holy Land, why don't you come here next time!"

Chu Xi said helplessly.

She wanted to help Xiao Dong, but the Holy Land also has its own rules.

Moreover, the rules of the Holy Land will not be changed for her.

She doesn't have that energy either.

"Sister, the opening of the Burial Sword Mountain will be a Hundred Year later, I can't wait that long!"

Xiao Dong said anxiously.

Hundred Year time, for him, is too long.

Now his pure Yang Sacred Body has begun to recover, as long as he steps into the Burial Sword Mountain, he will definitely be able to obtain an Ancient Bat Sword.

He once read the history of Daotian Holy Land.

A long time ago, there was a pure Yang Sacred Body in Daotian Holy Land.

He has the same physique as that senior, and his origin is similar.

If it is Wu Jian, he will definitely be able to obtain the ancient sword left by the senior.

At that time, who would dare to underestimate him?

His strength can also improve rapidly.

Therefore, this time, he had to enter the Burial Sword Mountain.

"Junior Brother Xiao Dong is right, you can't enter this time, and after another Hundred Years, it's really too long!"

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, why don't I figure out a way!"

Yang Chen spoke at this time.

"Senior Brother Yang, Xiaodong's Realm has not yet reached Gold Core. According to the rules of the Holy Land, you cannot enter the Burial Sword Mountain to realize the sword!"

"Although it's a pity, the Law Enforcement Palace has strict rules. Senior Brother Yang, forget it, don't cause trouble for you!"

Chu Xi said from the side.

However, Yang Chen said seriously:

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, we are all one family, why bother to see each other!"

"My brother-in-law sees that my brother-in-law is in trouble, can you help me?"

"Besides, I'm sorry for your hard work just now!"

Yang Chen caressed Chu Xi's face with his palm, and finally pressed on her red house.

"Senior Brother Yang, you, you hate me, Xiaodong is still here!"

Chu Xi groaned coquettishly, and two touches of blush flew across her cheeks.

"Yang Chen, I'm Cao f*ck!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Dong clenched his fists and cursed in his heart.

But he still forcibly held back in the end.

Because he knew that if he wanted to enter Burial Sword Mountain today, he could only rely on that bastard Yang Chen.

It's just that because of anger, his face turned blue and his eyes were tearing apart.

Yang Chen walked towards the entrance of Burial Sword Mountain.

Zhan Yunxuan saw him.

At first he looked startled, then he trotted over in a hurry.

"Brother Yang!"

Zhan Yunxuan's smiling face made Yang Chen a little confused.

What is this kid doing?

"Senior Brother Yang, last time we didn't know each other, my little brother offended me, I apologize to you!"

"I only found out later that Senior Brother Yang is Aunt Ling Shuang's disciple. Speaking of which, we are still a family!"

Zhan Yunxuan was very enthusiastic.

Even with flattery on his face.

Yang Chen immediately understood, it must be this kid who went back to find out.

Not bad.

This kid also has the potential to be a bitch.

"Brother Yang is here, he should be preparing to enter the Burial Sword Mountain!"

"With Senior Brother Yang's talent, he will definitely be able to obtain an impressive ancient sword!"

"Little brother, congratulations to Brother Yang in advance!"

Zhan Yunxuan flattered Yang Chen continuously.

This scene stunned the surrounding silver armor cultivators and a group of disciples.

Zhan Yunxuan, the Young Master of the dignified Zhan family, when did he become so good at flattering people?

Also, who is this in front of you?

It actually made Zhan Yunxuan take the initiative to flatter him!

"Junior brother Zhan, I have an unfeeling request. Xiao Dong is my brother-in-law. I wonder if you can accommodate me?"

Yang Chen said at this time.

Hearing this, Zhan Yunxuan glanced at Xiao Dong standing behind him.

The look of disdain in his eyes was undisguised.

However, facing Yang Chen, he nodded repeatedly and said:

"Senior Brother Yang, it's a trivial matter!"

"This Burial Sword Mountain is for our family!

"You please!"

"Hehe, thank you very much!"

"Senior Brother Yang, thank you very much!"

"Great help again!"

Entering the entrance of Burial Sword Mountain, Chu Xi thanked Yang Chen in a low voice.

Yang Chen couldn't help but play with her ears:

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, thank you after you go back!"

0...seeking flowers · 0

"Still using that method!"

"Senior Brother Yang, you are necrotic!"

Chu Xi's cheeks were flushed.

The way I thanked Senior Brother Yang in the wooden house just now appeared in my mind.

It's embarrassing to think about it.

Xiao Dong looked at his sister showing such a shy side in front of Yang Chen, his face became more ferocious.

"Sister, I have something to tell you!"

Xiao Dong pulled Chu Xi and said in a deep voice.

Chu Xi happened to be full of shyness by Yang Chen's words, so she walked aside with Xiao Dong.

"Xiaodong, what do you want to say?"

"Sister, that Yang Chen and Zhan Yunxuan are completely of the same breed, they are both playboys, you must not be taken advantage of by him!"

"He must be playing with your body too!"

Xiao Dong said in a deep voice.

This is what worries him most now.

My sister is so beautiful, she is a fairy-level beauty.

A man would salivate.

The last time my sister's first kiss was taken away by that bastard, that's all.

After all, things have happened and cannot be undone.

But if my sister loses herself to that bastard.

Then when he thinks about it, life is worse than death.

Hearing this, Chu Xi blushed.

I couldn't help thinking of the scene in the wooden house again in my mind.

Immediately scolded:

"Xiao Dong, what are you thinking?"

"Brother Yang is a modest gentleman, he respects me very much, and we have always maintained proper etiquette in our interactions!"

"Also, you are not allowed to speak ill of Brother Yang again!"

"If he hadn't opened his mouth, you wouldn't be able to enter this Burial Sword Mountain!"

Chu Xi scolded.


Xiao Dong snorted coldly, but did not refute.

However, his eyes were always on Chu Xi.

At this time, he suddenly noticed that there was a little yellowish white stain on Chu Xi's shoulder.

Taking advantage of Chu Xi's turning around and not paying attention, Xiao Dong wiped it off with his hands.


"It's such a pure sun breath!"

Xiao Dong is a pure yang Sacred Body, and is extremely sensitive to the yang aura.

Just touching the yellow and white stain lightly, I immediately felt the pure and yang aura contained in it.

Although it is very weak, it is very pure.

"My sister is an ice attribute cultivator, how can there be such a thing on her body?"

Xiao Dong looked at Chu Xi full of puzzlement.

At this time, Chu Xi had already walked to Yang Chen's side, holding his arm, with an intimacy.

"Yang Chen!"

"Yang Chen is a fire attribute cultivator!"

"This white stain belongs to him!"

"Ah, damn bastard, he actually treated my sister!"

Xiao Dong instantly understood.

Immediately, the sockets of his eyes turned red, full of ferocity.

Looking at Yang Chen's back from behind, he looked like a wild beast about to go mad.

It made the Gold Core Nascent Soul cultivator passing by a little scared, and couldn't help keeping a little distance from him.

[Ding, Xiao Dong discovered the host's defilement of Chu Xi, his mood collapsed, and he plundered 2000 points of luck from the son of destiny Xiao Dong, and the host got 2000 villain points!】

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