Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 173: Chu Xi's Way Of Expressing Gratitude! Wu Jian! (Seeking Subscription)

One month later, the Burial Sword Mountain in Daotian Holy Land was opened.

This month, Yang Chen fused a lot of solar energy, and his strength improved again, reaching the Fifth Stage of God Transformation Realm.

And helped Chu Xi break through and enter Nascent Soul.

In the wooden house, after Chu Xi finished Closed Door Training, the aura on her body was several times stronger than that of a month ago.

The breakthrough of the Nascent Soul realm made her more spiritual and more beautiful.

In particular, a pair of pupils turned into lavender, adding a bit of mysterious temperament.

Yang Chen couldn't help but look a little hot.

"Senior Brother Yang, thank you so much!"

"I have been in the half step Nascent Soul realm for ten years, and now I have finally broken through!"

Chu Xi's expression was full of excitement.

The strength has reached the Nascent Soul level. Among the three generations of disciples in Daotian Holy Land, although it can't be said to be the best, it is at least not bad.

In this way, she won't feel too inferior when she stands with Senior Brother Yang.

Otherwise, others would not think she is Senior Brother Yang's companion, but only Senior Brother Yang's servant girl.

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, your aptitude is already good. Logically speaking, you should have stepped into the Nascent Soul realm early!"

"I think it's because I've been taking care of Xiaodong all these years and neglected my own cultivation, which has caused Realm to be unable to break through! 120"

Yang Chen said with a smile.


Chu Xi nodded with a sour expression.

Maybe Senior Brother Yang is right, I have been taking care of Xiao Dong all these years, and neglected to cultivate.

However, move him a little.


Every time she thought of that slut a month ago, she felt a burst of vision.

But fortunately, I have Senior Brother Yang.

Looking at Yang Chen's handsome face, Chu Xi's eyes were full of tenderness.

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, did you just say you wanted me?"

At this time, Yang Chen hugged Chu Xi from behind, and whispered in her ear.

Chu Xi's cheeks burned instantly.

"Yang, Senior Brother Yang, you, what do you want me to do, how can I thank you?"

"What do you say?"

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth hooked slightly.

Chu Xi's cheeks blushed suddenly.

She naturally understood what Senior Brother Yang meant.


Burial Sword Mountain is about to open.

If at this moment.

(accg) I am afraid that I will be affected by then.

After thinking about it, Chu Xi said apologetically:

"Senior brother Yang, why don't you wait for us to come back from Burial Sword Mountain?"

"Right now, I'm worried about repercussions!"

Hearing this, Yang Chen immediately became red.

Then whispered a few words in Chu Xi's ear.

Chu Xi's face suddenly turned bright red.

With a look full of panic, he said:

"Yang, Senior Brother Yang, that, that would be too embarrassing!"

"It's okay, we are dao companion!"

"Could it be that you despise me?"

Yang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

Chu Xi suddenly panicked and said:

"Ah, no, no!"

"How could it be, why would I dislike Senior Brother Yang!"

"Okay, okay!"

"I just listen to you, Senior Brother Yang!"

After Chu Xi finished speaking, she squatted down.

Yang Chen suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air.


Bury Jianshan.

It is considered a forbidden place in Daotian Holy Land.

Usually no disciples are allowed to enter it.

Only on the opening day once every Hundred Year, you can enter it to find the sword.

Therefore, every time the Burial Sword Mountain is opened, it is a prosperous time for the Daotian Holy Land [many Elder peak masters with advanced Cultivation Base will leave the customs.

The Burial Sword Mountain is at the northernmost point of the Daotian Holy Land.

On the mountain, if you look closely, there are dense ancient swords all over.

Most are rusty and some are even rotten.

However, Yang Chen only looked at it for a moment, and his eyes felt a little stinging.

"Senior brother Yang, don't stare directly at the whole mountain, it will easily cause a Sword intent attack!"

At this time, seeing his movements, Chu Xi hurriedly reminded him, and then explained:

"That is to say, if you have the Cultivation Base of God Transformation Realm, if you are a Gold Core or Nascent Soul disciple, you will not be able to bear the attack of the Mountain Sword intent!"

"To get the ancient sword in the Burial Sword Mountain, you must release your own Sword Intent, which matches the Sword Intent of the Mountain Sword, and then you can get the approval of the ancient sword, commonly known as the Enlightenment Sword!"

"Sword Enlightenment?"


Chu Xi continued:

"There is a Sword Enlightenment field under the Burial Sword Mountain. In the formation, you can avoid being attacked by the Sword intent of the mountain!

"Let's go there quickly, or the good seats will be robbed in a while!"

The two of them talked and walked down the Burial Sword Mountain.

At this time.

Suddenly there was a loud noise from the front entrance.

"Why don't you let me in?"

"Aren't I a disciple of Daotian Holy Land?"

"Can you treat me, You Yuefeng, as a bully?"

"If I tell Master Youyue Peak Master, can you guys bear it?"

Yang Chen looked over.

The person who was stopped was Xiao Dong.

"It seems that there should be a chance for Xiao Dong in the Burial Sword Mountain!"

"It's so good, this trip is worthwhile!"

"Junior brother Xiao Dong, brother-in-law will be sorry for you again!"

Yang Chen secretly smiled in his heart, but his face was full of anxiety and said:

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, seems to be Junior Brother Xiao Dong!"

"Let's go over quickly, I think he seems to have conflicted with someone!"

Chu Xi nodded.

But Su Hand couldn't help wiping the corner of his mouth.

In my mind, I couldn't help but think of the scene just now.

I can't help but feel shy.

Just finished like that.

She was too embarrassed to face Little Brother.

Ps: The 300 words at the end of this chapter have been slightly revised, and readers please forgive me!

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