Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 172: My Sister's First Kiss Is Gone! Chu Xi Clapped Xiao Dong! (Seeking Subscription)

Xiao Dong stood in front of Yang Chen's courtyard.

Looking at the wooden house with the door tightly closed, his face was gloomy.

My sister has already promised herself that she will never look for Yang Chen again.

But where is my sister now?

At this moment, he only hopes that his sister will never be with that bastard Yang Chen.

As long as my sister is not with him, no matter where my sister goes, it doesn't matter.

Xiao Dong quietly walked into Yang Chen's courtyard.

Walking in front of the wooden house, a whimpering sound came into his ears.


The sound is short and muffled.

It was as if someone had their mouth covered and it was difficult to breathe.

"Yang Chen, bastard, what are you doing?"

Xiao Dong was about to kick open the door to see what he meant.

Suddenly, the door was slammed open.

It was my sister who opened the door.

Xiao Dong was stunned immediately.

Sister, it really is here with Yang Chen!

Damn it!

She came to find that bastard Yang Chen again!


Chu Xi panicked when she saw Xiao Dong.

I can't help but think of:

Xiaodong probably didn't hear the movement just now.


Fortunately, I pushed Senior Brother Yang away at a critical moment.

If not, wouldn't Xiaodong bump into him today?

At that time, as her elder sister, she will lose face.

"Sister, why are you here with Yang Chen?"

"Didn't you promise me that you will never see Yang Chen again!?"

Xiao Dong asked angrily.

Thinking of the whimpering sound in the room just now, he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Then, he looked around Chu Xi carefully.

The long skirt on my sister is a little wrinkled.

Hair, a little messy.

Most importantly, the lips.

The lipstick on my sister's lips was a little messy.

This is obviously, just been saved.

Damn it!

Xiao Dong's eyes instantly became ferocious.

My sister just kissed that bastard Yang Chen in the room!?

No wonder, no wonder there was a whimper just now.

Damn it!

Xiao Dong's heart was instantly filled with jealousy.

Veins popped out of his forehead, and his face was full of ferocity.

My sister's first kiss was snatched away by that bastard Yang Chen.

His older sister, his only elder sister.

The first kiss, so it's gone?

【Ding, the host stole Chu Xi's first kiss, and was discovered by Xiao Dong. Xiao Dong's mood was severely damaged, and he plundered the son of destiny Xiao Dong's luck value of 2000 points, and the host obtained villain value of 2000 points!】

The system sound sounds.

Yang Chen suddenly hooked the corner of his mouth slightly.

Two thousand luck points.

Not bad.

In fact, he had already discovered that Xiao Dong had come over just now.

I know I can't go on today.

That's why, under Chu Xi's half-push and push, he released Chu Xi while Cao was loose.

Otherwise, would Chu Xi be able to escape?

"Xiaodong, listen to my sister's explanation~!"

Outside, Chu Xi said without a picture:

"Xiaodong, before my sister promised you not to meet Senior Brother Yang again, it was because you were injured, and my sister couldn't bear to see you bleeding all over your face every day!"

"However, my sister and Senior Brother Yang have indeed formed a companion under the witness and promise of Master!"

"Also, my sister and Senior Brother Yang really love each other!"

"Small move you"

"Ah, bitch, shut up!"

Xiao Dong interrupted Chu Xi angrily.

Chu Xi was stunned for a moment.

Then, bitterness and bitterness came to my heart.

Xiaodong actually called her a bitch.

These years, Xiaodong's original source has been broken and he can't cultivate. For him, it can be said that he has suffered a lot.

He begged his master hard in exchange for him being able to stay in Youyue Peak.

For a plastic source pill, he knelt in front of the master's door for three days and three nights.

Now, he was called a bitch by him.

Chu Xi's eyes were sour, and two tears fell from the corners of his eyes.


Seeing this scene, Xiao Dong immediately calmed down.

Can't help feeling a little regretful.

I was too impulsive just now.

How could you insult your sister like that.

My sister has paid so much for herself, she must be sad to death now.

He was about to explain, but Yang Chen, who had been paying attention to the movement outside, came out at this time.

"Junior Brother Xiao Dong, you are going too far!"

"Junior Sister Chu Xi has sacrificed so much for you, yet you insult her like this!"

"As Little Brother, you have gone too far, are you worthy of your sister's painstaking efforts?"

"If someone else dares to insult Junior Sister Chu Xi like this, I will definitely kill him!"

"Today, because you are the Little Brother of Junior Sister Chu Xi, I won't argue with you!"

Yang Chen's face was filled with righteous indignation, and his righteousness was in full swing.

Seeing him, Chu Xi immediately had a sore nose, and couldn't bear the soreness in her heart anymore, and threw herself directly into Yang Chen's arms.

"Brother Yang!"

Chu Xi's voice choked up.

Tears flowed down her beautiful eyes.

Wet Yang Chen's shoulders.

"Okay, Junior Sister Chu Xi․Don't be too sad!"

Yang Chen's palm walked on Chu Xi's back, gently comforting her.

But this scene made Xiao Dong's originally calm heart excited again.

"Yang Chen, I'm Cao f*ck!"

"Let go of my sister!"

Xiao Dong immediately cursed angrily.

The voice was hysterical.

If it wasn't for lack of strength, he would definitely rush up now and tear Yang Chen to pieces.

However, Chu Xi, who was originally immersed in Yang Chen's embrace, suddenly left from his embrace upon hearing this, and then angrily walked in front of Xiao Dong.


The sound is crisp.

Chu Xi slapped Xiao Dong directly on the face.

"Xiao Dong, you are too much!"

"It's fine if you scold me, but you still scold Senior Brother Yang!"

"Senior Brother Yang saved your life before, do you know that?"

Chu Xi's voice was full of anger.

"Sister, did you hit me?"

Feeling the burning pain on his cheek, Xiao Dong couldn't believe it.

My sister hit him!

From childhood to adulthood, no matter how much trouble he caused, my sister never hit him once.

Today, because of that bastard Yang Chen, he actually beat him!

Xiao Dong gritted his teeth.

This slap, he remembered.

However, in the future, that bastard Yang Chen will pay him back.

My sister was bewitched by him to treat her like this.

Damn bastard.

Sooner or later, I will cut you into pieces.

At this time, Yang Chen hurried over, and his tone was full of blame:

"Junior sister Chu Xi, what are you doing?"

"Senior Brother Yang, it's fine if he scolds me, he can't speak ill of you!"

Chu Xi said hastily.

The reason why she slapped Xiao Dong.

Although there are elements of teaching him in it.

But more, it was actually to protect him.

Brother Yang is a Divine Transformation cultivator.

The master valued him very much.

If Senior Brother Yang is angered because of this, then Xiaodong will be in danger.

Therefore, she (got it) will take the initiative to slap Xiao Dong, to dissolve the anger in Yang Chen's heart.

However, Yang Chen said indifferently:

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, Xiaodong is your Little Brother, and that is also my Little Brother. Young people are like this, and I won't be as knowledgeable as him!"

"Besides, we will be a family in the future!"

"Brother Yang, you are so kind!"

Chu Xi's voice was full of emotion.

He wanted to fall into Yang Chen's arms again, but looked at Xiao Dong with a gloomy expression, and held back.

It's just the tenderness and love in his eyes, but he can't hide it no matter what.

[Ding, the host is benevolent and righteous, Xiao Dong was held in the palm of his sister, and his mood was damaged again. He plundered his son of destiny Xiao Dong's luck value of 1000 points, and the host obtained villain value of 1000 points! 1


The corner of Yang Chen's mouth ticked slightly.

Another thousand points of villain value.

not bad.

This feeling of soaking his sister in front of the son of destiny is really refreshing.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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