Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 171: Don't Rush! Where Is My Sister? (Seeking Subscription)

Zhan Lingshuang took Qing'er and left Youyue Peak.

The little girl was full of tears, choked up and asked Yang Chen to visit her in a few days.

Although there was some reluctance in his heart, Yang Chen knew that this was for Qing'er's best.

With this girl following him, how could he have the time to carefully teach her how to practice.

A dignified pure spirit Sacred Body, talent can't be wasted like this.


Watching Master and Qing'er leave, Yang Chen took a deep breath, and a look of fatigue appeared on his face.

no way.

Even if he was strong, he couldn't bear it now.

The original yang energy absorbed by the beautiful woman Zhan Qiuyun before was at least equivalent to the previous ten times.

Just now I gave Shizun another five drops of Blood Essence.

At this moment, he felt tired all over his body.

Taking out the recovery purple pill that Zhan Qiuyun gave before, Yang Chen ate half a bottle in one go.

Then start Lotus Position practice.

We must quickly return to our peak condition.

Otherwise, that beautiful woman Zhan Qiuyun will need it again in a few days. If she can't do it herself, then she will give it away.

Men, can't say no.

Half a month later.

Yang Chen was practicing at Closed Door Training, when a familiar voice came from outside the door.

"Is Senior Brother Yang here?"

The voice is ethereal and elegant, pleasant to the ear.

Yang Chen walked out of the room.

Chu Xi was wearing a long lavender dress 02, standing in the small courtyard, the skirt gently stroked by the breeze, like a fairy among flowers.

Seeing Yang Chen come out, Chu Xi's beautiful face immediately overflowed with a smile.

"Junior Sister Chu Xi!"

"I've been practicing Closed Door Training for the past few days. I don't know how the injury of Junior Brother Xiao Dong is now?"

Yang Chen's face was full of gentle smiles, and he was concerned about Xiao Dong's injury from the very beginning.

Chu Xi immediately said:

"Senior brother Lao Yang misses you!"

"Xiaodong's injury has basically healed!"

"I would also like to thank Senior Brother Yang for pleading for mercy that day, Jiangying will be lenient

"Hehe, Junior Sister Chu Xi, you've lost sight of me again!"

"What's our relationship!?"

Yang Chen walked to Chu Xi's side, and said in a reproachful tone.

Chu Xi immediately blushed.

She and Senior Brother Yang are now in a dao companion relationship.

"Senior Brother Yang, I've been taking care of Xiaodong for the past half month, and I didn't come to accompany you. You don't blame me, do you?"

Chu Xi said a little nervously at this moment.

During the past half month, Xiao Dong was often emotional, and the injuries on his face cracked back and forth.

She really couldn't bear to see her Little Brother bleeding every day, so she could only promise that she would never see Yang Chen again, and would always be by his side.

Now that Xiao Dong's injury has basically healed, she will come over immediately.

However, after all, half a month has passed.

I just confirmed the dao companion relationship, but I haven't seen each other for half a month.

Will Senior Brother Yang Chen blame me?

Think I'm a helper, only thinking about myself Little Brother.

Chu Xi couldn't help thinking, feeling a little worried.

However, Yang Chen didn't care and said:

"how come!"

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, you are just a Little Brother, you should take care of him!"

"If it wasn't for the fact that I've been practicing Closed Door Training for half a month, I'd like to visit Junior Brother Xiao Dong!"

"After all, I'm his brother-in-law now!"


Hearing the word brother-in-law, Chu Xi's cheeks became hot and her hands were intertwined.

But my heart was full of emotion and a little ashamed.

Own Little Brother Xiaodong, his life was saved by Senior Brother Yang, so it’s okay not to say gratitude, but he still speaks ill of Senior Brother Yang in front of himself every day.

As for Senior Brother Yang, he still wanted to visit Xiaodong all the time.

Alas, what a shame.

"Junior Sister Chu Xi!"

At this time, Yang Chen held Chu Xi's jade hand without any trace.

Soft and boneless, crispy and tender.

People can't help but want to hold it in their hands and play with it.

"Brother Yang!"

Chu Xi moaned coquettishly.

Couldn't bear it any longer, and directly threw himself into Yang Chen.

With her graceful body in her arms, feeling the elasticity of her fingertips, Yang Chen's blood couldn't help but agitate.

But he held back.

After all, he wants to maintain the image of a gentleman.

Do not act hastily.

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, you should also be a sword cultivator, I heard that the Burial Sword Mountain will be opened soon!"

"Are you ready to go?"

Hearing this, Chu Xi nodded:

"Senior Brother Yang, of course I'm going!"

"The Burial Sword Mountain is only opened once every Hundred Year, and each disciple has only one chance to enter the yoke in his life!"

"If you can get the sword of the sages in it, you will be able to go further on the way of swords in the future!"

Having said that, Chu Xi whispered in Yang Chen's ear:

"Senior brother Yang, it is said that Master obtained a very mysterious sword in the funeral mountain when he was young!"

"It is said that it also caused the shock of the Sect Leader and several big Elders at that time!"

"Later, it was rumored that the Dao of Space Master cultivated had something to do with that sword!"

"For this reason, Master seems to have been hunted down many times when he was young!"


Yang Chen raised his eyebrows immediately.

It seems that the Burial Sword Mountain is really a remarkable place.

It made him more and more interested.

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, I don't know much about Burial Sword Mountain, why don't we go into the house and chat while drinking tea?"

Yang Chen sent out an invitation.

Chu Xi blushed slightly.

Entering the room with Senior Brother Yang, wouldn't he?

But she nodded anyway.

After all, they are all dao companions.

In the cabin.

Chu Xi gave Yang Chen a detailed introduction to Jianjian Mountain.

"Senior Brother Yang, with your talent, if you enter it, you will definitely get a good sword!"

"I've seen this Thousand Year's record before, and I don't know why, the probability of a peerless ancient sword appearing in the Burial Sword Mountain during this or two Thousand Years is much higher than before!"

"It should also have something to do with the frequent emergence of Tianjiao in this era!"

Yang Chen nodded slightly.

At this time, Chu Xi looked around and couldn't help but say:

"Senior Brother Yang, your room is a bit stained!

"Let me clean it up for you!"

As Chu Xi spoke, she began to tidy up Yang Chen's room. 000

This time Yang Chen closed door training for half a month, during which it caused several True Qi and qi and blood fluctuations.

The furniture in the room was smashed to the ground.

Several vases were also broken.

He hadn't had time to tidy up yet.

Watching Chu Xi bend over, the purple dress was tightly attached to her delicate body, perfectly outlining the curve of her back.

The back is flat, the waist is slender, and below it is a round of fullness like a full moon.

Yang Chen suddenly felt the blood in his body surge up.

Can't help getting up and hugging Chu Xi from behind.


"Brother Yang!"

Chu Xi trembled all over.

turn around.


At this time, a young man in black hurriedly walked towards Chu Xi's courtyard.

"Damn it!"

"My sister clearly promised me that I will never see that bastard Yang Chen again!"

"Where is she now?"

"I shouldn't think too much about it!"

Blue veins appeared on Xiao Dong's forehead, and his face was a bit hideous.

He just took a rest for a while, and when he woke up, he found that his sister was gone.

When he came to Chuxi's small courtyard, Xiao Dong pushed the door open and walked in.

But when he opened the door, Chu Xi was nowhere to be seen.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Dong roared.

He looked at the courtyard where Yang Chen lived not far away.

Then, he walked over angrily.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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