Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 170: Burial Sword Mountain! Think Of It As Jockey Miezu! (Seeking Subscription)

In the small courtyard.

Qing'er is practicing sword.

Yang Chen gave her some pointers yesterday, and the little girl is working very hard today to correct her own mistakes.

Seeing Yang Chen, Qing'er stopped immediately, then trotted to Yang Chen:

"elder brother!"

"I have corrected all the mistakes you pointed out to me yesterday!"

Saying that, Qing'er saw Zhan Lingshuang, and immediately saluted:

"Meet the Sect Leader!"

For Zhan Lingshuang, the master of Xuantian Sect, Qing'er is still a little afraid.

Because Zhan Lingshuang has a fierce reputation, and he is usually unsmiling.

"Qing'er, do you want to learn more profound and powerful Cultivation Technique and Supernatural Power?"

Yang Chen asked with a smile.

Qing'er heard the words, immediately nodded and said:

"Thought it! "Six Eight Three""

"Brother, are you going to pass on another Cultivation Technique to me?"


Qing'er's face was full of anticipation.

However, Yang Chen touched her head and said:

"Do you still remember that brother told you that he wants to give you my master?"

"You will follow the Sect Leader in a while, and she will take you to see your master!"

"Then it will teach you more advanced Cultivation Technique and Supernatural Power!"


Hearing this, Qing'er's face suddenly collapsed.

Hastily hugged Yang Chen's arm.

"Brother, I don't want to go!"

"I want to be with you!"

"Just teach me how to practice!"

"Qing'er is obedient!"

Yang Chen was a little helpless.

"If you follow that senior, you can quickly become stronger, and you will be able to help your brother in the future!"

"And we are all in Daotian Holy Land, brother will often visit you, and you can often come to see brother!"

For a while there was comfort.

Qing'er finally agreed with a face of reluctance.

In the wooden house, there are only two masters and apprentices.

Zhan Lingshuang walked up to Yang Chen, and tidied up his messy clothes.

Said softly:

"Chen'er, I'm quite busy working as a teacher during this time, so I don't have time to take care of you!"

"When the dust settles on the position of the saint, you will practice alongside your teacher!"


Yang Chen nodded, and then asked:

"Master, do you have confidence in the battle for the saintess?"

"Of the ten saintess candidates this time, only five have reached the Void Refining state!"

"As a teacher, the current Realm is only one step away from the Void Refining Third Stage. With Xuanyou Lenghuo and Yin & Yang Mirror, it should not be a problem to win the title of Saintess!"

"Besides, the Saint Lord came out of the seclusion and summoned him as a teacher alone, and intends to make him a teacher and a saint!"

There was confidence in Zhan Lingshuang's tone.

After the words fell, black and white light flickered, and the Yin & Yang mirror appeared in his hands.

"Chen'er, as a teacher alone, I can only mobilize the Yin mirror. To fully mobilize the Yin & Yang mirror, we need both of us to act together!"

"So I need a few drops of Blood Essence from you as a teacher, then help me activate the Yin & Yang mirror with all my strength!"


Yang Chen didn't hesitate, and pressed his palm on his heart.

Immediately, five drops of Blood Essence were secreted.

A drop of Blood Essence, like a golden gem.

It exudes bright golden light, illuminating the entire room.

There are also bursts of dragon chant coming from it.

"What a rich power of qi and blood and the power of the sun!"

Zhan Lingshuang was a little surprised.

Although Chen'er only has Divine Transformation Fourth Stage, the quality of this Blood Essence is probably higher than his own.

After putting away the five drops of Blood Essence, Zhan Lingshuang said again:

"Chen'er, after a while, the Burial Sword Mountain will open, and all three generations of disciples who have never been to Daotian Holy Land can participate!"

"If you have nothing to do, go there then!"

"You have also followed your master to practice swordsmanship for a while, although you are now majoring in body cultivator, but if you can get a spirit sword for nothing, don't let it go for nothing!

"Buried Sword Mountain?"

"What is that place?"

Zhan Lingshuang explained:

"Buried Sword Mountain is the place where countless kendo cultivators have buried their swords since the founding of Daotian Holy Land!"

"And only those whose strength reaches the God Transformation Realm are qualified to bury their own saber in the Burial Sword Mountain after death!"

"It can be said that every spirit sword inside has extraordinary origins!"

As Zhan Lingshuang said, he took out a simple long sword 0..

The long sword is rusty, but it exudes a domineering Sword intent.

Yang Chen only felt a dangerous aura coming from six directions around him at the same time, as if his whole body was blocked by Sword Intent.

However, he is no stranger to this dangerous Sword intent.

It is exactly the same as the way of swords practiced by the master.

"This long sword was obtained by my master at the Burial Sword Mountain, and he learned the Liuhe swordsmanship from it. I am still in Insight, and I feel more and more the profoundness of the sages' swordsmanship!

"Chen'er, if you want to gain insight into the way of the sword ahead of time, Master can give you this Liuhe Sword!"

Hearing this, Yang Chen couldn't help laughing and said:

"Master, why don't you give me the Yin chapter of Yin & Yang Shentian Kung Fu!"


Zhan Lingshuang's originally excited expression froze immediately.

"Traitor, don't mention the Cultivation Technique again!"

"Besides, if those women of yours are not around, what's the use of you wanting Yin Chapter?"

Lin Xilan and the others are not around, but I can give this Cultivation Technique to Zhan Qiuyun.

She shouldn't refuse.

Yang Chen wanted to say these words, but he still held back.

If the master knew that he had this plan, he would definitely take him away from Youyue Peak desperately.

"Chen'er, don't you think about these messy things all day long!"

"If you really want to practice this Yin & Yang Cannon Art, wait for Master to find someone for you to practice with you!"

After Zhan Lingshuang finished speaking, a faint blush appeared on his jade face, and he went straight out of the wooden house.

Yang Chen was a little confused.

Master, what does this mean?

Wait until she finds someone to practice with me?

Isn't Yin & Yang's yin chapter of Shentiangong not rumored?

Looking for someone to practice?

You can't find yourself to practice with me, can you?


Don't dare to think, dare not think.

At first thought, he was the evil man of jockey Mizu.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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