Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 152: Daotian Holy Land! Xiao Chen, Is Master And Aunt Beautiful? (Seeking Subscription)

Happy times are always short.

After staying with Lin Xilan and the girls on Shengzi Peak for more than ten days, it was time to leave.

During this time, Yang Chen didn't take a break at night.

He even said that he hadn't closed his eyes for days.

Playing with Yang Chi and the little ones during the day.

At night, after falling asleep from the cold rain and smoke, Zhao Shirou would come over.

After Zhao Shirou fell asleep from exhaustion, Lin Xilan turned around.

After finally getting Lin Xilan to fall asleep, the little guys started calling his daddy outside to play again.


That is to say, Yang Chen's current Realm has reached the God Transformation Realm.

The physique is also extraordinary.

Otherwise, I really can't stand it.

However, these ten days are not all about hard work and no harvest.

Leng Yuyan's stomach, which had been silent for a long time, finally started to move.

He's going to have a baby again, and he's going to be a father again.

On Xuantian Sect Tongtian Peak.

Zhan Qiuyun took out a white jade array.

There are bursts of space fluctuations.

The white jade array is made of extraordinary material, with pure white fluorescence flowing, and the rune formation engraved on it is more mysterious and complicated than the previous one, and is difficult to understand.

Yang Chen stared at it for a moment, and found that Yuanshen was a little tired.

Seeing this, Zhan Qiuyun immediately said:

"Bei Lingyu and Zhongzhou land are separated by a million miles, and there is a vast sea in the middle, and there is no Spatial Teleportation array between each other!"

"Ordinary people come and go, they can only fly, which is a waste of time!"

"This space array can span a million miles and reach Zhongzhou directly!"

"Xiao Chen, the way of space is an extremely mysterious and complicated one among all the ways of cultivation!"

"Space formation and inscriptions all have extremely high requirements for primordial power!"

"If you want to learn, Master Aunt can teach you slowly in the future!"

As Zhan Qiuyun said, she blinked at Yang Chen.

It's just that there is a little resentment in the eyes.

Because she had absorbed Yang Chen's original energy before and refined it completely, so she went to find Yang Chen on the Shengzi Peak.

As a result, a good show was heard outside the Great Hall.

This little guy deserves to have the most yang physique.

The fighting power is so strong.

"elder brother!"

Looking at the Yutai exuding the breath of space, Qing'er was a little scared, and gave a weak cry, then grabbed Yang Chen's arm tightly.

This time when he went to Daotian Holy Land, although Yang Chen didn't bring Lin Xilan's children, he brought her with him.

Because Qing'er has a pure spirit Sacred Body, now as he grows up, his physique is completely awakened.

The horror of the pure spirit Sacred Body also began to appear.

The current Qing'er can be said to be automatically absorbing the spiritual Qi of the world and transforming it into her own Cultivation Base.

And the physique is extremely pure, without the slightest dirt, just like the pet of heaven and earth.

This kind of physique, even in the Daotian Holy Land, is also a top-notch physique.

Continuing to stay in Xuantian Sect is a waste of her physique.

Zhan Qiuyun smiled, and touched her head with her jade hand.

"Don't be afraid, Qing'er, my aunt's spatial attainment is very high, and the Spatial Teleportation array is very safe~"!"

Then he looked at Zhan Lingshuang and said:

"A small Northern Spirit Realm is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!"

"Xiaochen's Zhiyang physique is nothing more than that, but there is such a pure spirit Sacred Body as Qing'er!"

"If you were born in Daotian Holy Land before Thousand Years, I am afraid that the current position of saintess already belongs to her, and you don't have to work so hard!"

Pure spirit Sacred Body, has been among the ranks of Sacred Body.

Even compared to the pure yang Sacred Body, the supreme yang physique is not inferior in the slightest.

Moreover, the pure spirit holy body cultivator has an extremely fast refining speed, and there is basically no Realm bottleneck.

If you practice Thousand Year, the current Realm must be above Zhan Lingshuang.

Hearing this, the corners of Zhan Lingshuang's mouth twitched.

I know that the second sister is connoting herself.

But she is too lazy to compare Talent with a young girl.

What's more, this is my disciple's Little Sister.

"Second Sister, hurry up and start the teleportation!"

"Time has been delayed for a long time!"

Zhan Lingshuang said something impatiently.

Zhan Qiuyun smiled slightly.

Then the jade hand waved a ray of light, and the teleportation platform suddenly lit up, and the layers of space rippled, and finally formed a space light gate.

Yang Chen took Qing'er's hand and walked into it.

Then, there was a whirlwind.

two days later.

After a space transfer, they came to Daotian Holy Land.

The blue space suddenly shattered.

The figures of Yang Chen and the others directly appeared in the sky.

"Who is visiting my Daotian Holy Land?"

It may be that he sensed spatial fluctuations, and a thick sound mixed with majestic True Qi resounded, and the coercion descended instantly.

Yang Chen's heart trembled.

Because of this coercion, even he felt a lot of pressure.

This must be a cultivator of Void Refining Realm.

Moreover, it will not be as simple as refining the early stage.

Soon, a middle-aged man wearing golden armor appeared in front of Yang Chen.

Seeing Zhan Qiuyun, he immediately cupped his hands and said:

"It turns out that Master Zhan is back!"

"Sorry, sorry!"

The middle-aged man in golden armor said, his eyes rested on Zhan Lingshuang.

cupped hands said:

"I've seen Fairy Lingshuang!"

"Brother Jin, Thousand Year is gone!"

Zhan Lingshuang also slightly cupped hands.

"Hehe, I don't see Thousand Year, Fairy Lingshuang still remembers my name, it's my honor!"

"This time, I will congratulate Fairy Lingshuang in advance for the battle for the title of Saintess!"

"Hehe, thanks!"

Zhan Lingshuang smiled slightly and didn't say much.

"Who are these two?"

At this time, the middle-aged Jinjia looked at Yang Chen and Qing'er.

"This is my disciple and his Little Sister!"

Zhan Lingshuang explained.

"It turned out to be the fairy's disciple!"

"No wonder there is a Cultivation Base of Divine Transformation Fourth Stage at such a young age, what a young man!"

The middle-aged man in golden armor smiled slightly at Yang Chen, and complimented him.

At this time, take out a flying spirit boat.

Carrying a few of them towards the vast mountain peaks and sea of ​​clouds.

A mountain peak that is more than ten thousand feet high.

The condensed clouds of Spiritual Qi gathered on the mountainside.

Cranes and spirit birds hover in the air and fly high.

々Brother, the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth here is so rich!"

“Stronger than Xuantian Sect!”

Qing Er stood on the deck of the spirit boat, shook her dizzy little head, and said.

Her pure spirit Sacred Body is very sensitive to the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth.

Yang Chen nodded.

The world Spiritual Qi here is indeed much richer than Xuantian Sect.

"Chen'er, it's been a thousand years since I left Daotian Holy Land as a teacher, and this time I'm coming back, I'm going to visit many elders and some old relatives and friends!"

"Go with your teacher!"

After the flying boat traveled a certain distance, Zhan Lingshuang said.

She wanted Yang Chen to go there with her, so that she could expand Yang Chen's network, so that he could practice in Daotian Holy Land in the future.

Secondly, she will be busy during this time, and she can find a stable senior to take this traitor with her.

Otherwise, Chen'er has been staying with her second sister, Zhan Qiuyun.

She was a little worried.

I always feel that there is something wrong with the way the second sister looks at Chen'er (Li Zhao's).

However, Yang Chen shook his head.

"Master, you should go by yourself!"

"I just experienced Spatial Teleportation, my head is a little dizzy, I want to go to my aunt to rest!"

"You, do it!"

Zhan Lingshuang gave Yang Chen a helpless look.

This traitor is becoming more and more disobedient now.

Then he dodged and disappeared on the spirit boat.

"Hehe, Xiaochen, is your head really dizzy?"

Zhan Qiuyun smiled playfully.

The flying boat shuttled between the sea of ​​clouds, the breeze blew, and the moon robe was tightly attached to the delicate body.

The plump and graceful figure was instantly outlined perfectly.

Yang Chen couldn't help but take a second look.

Zhan Qiuyun noticed his gaze, but she didn't reprimand Zhi.

Instead, the corners of the mouth were slightly hooked, and the jade hands lightly gathered the black hair scattered on the cheeks, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"Xiao Chen has been staring at Shigu, so, is Shigu beautiful?"

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