Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 153: Xiaochen's Palm Is Really Hot! The Hero's Sister! (Seeking Subscription)

"Auntie, is she beautiful?"

Hearing Zhan Qiuyun's words, Yang Chen looked slightly startled.

Then he laughed and said:

"Of course my aunt is beautiful!"

"How does that compare to your master?"

Zhan Qiuyun seemed to have isolated the space.

Each other's voice, only the two of them can hear.

Qing'er on the side just looked at the vast sea of ​​clouds and the mountain peaks under the flying spirit boat with eyes full of curiosity.

Knowing that this woman's space attainment is very profound, Yang Chen couldn't help but become bolder.

Anyway, for him, it is to take advantage of it.

"Of course it's Shigumei!"

"My master's personality is too cold, not as gentle as my master's aunt!"

Yang Chen's words are half true and half false.

Because Zhan Lingshuang was really cold.

However, Zhan Qiuyun's tenderness is probably just pretending.


"Xiaochen is really telling the truth!"

"Auntie likes honest disciples!"

Zhan Qiuyun covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

A pair of jade hands were held in Yang Chen's palm without a trace.

"Xiao Chen, do you still remember what you promised your aunt? 440"

"It's been more than half a month!"

As Zhan Qiuyun said, a full moon slowly rose in Qiubo's beautiful eyes.

Yang Chen didn't resist either, and directly mobilized the original Yang Qi in his body.

Suddenly, a ray of golden light emerged from his palm.


"So comfortable!"

"Xiaochen's palm is really hot!"

There was a slight tremor in Zhan Qiuyun's voice, and her face was full of enjoyment.

It is obvious that Yang Chen's original yang energy has benefited her very much.

[Ding, the host and Zhan Qiuyun have skin-to-skin contact, the original energy intertwined for half an hour, the host plunders the son of destiny Xiao Dong's luck value of 500 points, and the host gets villain value of 500 points! 1


Yang Chen looked slightly startled.

Another five hundred points of villain value came into the account.

But compared to the thousand points last time, it's a little less.

After a while, Zhan Qiuyun let go of his palm.

On the jade face, there are a few touches of blush.

On the forehead, there is a layer of fine sweat beads.

I don't know, I thought the two of them were doing something (cdfd).

It so happened that the flying spirit boat also stopped on a mountain peak at this time.

"Xiaochen, this is the place where my aunt cultivates, Youyue Peak!"

"From now on, you will live here!"

Zhan Qiuyun caressed Yurong with her bare hands, as if a cold air was passing by, the blush on her cheeks disappeared immediately.

Then put away the flying spirit boat.

The three landed in front of a wooden house.

Suddenly, a tall woman walked up.

Walking quickly to Zhan Qiuyun, bowed and saluted:

"Master, you are back!"


Zhan Qiuyun just nodded lightly.

Then he commanded:

"Chu Xi, this is Yang Chen, the only direct disciple of my Little Sister Zhan Lingshuang, and he can be regarded as your senior brother!"

"From now on, you will be his personal maid and take care of his daily necessities, do you understand?"

"Yes, Master!"

The tall slender woman nodded hastily.

Then he bowed slightly to Yang Chen and said:

"Chu Xi met Senior Brother Yang!"

The voice is soft, with a little ethereal elegance.

Zhan Qiuyun on the side glanced at Yang Chen, and said slowly:

"Xiaochen, Chu Xi is a direct disciple of my aunt, and a famous fairy of the younger generation in Daotian Holy Land!"

"In Daotian Holy Land, there are countless admirers who pursue her like crucian carp crossing the river!"

"Let her be your maid, Shigu treats you well!"

Yang Chen could hear what Zhan Qiuyun meant.

This woman, because he let him provide her with the original yang energy in peace.

She actually asked own's own disciple to be her personal maid.

This is tantamount to giving Chu Xi to her and letting him do whatever he wants.

The most important thing is that Chu Xi didn't dare to resist at all.

It can be seen that Zhan Qiuyun is indeed as the master said, not as holy and unparalleled as it seems on the surface.

Yang Chen looked at Chu Xi.

A tall figure wrapped in a white dress, with slender legs.

There is a belt around the waist, and the waist is unbearable.

The blue silk was simply tied up, revealing a beautiful face with a little cool temperament.

It is true that there is a capital that can overwhelm the country and the city.

【Ding, the heroine's fate has been detected, Chu Xi!】

【Friendly reminder: Chu Xi is the son of destiny Xiao Dong's sister!】


Hearing the prompt from the system in his mind, Yang Chen was stunned.

Another heroine?

son of destiny Xiao Dong's sister?

One surnamed Xiao and one surnamed Chu?

But it's normal to think about it.

After all, this is the heroine, son of destiny Xiao Dong's future woman, definitely cannot be his biological sister.

Many dog ​​authors also like to play this hand.

"Xiaochen, what, you are not satisfied?"

Seeing that Yang Chen remained silent, Zhan Qiu thought that Yang Chen didn't like Chu Xi.

He couldn't help but secretly scolded this kid for being quite demanding.

Hearing this, Yang Chen immediately came back to his senses.

"how come!"

"Junior Sister Chu Xi is beautiful, how could my nephew be dissatisfied!"

"Just letting Junior Sister Chu Xi be my nephew's maid, this is too wronged Junior Sister!"

"We can talk about friendship in the future!"

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, Senior Brother is being polite!"

Yang Chen cupped his hands slightly.

The demeanor is humble and polite.

Coupled with his handsome appearance and refined temperament, Chu Xi couldn't help being slightly dazed.

He came back to his senses in an instant, and hurriedly said:

"Senior sister is polite!"


Zhan Qiuyun on the side looked at Yang Chen's affectation, and the corner of his mouth curled up with disdain.

She now has a better understanding of what kind of person this guy is.

A cheeky little bastard.

Now that he gave him a big beauty, he pretended to be serious.

[Ding, the host is humble and polite, Chu Xi has a good impression of the host, plundering the son of destiny has a luck value of 200 points, and the host gets a villan value of 200 points!】


Yang Chen frowned.

This won the favor of Junior Sister Chu Xi?

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