Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 151: Get Closer To The Aunt! Yuyan Wants A Child Too! (Seeking Subscription)

At this moment, Zhan Lingshuang was indifferent on the surface.

But the heart is full of panic.

He and his own disciples are respectively in charge of the Yin and Yang chapters of a dual cultivation Cultivation Technique.

It's embarrassing to think about it.

This traitor still wants to take out the Yin Chapter and give it to his women to practice.

I bother.

Rebel, you think beautifully.

Zhan Lingshuang snorted coldly in his heart, then raised his head to look at the suspended Yin & Yang mirror.

Jade hand stretched out.

Yin & Yang mirror seemed to feel her call, and immediately fell straight towards her.

"Holy Artifact Yin & Yang Mirror!"

Looking at the simple mirror in his hand, Zhan Lingshuang's beautiful eyes were a little excited.

There are not many holy artifacts in the entire Daotian Holy Land.

The Yin & Yang mirror is one of the most mysterious.

Bringing it back to Daotian Holy Land must be a great achievement.

And in the future, she will be in charge of the Yin & Yang mirror, and with the holy weapon in hand, she can say that the same rank is invincible.

At this time.

The originally calm space in the Great Hall suddenly became rippling.

Then, a black crack appeared along the way.

The Great Hall, made of cold iron for thousands of years, is shaking constantly and may collapse at any time. 21 "Not good, this space is opened up with the Yin & Yang mirror as the node!"

"Now that the Yin & Yang mirrors have been collected, this space is no longer stable, it is about to collapse and shatter!"

"Chen'er, we must leave quickly!"

Zhan Lingshuang looked serious.

The space collapses, its power cannot be underestimated.

Even if she is a Void Refining cultivator, she can already use the power of space.

But compared to the level of space collapse, her little space method doesn't work at all.

If you don't leave in time, once you are pulled into the world of nothingness by the shattered void, even the Void Refining cultivator will die without life.

Zhan Lingshuang hurriedly pulled Yang Chen towards the outside of the hall.

Behind him, the light blue sky shattered like a mirror, and was replaced by a thick blackness.

The Great Hall made of cold iron was instantly cut into dozens of pieces, all of which were swallowed up by the darkness.

In front of the transmission platform, light flickered.

Yang Chen and Zhan Lingshuang appeared in front of the Xuantian Sect stele.

At this time, the stele was already full of cracks.

The surrounding space fluctuates violently.

"Huh, it's dangerous!"

Zhan Lingshuang took a deep breath.

There was a wave of ups and downs in his chest.

The space is broken and the world is destroyed.

It was the first time for her to see such a scene.

At this time, a beautiful woman in a moon robe came slowly from a distance, and came to them in the blink of an eye.

"Ling Shuang, what's wrong?"

"What a violent spatial fluctuation!"

"Here, is a Minor World?"

Zhan Qiuyun frowned, her beautiful eyes staring at the stele.

"It seems that a Minor World is broken!"

"Ling Shuang, it's extremely dangerous to break the Minor World. If you don't have enough space attainment, even the Void Refining cultivator will definitely die if you get caught in the turbulent flow of space and the void world!"

"You too, didn't tell me in advance, and took Xiaochen to take such a risk!"

"Xiaochen, your master must have gotten some good things for taking such a big risk, come, tell your aunt!"

Zhan Qiuyun looked at Yang Chen with beautiful eyes, the autumn waves were rippling and the water was shining.

Before Yang Chen could speak, Zhan Lingshuang on the side said lightly:

"Second sister, this is a matter within our Xuantian Sect sect, it is inconvenient to tell you!"

"Also, this is the forbidden area of ​​Xuantian Sect, only previous Sect Leaders can come here!"

"Hehe, forget it, don't say it if you don't say it!"

Zhan Qiuyun was not angry, but just smiled.

Then his eyes fell on Yang Chen again.

Chen, you have promoted to Divine Transformation Fourth Stage!?"

At this time, Zhan Qiuyun discovered the change in Yang Chen's Cultivation Base, and was suddenly a little surprised.

In just a few days, he has been promoted from Divine Transformation First Stage to Divine Transformation Fourth Stage.

It seems that in that broken Minor World, there really is a great opportunity.


The Minor World has completely collapsed and shattered, even if she has studied deeply in the way of space, she dare not set foot in it easily.

"Hehe, it's just a fluke!"

"From now on, my nephew will ask my aunt to teach me how to practice!"

Yang Chen cupped his hands slightly.

The words spoken can only be understood by the two of them.

"Xiaochen, then you should get closer to your aunt!"

"In the remaining few days, I have time to take my aunt around Xuantian Sect!"

Zhan Qiuyun smiled.

Her blue hair was rolled up, matching her floor-length moon robe that wrapped her graceful figure.

With the breeze blowing, the beautiful woman is full of style.

He talked to Yang Chen a few more times, then took a step forward, shrunk the ground into an inch, and disappeared in place.

"Don't look, everyone is gone!"

Zhan Lingshuang snorted coldly, his face turned slightly cold.

"Chen'er, you have to be careful about her from now on. "Don't get too close to her!"

"Be careful that she swallows all the bones for you!"


Yang Chen looked slightly startled.

"As a teacher, this second sister is not so holy and unparalleled on the surface, don't be deceived by her appearance!"

"Wei Shi grew up behind her, and I know her very well!"

"If she finds out that we have obtained the sacred artifact of Yin & Yang mirror, she may take action to snatch the minister!"

"In the face of sufficient interests, she doesn't know how to talk about sisterhood!"

"So remember, don't mention the Yin & Yang lens to her!"

Zhan Lingshuang looked at the direction Zhan Qiuyun was leaving, and said in a deep voice.

Worried that Yang Chen will tell Zhan Qiuyun the news of Yin & Yang Mirror.

"Master, don't worry, disciples remember!"

Yang Chen nodded, expressing his understanding.

This beautiful woman and aunt is indeed different from the holy Wushuang on the outside.

If it is really holy, how can it be like a bad aunt, to deceive the original yang energy of her nephew?

Another few days passed.

On the Holy Child Peak.

Leng Yuyan lay on Yang Chen's chest, breathing deeply, her forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

The blue silk was stained with sweat, as if she had just finished taking a bath.

The originally pure and white jade face now had a rouge-like blush.

"Brother Chen, can you really not take me with you?"

Leng Yuyan's voice was full of resentment.

Yang Chen was a little helpless.

"Yuyan, this trip to Zhongzhou is mainly to help Master obtain the title of Saintess, and all kinds of battles are indispensable!"

"If I take you with me, it will be inconvenient to go back!"

"Besides, my master has a bad temper and is extremely difficult to get along with!"

"When I gain a firm foothold in Zhongzhou, I will come to pick you up then!"

Yang Chen's palm was walking on her smooth and delicate back, and he said comfortingly.

Hearing this, Leng Yuyan sighed helplessly.

Then, put your hands down.


"Yuyan, what is this?"

Yang Chen was a little surprised.

Leng Yuyan raised her head, her cheeks flushed even more.

"Sister Lan and Sister Rou both have children, I, I want one too!"

After finishing speaking, Leng Yuyan lowered his head slightly.

Yang Chen suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air.

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