Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 150: Refining Yin & Yang Mirror! Dual Cultivation Cultivation Technique, Jockey Miezu? (Seek

I thought back then that old woman Feng Yuwan held it in her hand and played with it.

And himself, the master who raised him up, just took a look at it, and he just disliked it like this.

Zhan Lingshuang felt a little angry.

This traitor really raised him for nothing.

However, why did the small teapot spout look so terrifying now?

Thinking of this, Zhan Lingshuang couldn't help but glanced at Own's arm.

In the Great Hall, as the energy of the sun and the sun dissipated, a black and white mirror appeared.

The mirror is suspended in the middle of the Great Hall.

The white side, like the sun, is shining brightly.

The black side is like a bottomless pool, just looking at it, it seems that it will sink its subjects.

Seeing the Yin & Yang mirror, Zhan Lingshuang temporarily put away the thoughts in his heart, and said seriously:

""880" Chen'er, this is Yin & Yang Mirror!"

"Master, I stepped here decades ago. I originally wanted to take it away, but I didn't succeed, but I saw your figure on the sunny side!"

"Yin & Yang live together in harmony. Perhaps, two people who belong to Yin & Yang need to work together to refine it!"

"You transfer the original Yang Qi in your body, intertwined with the original Yin Qi that is your teacher, and then cover the Yin & Yang mirror together!"


Yang Chen nodded.

Sitting opposite Zhan Lingshuang Lotus Position.

A golden light emerged from his body.

Hot, Sacred.

"What a pure source of Qi!"

"In terms of the purity of the original energy alone, Chen'er's victory is more than doubled!"

Zhan Lingshuang was surprised.

Her shaoyin body is already quite close to the ultimate yin physique.

Even in Daotian Holy Land, it is among the top physique ranks.

Otherwise, she would not have been identified as one of the ten candidates for the saintess.

But when Own's original yin qi intertwined with Chen'er's original yang qi, it appeared extremely weak and mixed.

"Could it be that Chen'er's physique is stronger than that of Chunyang Sacred Body?"

"This kid, there are more and more secrets now!"

"No, I, as a master, must take the time to interrogate him!'

Zhan Lingshuang took a hard look at Yang Chen, and then concentrated on controlling the original energy.

The source of Qi is the root of the cultivator Innate and is extremely important.

Only when refining the sacred artifacts such as Yin & Yang mirror, you need to use the original energy to resonate with it.

The Yin & Yang two original qi are covered on the Yin & Yang mirror.


The Yin & Yang mirror also releases the energy of the sun and the moon in black and white.

They began to blend with each other, forming a Tai Chi pattern.

"very good!"

"This time, Yin & Yang mirror did not resist at all!"

"It seems that the idea of ​​this seat is correct. The Yin & Yang Mirror really needs two people who belong to Yin & Yang to refine it at the same time and jointly control it!"

"Furthermore, these two people must trust each other extremely. The interweaving of the original energy must be close relatives!"

Zhan Lingshuang already felt that he had some involvement with Yin & Yang Jing.

As long as own original energy and a ray of soul power enter the Yin & Yang mirror, from now on, she will be the owner of the Yin & Yang mirror!

After a few hours.

The original energy released by Yang Chen and Zhan Lingshuang has been fully integrated into the Yin & Yang mirror.

Above the Yin & Yang mirror, the white air of the sun and the black air of the sun enveloped Yang Chen and Guan Lingshuang respectively.

Yang Chen suddenly frowned slightly.

Because rows of ancient characters and patterns appeared in his mind.

That's a Cultivation Technique.

"Yin & Yang are amazing!?"

Yang Chen took a careful Insight.

Immediately shocked.

Because, this Cultivation Technique turned out to be a dual cultivation Cultivation Technique.

The combination of Yin & Yang, through the operation of this Cultivation Technique, can actually transform one's own True Qi into the Qi of Taiyin and Qi of the Sun.

This is really scary.

Because the qi of the Taiyin and the qi of the sun are extremely precious things in the cultivation world, they can be met but not sought after.

But this Cultivation Technique can be mass-produced continuously.

The yin and yang qi produced by the cultivator through the intercourse of Yin & Yang originates from its own True Qi, so it is easier to absorb and refine.

If things go on like this, not only can the strength be improved rapidly, but also the quality of Enhancement True Qi can be improved, and the foundation of physique can be improved.

This dual cultivation Cultivation Technique is more mysterious and unusual than the Dragon and Phoenix Yin & Yang Dafa.

Especially for him...

Because his sun god body can directly absorb the energy of the sun without refining it at all.

However, what he has mastered is only the Yang chapter.

The Yin chapter should be in the hands of the master.

The light dissipated, and Yang Chen couldn't help looking at Zhan Lingshuang.

"Master, Yin & Yang have surpassed the heavens, you should have obtained the Yin Chapter!"

Zhan Lingshuang blushed slightly, then nodded.

Yang Chen hurriedly said:

"Master, please give me the Yin Chapter!"

"What are you doing?"

Zhan Lingshuang frowned slightly.

"You forgot, I have several wives, if they practice, then their strength will definitely improve rapidly in the future!"

Yang Chen was a little excited.

He is fine, he still has tens of thousands of villain points on him, if he wants to improve his strength, he can consume villain points to improve.

But Lin Xilan's sons and daughters can only improve their strength by following the rules.

Especially Lin Xilan. Now it's nothing more than the Foundation Establishment Realm realm.

The gap between the two Nascent Soul cultivators Leng Yuyan and Zhao Shirou is a bit big.

However, upon hearing Yang Chen's explanation, Zhan Lingshuang's blushing face instantly turned cold.


"Only those who are in charge of the Yin & Yang Mirror can cultivate Yin & Yang Cannon!"

"Even Daotian Holy Land did not record this Cultivation Technique, which shows how precious it is!"

"And I warn you, the Yang chapter in your hands must not be passed on! 5.1

"If you violate the teacher's order, you will be punished severely!"

After Zhan Lingshuang finished speaking, he turned around directly.

Yang Chen was a little confused.

Master, what is this doing?

Yin & Yang's Shentian Gong is such a heaven-defying Cultivation Technique, but I can only watch it with my eyes, but I can't practice it?

It is impossible to practice one by one alone.

She doesn't spread the word.

Why can't I practice with her?


Thinking of this, Yang Chen suddenly sucked in a breath of air.

He glanced at the master's graceful and graceful back.

Is it possible that I want to be a rebellious apprentice, a jockey and an ancestor?

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