Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

One Hundred And Fortieth Ix: Water Of The Taiyin! Divine Transformation Fourth Stage! (Seeking Subsc

Yang Chen absorbed the energy of the sun into the body.

For him, this is indeed a rare opportunity.

His current physique is originally the Sun God Physique.

For the solar energy released by the Yin & Yang mirror, it can be absorbed directly.

The air of the sun moves through the body, although it is extremely hot, Meridians is like a fire.

But he is also exercising and sharpening his physical body, making the physical body more tyrannical.

In the end, all the energy of the sun converged on the big golden sun above the Sea of ​​True Qi.

The golden sun became more and more dazzling, and the golden light blazed abnormally, forming golden flames.

The raging golden flames spilled out from the True Qi Sea, swimming among the Meridians all over Yang Chen's body.

Under the golden flames, even Qinglian Tianyan became much darker and was swept by the golden flames.

Yang Chen was suddenly a little surprised.

The original fire of the sun god body is so tyrannical.

Qinglian Tianyan became so docile in front of him.


The aura on Yang Chen's body suddenly increased.


“Divine Transformation Second Stage!”

Yang Chen was a little excited.

For other fire cultivators, the energy of the sun needs to be carefully absorbed and slowly refined, and even a little carelessness is in danger of destruction.

But his sun god body has the same source as the sun energy, and can directly absorb it and transform it into his own Cultivation Base!

This is also the horror of the Sun God Body!

Golden flames covered Yang Chen's whole body, making him look like a golden sun.

The solar energy in the Great Hall gathered towards him crazily.

Zhan Lingshuang, who was on the side, looked at this scene with surprise on his face.

At the beginning, she absorbed the Qi of Taiyin, but she absorbed it mentally and stopped.

At the time she was Cultivation Base in the Half step Void Refining environment.

But Chen'er.

How dare he absorb the energy of the sun so crazily.

"Could it be because of Chen'er's previously awakened physique?"

Zhan Lingshuang thought of the vision of the sun that appeared in the sky that night.

"A person with an extremely yang physique is born to be close to the energy of the sun!"

"As for the energy of the sun, it can indeed absorb a lot!"

"It should be like this!"

Thinking of this, Zhan Lingshuang breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really worried that Yang Chen acted too hastily and absorbed too much sun energy all at once.

Because once the sun's gas is absorbed too much, it is likely to form a backlash.

At that time, not to mention improving the Cultivation Base and Enhancement physique, it would be good if you can save your life.

But Yang Chen's current physique is Zhiyang physique, so it's different.

Bringing him here this time, regardless of whether the collection of Yin & Yang glasses is successful or not, the solar energy alone is a great opportunity.

Several hours passed.

In the Great Hall, with the rapid reduction of the solar energy, the black solar energy lost the symbiotic entanglement of the solar energy and began to gather by itself.

In the end, they converged into three black water droplets, suspended in the air, emitting a cold light.

"Water of Taiyin!"

Zhan Lingshuang's eyes brightened.

Hastily took out a jade bottle and absorbed it carefully.

The water of Taiyin is extremely precious and has various uses.

Even in Daotian Holy Land, the water of Taiyin is a precious thing that can be encountered but not sought after.

In Zhongzhou, the birth of every drop of Taiyin water is enough to cause a bloodbath.

Even if it is a behemoth at the level of the Holy Land, it will be written in a picture.

A lonely yin does not grow, and a lonely yang does not grow.

The Yin & Yang Qi between heaven and earth often exist in a state of confluence and symbiosis.

Only in some extreme places, only the Qi of the Taiyin or the Qi of the Sun will simply appear.

It will take several Ten Thousand Years before it can reach the concentration that condenses into the water of the sun.

Just like here.

Yin & Yang mirrors have been hung here for tens of Ten Thousand Years, accumulating a large amount of yin energy.

Now Yang Chen absorbed all the energy of the sun, leaving only the energy of the sun.

Only then did they gather into three drops of Taiyin water.

Its preciousness can be seen.

"These three drops of Taiyin Water are a surprise!"

"With these three drops of water of the yin, as long as I refine it, my physique may reach the body of the most yin!"

"At that time, I will become a saint, and I will have greater confidence!"

Zhan Lingshuang's beautiful eyes were full of joy.

If the physique is upgraded to the body of the most yin, plus there is a mysterious and cold fire.

Then her combat power is enough to be invincible at the same rank.

When the time comes to become a saint, it can be said that the chances are great.

……… Ask for flowers…

At this moment, the golden flames on Yang Chen's body have receded.

Lotus Position is sitting on the ground, stabilizing the rapidly improving Cultivation Base.

His Realm has been upgraded from Divine Transformation Second Stage to Divine Transformation Fourth Stage.

The solar energy in the body is mostly stored in the golden sun.

Although his sun god body can directly absorb the sun's gas and transform it into its own Cultivation Base.

However, if you absorb too much, although you can quickly improve your Cultivation Base, it will also lead to an unstable foundation, which is not good for future cultivation.

Therefore, Yang Chen chose to seal up these solar energy.

After stabilizing the Cultivation Base of the Divine Transformation Fourth Stage environment, slowly absorb it.

"In just a few hours, he has been promoted from Divine Transformation First Stage to Divine Transformation Fourth Stage, Chen'er is too perverted!"



"I'm afraid it won't be long before his Cultivation Base can catch up to my master!"

"Damn it!"

Zhan Lingshuang felt a little helpless.

The improvement of God Transformation Realm for each First Stage Realm often takes more than a hundred years or even hundreds of years

Even with her Talent, it took Hundred Years from Divine Transformation First Stage to Divine Transformation Fourth Stage.

But now Chen'er only took a few hours.

At this time, the True Qi on Yang Chen restrained himself, opened his eyes, and stood up.


When Yang Chen saw Zhan Lingshuang, he immediately smiled.

Then he walked over.

However, Zhan Lingshuang's eyes were wide open, staring at a certain part of his body.

"Master, what are you looking at?"

Yang Chen followed her gaze and lowered his head.

Immediately, he was taken aback.

Then, he turned around hastily.

"Master, why didn't you remind me!"

Yang Chen's voice was a little helpless and complaining.

Originally, Zhan Lingshuang was still a little embarrassed.

However, when he heard his complaining tone and his hastily turning around, for fear that she would see it, he immediately felt very dissatisfied.

This traitor, she, the master, brought him up single-handedly.

Can't even look twice now?

That old woman Feng Yuwan is...

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