Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 148: Let Master Give You A Good Hug! The Air Of The Sun! (Seeking Subscription)

Zhan Lingshuang said, stroking Yang Chen's cheek with his jade hand.

Her beautiful eyes are full of tenderness.

Chen'er was brought up by himself.

Watching him grow from a bare-bottomed kid to a man of indomitable spirit.

How can the emotion in it be compared with a holy artifact.

If it wasn't for the greater hope of returning to Daotian Holy Land to compete for the position of saint, she wouldn't want to talk about this with Chen'er.

Worried about affecting his status as a master in his heart.

Hearing Zhan Lingshuang's words, Yang Chen was full of doubts.

The master saw his figure in the Yin & Yang mirror, so he was accepted as a disciple?

If so, could it be that he, a big villain, has some special origins?

Although he was puzzled in his heart, but feeling the tenderness in Master's eyes and the atmosphere at this time, Yang Chen immediately said seriously:

"Master, don't worry, the disciple can understand!"

"Fortunately, the master saw the disciple in the Yin & Yang mirror, and this is the fate between us master and disciple!"

"If there is no Yin & Yang mirror, perhaps the disciples will not be able to meet the master!"

"In Chen'er's heart, the weight of the master is more important than anything else!"

Hearing Yang Chen's sincere words, Zhan Lingshuang's heart was filled with emotion, and his beautiful eyes were a little moist.


Zhan Lingshuang's voice was choked with sobs, and he couldn't bear it any longer, and directly hugged Yang Chen.

This time, Zhan Lingshuang did not carry Yang Chen into King Huai again.

Because after this period of time, she also discovered that Chen'er was already a man, not a small teapot spout.

It's somewhat inappropriate for me as a master to hold him in my arms.

"Master, bah!"

Feeling the plumpness and softness clinging to his body, Yang Chen's blood suddenly became agitated.

However, Zhan Lingshuang whispered in his ear:

"Chen'er don't talk!"

"Let Master give you a good hug!"

"Since you grew up, Master hasn't hugged you very much!"

"Um, all right!

Yang Chen was helpless.

She could only let Zhan Lingshuang hold her.

After all, it's quite comfortable to be clinging to Master's foul body.

Zhan Lingshuang pressed his cheek against Yang Chen's chest, and he could hear the powerful heartbeat.

It's like Hong Zhong Dalu.

The sound of blood flowing is like the roaring and roaring of a river.

I can't help but feel a little surprised.

Chen'er's physical body is so tyrannical to this extent.

No wonder that old woman Feng Yuwan is reluctant to part with Chen'er.

Thinking that the disciple she had single-handedly raised was doted on by that old woman Feng Yuwan, she felt a little uncomfortable.

So I can't help eating the taste:

"Chen'er, is Master really the most important thing in your heart?"

Yang Chen was slightly taken aback, then he affirmed:


"How does that compare to Feng Yuwan?"

"Hefeng Yuwan?"

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth suddenly curled up in amusement.

I didn't expect that my murderous and beautiful master would ask such a question.

Alas, it is a woman after all.

But this kind of question is not difficult for Yang Chen.

It is enough to talk about people when you see people, but to talk about ghosts when you see ghosts.

"Of course it's Master!"

"Even if all of them are added together, there is no teacher to respect!"

Yang Chen's tone was very affirmative.


"You traitor, you are quite glib, it's no wonder that the teacher believes in you!"

Zhan Lingshuang pouted.

Although the tone was full of disdain, the arms holding Yang Chen's waist became tighter.

Obviously satisfied with his answer.

After a while.

Zhan Lingshuang let go of Yang Chen, his cheeks were flushed, and his beautiful eyes glared at him.

"You traitor, I have told you several times, you must respect your teacher!"

"You are actually right as a teacher, hmph!"

Yang Chen was a little helpless when he heard the words.

He also wants to respect his teacher.

But you hug so tight, your body clings

This is a normal man, he will react okay.

What's more, your figure is so foul.

Alas, it is so difficult to be a disciple.

Zhan Lingshuang didn't speak any more, but waved lightly at the side stone tablet.

The stele suddenly emitted black rays of light.

Finally, the black rays of light gathered to form a light curtain vortex, exuding thick space fluctuations.

Impressively, this stele has the same function as the stele in the forbidden area of ​​the ancient ice and snow city.

It is also the formation hub for launching space transmission (bjcc).

Yang Chen followed Zhan Lingshuang into it.

Open your eyes again.

It's a light blue sky.

But the surrounding land is full of desolation.

The world Spiritual Qi in this small world is quite thin.

Not even as good as the outside world.

Zhan Lingshuang on the side said:

"This small world was opened up by the founder of Xuantian Sect, and it has been tens of Ten Thousand Years ago!"

"The Spiritual Qi in this small world was extremely strong back then, and it was the holy place for Xuantian Sect's practice!"

"But with the passage of time, the Spiritual Qi in Xiaotiandi has gradually become thinner!"

Zhan Lingshuang said, and brought Yang Chen to a black Great Hall.

The Great Hall is majestic and majestic, over a hundred feet high, and the hall is dark and cold, as if it was made of cold iron for thousands of years.

into it.

Two kinds of light, black and white, filled the entire Great Hall.

The black light is cold.

The white light is hot.

The two kinds of light sometimes converge and intertwine to form a Yin & Yang Tai Chi, which is mysterious and unusual.

"This is, the spirit of Yin & Yang!?"

Yang Chen was a little surprised.

He refined a Yin & Yang Indistinguishable Dao flower before.

Have a certain understanding of Yin & Yang Qi.

However, the Yin & Yang Qi here is deeper and richer than the Yin & Yang Indistinguishable Dao flower.

Even Qinglian Tianyan and Shenlong's blood in his body began to stir at this time.

"Yes, it is indeed Yin & Yang spirit!"

"To be precise, it is the Qi of the sun and the sun!"

Zhan Lingshuang at the side said in a deep voice:

"The Yin & Yang mirror is a holy artifact, it is said to be forged from the brilliance of the sun and the essence of the yin!"

"When I came here as a teacher, although I didn't collect the Yin & Yang mirror, I also absorbed a lot of Yin energy, which not only improved my Dao foundation, but also successfully entered the Void Refining Realm

"Chen'er, you can absorb the energy of the sun here, and it will benefit you infinitely. It is also a chance!"

Yang Chen nodded, without any hesitation, he directly sat down in the Lotus Position.

His current physique is the Sun God Physique, and these solar qi are a great tonic for him.

The white light in the Great Hall was drawn by Yang Chen, and began to gather towards his body.


The corner of Yang Chen's mouth twitched violently.

Because the sun's energy just entered the body, it quickly intertwined with Qinglian Tianyan.

Like a catalyst, the cyan flame instantly surged.

Moreover, the blood of the dragon in the body was stimulated by the energy of the sun, and it also began to roar.

The booming sound of blood flowing resounded throughout the Great Hall.

A phantom of a golden dragon loomed on Yang Chen's body.


Yang Chen lost his mind, Qinglian Tianyan spewed out instantly, directly turning his clothes into ashes.

The angular body was immediately naked in front of Zhan Lingshuang's eyes.

Zhan Lingshuang glanced at a certain part of him, and his cheeks turned red.

I couldn't help but recall the scene when the old woman who broke Feng Yuwan in the ancient ice and snow city knelt on the ground and gave it to Chen'er.

Involuntarily spat:

"This little villain has really grown up!"

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