Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 147: Zhao Shirou Is Jealous! Hallows Yin & Yang Mirror! (Seeking Subscription)

Kiss for a moment.

Lin Xilan let go of Yang Chen.


"Xilan misses you so much!"

Lin Xilan whispered in Yang Chen's ear.

The voice is full of affection.

Yang Chen also hugged her a little tighter.



At this time, the sound of crying babies sounded in Rizhen.

Lin Xilan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of Zhao Shirou who was behind her.

She couldn't help but blushed on her cheeks.

Just now I was only focused on expressing the thoughts in my heart, but I ignored that the poet saint in the Great Hall is still there.

Didn't Shirou see her proactive appearance?

She will definitely make fun of her in the future.

Lin Xilan immediately broke free from Yang Chen's embrace.

"What's the matter, lady?"

Yang Chen was puzzled.

"Msanggong, you, you should spend a lot of time!"

"When Tian'er was born, your father wasn't there either!"

"Still marrying the beautiful Lord Feng in the ancient ice and snow city!"

As Lin Xilan said, she couldn't help but tap Yang Chen's chest lightly, expressing her dissatisfaction.

Then, he hurried to Zhao Shirou's side.

He hugged the crying Yang Tian in his arms.

"Oh, Tian'er won't cry or cry, Yiniang will take you to play!"

As Lin Xilan spoke, she walked out of the Great Hall.


Yang Chen walked to Zhao Shirou's side.

Looking at the former Empress Dowager Li Yang, he wanted to embrace her in his arms.

But she pushed it away.


"Go and accompany your Phoenix City Lord!"

Zhao Shirou snorted coldly, and turned her back directly.

Yang Chen suddenly felt helpless.

When he was in Liyang Palace, he had seen Zhao Shirou's petty temper during the Closed Door Training for half a year.

It can only be said that people's personalities are different.

Among the three, Zhao Shirou is more likely to get jealous and lose his temper.

However, that's all.

The easier it is to lose your temper, the easier it is to coax.

Yang Chen hugged her directly.

Zhao Shirou broke free twice and gave up.

Lie down in his arms.


"I apologize to you and Tian'er!"

"I am in the ancient city of ice and snow, and the reason why I married Feng Yuwan is out of helplessness!"

"I haven't come back all this time, that's because I have to face Xiu Zhongzhou who is in a Half step Void Refining situation!"

"Half step Void Refining environment?"

Hearing these four words, Zhao Shirou turned around immediately, and said worriedly:

"Then you're not hurt?"


Feeling her concern, Yang Chen immediately hugged her a little tighter.

His hands caressed her smooth back.

Said softly:

"Fortunately, Master went to kill him!"

"Otherwise it's really dangerous!"

Zhao Shirou snorted when she heard the words.

The tender body was snuggled into Yang Chen's arms, and said tenderly:

"As a father, you haven't hugged your own son yet!"

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth hooked slightly.

"Not in a hurry!"

"Hug again in two hours!"

"Let's study and give Tian'er a Little Brother or Little Sister first!"

After a while.

Lin Xilan, who was holding Yang Tian outside the Great Hall, listened to the faint voice coming from the Great Hall.

Immediately, his cheeks became hot.

Looking at the innocent Yang Tian, ​​she felt that it would be a crime to continue to stay here and let little Yang Tian listen to such obscene sounds.

So, he hurried to the distance.

Watching Yang Chi and the three little guys playing with the toys Yang Chen brought to them.

five days later.

Xuantian Sect held a succession ceremony for the new Sect Leader.

The new Sect Leader is naturally Yang Chen.

Zhan Lingshuang has decided to go to Daotian Holy Land in Zhongzhou to participate in the election for the saint of Daotian Holy Land.

Regardless of success or failure, her future focus of cultivation will be placed in Zhongzhou.

Therefore, he passed the throne to Yang Chen, the Holy Son.

Because of the rush of time, the succession ceremony was simply held.

The participating forces are only Xuantian Sect and some surrounding Sects.

After the ceremony was over, Yang Chen followed Guan Lingshuang to a forbidden area in the back mountain of Xuantian Sect.

"Trespassers die!"

On a stone tablet, four large characters are engraved.

The font is vigorous, and the pen is like a snake.

Yang Chen just glanced at it, and felt a little tingling in his eyes.

Immediately I was curious.

With his current Cultivation Base, he has already reached the realm of God Transformation Realm.

A stone tablet can actually make his eyes sting!

Zhan Lingshuang discovered this, and said:

"Chen'er, this stele is left by the founding patriarch of Xuantian Sect!"

"Even if he is in Daotian Holy Land, he is still a core Elder figure!"

"The stele left behind is extremely extraordinary!"

"I brought you here because I want you to accompany me into the forbidden area, one thing!"

"Get something?"


Yang Chen was a little puzzled.

A solemn look appeared on Zhan Lingshuang's beautiful face.

"Before my teacher came to Northern Spiritual Realm, Zhan's parents secretly told me that when that Elder left Daotian Holy Land, he took away a sacred artifact, the Yin & Yang mirror!"

"If you can bring this sacred artifact back to the Daotian Holy Land as a teacher, it must be a great achievement, and it will be of great help in winning the position of the saint!"

"However, the sacred artifact has spirits, even if the teacher has reached the Void Refining state, it is difficult to collect it!" (Is that good)

"But Chen'er, you are different!"

"You have a destiny with this sacred artifact!"

"I have a relationship with the holy artifact?"

Yang Chen was stunned for a moment.

This is the first time he knows.

Zhan Lingshuang looked a little tangled, but finally said:

"Do you know why a teacher accepts you as an apprentice?"

"It's because, as a teacher, I saw your face on the Yin & Yang mirror back then!"

Speaking of this, Zhan Lingshuang hastily said:

"But Chen'er, don't worry!"

"As my teacher raised you up with my own hands, my affection for you has already surpassed everything!"

"In the mind of a teacher, don't say Yin & Yang Jing, even if the teacher owns his life, it is not as important as you!"

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