Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 146: It's My Nephew's Honor! Lin Xilan's Initiative! (Seeking Subscription)


Yang Chen was stunned for a moment.

Looting son of destiny Xiao Dong's luck is worth a thousand points?

Could it be that the way of plundering is through skin-to-skin contact with a beautiful woman like Zhan Qiuyun, intertwined with the original energy?

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth couldn't help but playful.

if it is like this.

Then his little nephew will get close to his aunt more and more in the future.

At this time, Zhan Qiuyun let go of Yang Chen's palm.

The original qi of the two colors of gold and white submerged into the two people's bodies respectively.


Zhan Qiuyun took a deep breath.

Under the neck, there was a wave of ups and downs.

The beautiful eyes are full of excitement.

"Yang Chen's physique may be stronger than Chunyang Sacred Body!"

"In just half an hour, the coldness in the source of this seat has faded by one-thousandth!"

"In this way, I'm afraid it won't be long before it can be turned into a Ming Sacred Body match!"

Zhan Qiuyun was excited, her beautiful eyes looked at Yang Chen:

"Xiaochen, Auntie didn't lie to you, did she?"

"Has the True Qi in your body increased?"


"Indeed, it has been improved a bit, which is equivalent to my nephew's months of painstaking training!"

Yang Chen pretended to be excited and nodded.

Zhan Qiuyun's beautiful eyes were shining brightly, and she said seriously: 17

"Xiao Chen, Shi Gu doesn't hide it from you, Shi Gu has the body of Youyue, and Innate has the defect of the coldness, so it is difficult to step into a higher Realm!"

"But you have a physique of the most yang, and your source of the most yang can neutralize the coldness in the original source of the master and aunt!"

"In this way, Master Aunt can transform Youyue Body into Mingyue Sacred Body!"

"And in the process, you can also improve your own True Qi, saving time in practice!"

"Xiao Chen, are you willing to help Senior Aunt?"

Body of Youyue?

Need to use his Zhiyang origin to remove the coldness and make it a bright moon Sacred Body?

When Yang Chen heard the words, his expression turned slightly positive.

No wonder Zhan Qiuyun, a beautiful woman, suddenly treats him so well.

It seemed that he guessed right, this beautiful woman was just playing with his body.

Although the original qi is the root of the cultivator, it is equivalent to the essence of a mortal.


A little less is fine.

What's more, his sun god body is not a simple yang physique.

Moreover, the luck value of the son of destiny can also be plundered from this skin-to-skin contact process.

Why not do it.

"It's an honor to be able to help Auntie!"

Hearing Yang Chen's words, Zhan Qiuyun's beautiful eyes immediately turned into crescent moons, very satisfied.

The jade hand patted Yang Chen's shoulder lightly, and said with a look of relief:

"Xiao Chen is really a filial child!"

"Auntie wants to snatch you away from your master and let you be Auntie's disciple!"

"Come on, here are two bottles of recovery purple pills, which can help you strengthen your roots and restore the original source of Innate!"

"Xiaochen, you must insist on taking one pill every day!"

"When you go to the Daotian Holy Land, you will practice with your aunt!"

"Aunt Shi has more than ten disciples, all of whom are beautiful and beautiful, and are known as the sons of the Holy Earth Immortals!"

"However, this matter is a secret between us, you must keep it a secret from your master!"

At this moment, Zhan Qiuyun is like a beautiful woman aunt who coaxed the boy Zhengtai into the bedroom to connect to the sewer.

Yang Chen naturally nodded repeatedly.

"Little nephew, thank you, aunt, for your cultivation!"

"From now on in Daotian Holy Land, I will trouble my aunt!"

After Zhan Qiuyun left.

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth outlined a hint of playfulness.

He glanced at the two bottles of Medicine Pill in his hand.

Restore Zidan, Bacon strengthens the root, and restores the source of Innate.

Ha ha, this is not the same effect as Liu Wei Di Huang Wan.

But does he need it?

Zhan Qiuyun, a beautiful woman, wants to use him to turn into Mingyue Sacred Body.

As everyone knows, a good hunter often appears as a prey.

On the Holy Child Peak.

At this time, Lin Xilan and the girls still don't know the news that Yang Chen has returned.

However, after getting along with these months.

The relationship between the three has become like that of sisters.

In addition, Zhao Shirou gave birth to a son, and Lin Xilan taught her a lot of parenting experience.

There are more topics.

"It's true, my husband, I promised to come back soon, but half a year has passed!"

"He didn't come back even after you gave birth!"

"Shirou, you don't blame your husband in your heart, do you?"

Lin Xilan looked at Zhao Shirou who was holding the child, and said helplessly.

"Sister Lan, what happened?"

Zhao Shirou looked up.

"Even though Brother Chen hasn't come back, he has brought back various legends about him!"

"Megatronic Ice and Snow Ancient City, beheaded the famous Divine Transformation Third Stage repairer for thousands of years!"

"Even the current City Lord of Ice and Snow Ancient City is willing to be his woman!"

Hearing this, Lin Xilan couldn't hear it.

Zhao Shirou had resentment in her heart.

After all, one bears children.

But Xianggong married the beautiful city lord in the ancient ice and snow city.

Moreover, it is said that the Lord City Lord seems to be pregnant as well.

Mr. Xiang, he really is.


If he comes back this time, he will definitely make more poems.

And rain and smoke.

They both have children.

Yuyan was alone.

During this time, she could clearly see the envy in Yuyan's eyes.

Although she also misses Xianggong very much.

But who made her the eldest sister housewife.

Know how to be humble.

Two people talking in the Great Hall.


Qing'er, who was playing with the three little ones, suddenly opened her beautiful eyes.

Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a slight soreness in the tip of his nose.

"elder brother!"

Then, he couldn't bear it any longer, and threw himself into Yang Chen's arms.

"elder brother!"

Qing'er's voice choked up.

Although I didn't stay with Yang Chen for a long time.

But in her heart, Yang Chen, the elder brother, is her first and most important relative.

"Hehe, I've grown up!"

"Now she is slim and graceful!"

Yang Chen caressed Qing'er's back with both hands.

Compared with half a year ago, Qing'er has obviously grown taller.

The figure is also developed, lordosis and back warping.

The long black hair is hung behind his head, full of Immortal Qi.

The most obvious is that her cultivation Realm has reached the Foundation Establishment Realm Third Stage.

This level of cultivation speed can only be possessed by the Pure Spirit Sacred Body.

This time I went to Zhongzhou, but I could bring Qing'er with me.

Even in Daotian Holy Land, with Qing'er's talent, he can become a true disciple.

The future is also a big help to own, absolutely loyal.



"hug me!"

"hug me!"

The three little guys saw Yang Chen.

Immediately they all ran over.

Yang Chen immediately let go of Qing'er. 097 hugged the three little guys into his arms.

"Chi'er, Dad is not here during this time, have you bullied anyone?"

Yang Chen looked at Yang Chi and said.

As the eldest son of his big villain.

Yang Chi can be said to be a standard villain.

What is often talked about is to let my father kill you!

Surrounding the Shengzi Peak, it can be said that there is an existence like King Xiao Luo.


Yang Chi immediately shook his head.

A pair of big black and white eyes are rolling around, obviously lying.

Yang Chen walked into the Great Hall with the three little guys in his arms.

Seeing him, both Lin Xilan and Zhao Shirou were stunned.

Then, the eye sockets turned red.


Lin Xilan walked over with a choked voice.

Yang Chen put down the three little guys.

"Daddy bought you toys, let Aunt Qing'er take you to play, okay?"

Hearing the toy, the eyes of the three little ones lit up.

Qing'er also walked out with the three little guys with great insight.


Lin Xilan couldn't bear it any longer, and threw herself directly into Yang Chen's arms.

She hugged his tiger waist tightly, wishing to blend in and never separate again.

"Miss, do you miss me?"

Yang Chen caressed her smooth back, and whispered softly in her ear.

The hot air blew on Lin Xilan's ears, making her delicate body tremble.

I couldn't help standing on tiptoe, wrapping my arms around Yang Chen's neck.


Yang Chen suddenly opened his eyes wide.

I didn't expect Lin Xilan to be so proactive.

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