Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 145: My Nephew, Thank You, Aunt! The Original Energy Is Entangled! (Seeking Subscription)

"Xiaochen has been staring at Shigu, what are you looking at?"

Zhan Qiuyun's elegant voice sounded.

Yang Chen immediately came back to his senses.

"No, nothing!"

"It's just that my aunt's eyes are very big and beautiful, my nephew couldn't help but look twice more!"

"Please forgive me for being presumptuous!"

"Haha, it's okay!"

Zhan Qiuyun smiled lightly, as if he didn't care.

Although she is covered with a veil, she cannot see her true face clearly.

But just this smile, combined with those autumn-like eyes, has infinite beauty.

Seeing that the two were getting close to each other, Zhan Lingshuang on the side was a little impatient at this moment:

"Second Sister, have you made the space array connecting Ice and Snow Ancient City and Xuantian Sect?"

"I'm going back to Xuantian Sect right away to explain some things!"

"Otherwise, "873", I will not go to Daotian Holy Land with you until the matter is explained!"

"Don't worry, I have already made the space array!"

As Zhan Qiuyun said, with a wave of her jade hand, a formation made of jade emerged.

On the formation platform, there are formation lines engraved one after another, flowing with spatial fluctuations.

Wisps of moon-white light surround it.

In the middle of the formation, a light gate is formed.

It seems that two worlds can be connected.

"Space array?"

Yang Chen's pupils were slightly startled.

In the secret realm of the city lord's mansion before, the stele was also a spatial means to connect the ice and snow ancient city and the ice and snow small world.

But that stele was left by Bingfeng a few Ten Thousand Years ago.

That ice phoenix can open up a small world by itself, and its strength must be terrifying.

But this beautiful woman in a moon robe can also make space arrays.

This strength is probably extraordinary.

Seemingly seeing the surprise in Yang Chen's eyes, Zhan Qiu said softly:

"Xiao Chen, my aunt has practiced in space for a thousand years. She carved a space array and spanned thousands of miles between heaven and earth. It's just a matter of gestures!"

"If you want to learn, Shigu can teach you!"

"Your master has been cultivating in Beiling Realm since she reached the Nascent Soul Realm. This time when she goes back [the family has prepared various Heavenly and Mortal Treasures for her to quickly improve the Cultivation Base!"

"So after your master returns, he will always be in cultivation!"

"During this time, you can practice with your aunt!"


"The little nephew would like to thank Senior Aunt!"

Yang Chen said with cupped hands.

"Hmph, fart!"

Zhan Lingshuang snorted coldly, and said impatiently:

"Second Sister, hurry up and start the teleportation!"


Zhan Qiuyun tapped her head lightly, and shot a light talisman at the jade formation platform.

Immediately, the jade array was radiant.

Above the light gate, there are powerful spatial fluctuations.

A black hole slowly emerged.

"This space array is made temporarily by me, it can only be used once!"

"Xiao Chen, Ling Shuang, the three of us have to enter together!"

"If there is a sequence, the latecomers will not be able to teleport!"

"You two take my hand!"

Zhan Qiuyun spoke slowly.

Yang Chen naturally held her jade hand.

Immediately, a soft touch came, like suet white jade, cold and tender.

Yang Chen was a little surprised.

Master is old enough.

Her sister was definitely older.

But this hand is so delicate.

Even a 28-year-old girl is far inferior.

Before Yang Chen could react, Zhan Qiuyun pulled him and Zhan Lingshuang into the light gate.

Immediately, Yang Chen felt his world spin for a while.

Open your eyes again.

What came into view were familiar mountain palaces.

Xuantian Sect, poured.

It is more than ten thousand miles away, but it only takes a moment to cross the space.

Is this the means of space?

"Chen'er, accompany your aunt around Xuantian Sect, because the teacher has to explain something to the Elders quickly!"

"And refining the messenger lightsaber and repairing some formation of Sect!"

After Zhan Lingshuang finished speaking, he hurriedly flew to the main peak of Xuantian Sect in the distance.

"Xiao Chen, your hands are so hot and flat!"

Yang Chen was about to let go of the palm holding Zhan Qiuyunyu's hand, but she held it backhanded.

And at the same time, at the intersection of their palms, two colors of True Qi, one gold and one white, are actually intertwined.

"With such a quality of True Qi, it seems that this kid has really awakened his extraordinary essence!"

"Even if it's not pure Yang Sacred Body, it's definitely not weaker!"

"Such an extremely yang physique can help my Youyue body turn into a bright moon Sacred Body!"

"At that time, I, Zhan Qiuyun, can't help but make up for the shortcomings of my physique, and I can also break through the shackles of the Void Refining environment in one fell swoop!"

Various thoughts emerged in Zhan Qiuyun's mind...

After this moment of True Qi interweaving, she has completely confirmed that Yang Chen's physique is the ultimate Yang physique that is not inferior to Chunyang Sacred Body.

It can help her Youyue Body make up for its shortcomings.

"Auntie, where is our palm?"

Yang Chen was puzzled.

Zhan Qiuyun smiled and said:

"Xiaochen, the yang energy in your body is entangled with the Youyue energy in Shigu's body!"

"That's a good thing!"

"Listen to Master's words, within half an hour, the True Qi in your body will be significantly increased, which is equivalent to your hard work!

The defect of Zhan Qiuyun Youyue's body is the original coldness in the body.

This is an innate defect.

It is also a physical characteristic.

It is also because of this that she was able to practice extremely fast, and she reached the peak Realm of Void Refining in less than two Thousand Years.

However, the disadvantage brought about is that the original coldness of the Youyue Body has extremely strong restrictions on breaking through the Realm.

Her last Transcend Tribulation was a narrow escape.

If he breaks through forcefully this time, he will fall under the Heavenly Tribulation.

Only by transforming the Youyue Body into Bright Moon Sacred Body at 5.5 to make up for the original defect, can one survive Heavenly Tribulation.

And transforming into a bright moon Sacred Body requires at least a pure yang Sacred Body level of supreme yang physique to neutralize the coldness in the origin of her moon body.

Yang Chen's Cultivation Base in the God Transformation Realm neutralized the original Qi of a Void Refining peak cultivator, and naturally benefited a lot.

In just half an hour, the True Qi in the body increased a bit.

Indeed, as Zhan Qiuyun said, it is worth several months of penance.

But at this time, the voice of the system sounded in Yang Chen's mind:

[Ding, the host and Zhan Qiuyun have skin-to-skin contact, the original energy intertwined for half an hour, the host plunders the son of destiny Xiao Dong's luck value of 1000 points, and the host gets villain value of 1000 points!】

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