Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 144: Feng Yuwan's Reluctance! Auntie? Elder? (Seeking Subscription)

The golden sun in the sky lasted for five full days before gradually dissipating.

In the Snowfall Mountains during this period, there are two days per day.

At night, the golden sun hangs high, still as bright as day.

Many cultivators in the Ice and Snow Ancient City have already started to kneel down to the golden sun in the sky. In their view, it is a vision that only Saint came into the world.

The golden sun dissipated, and the night came again.

The stars and the moon are in the sky.

Everything is back to normal.

At this time, Yang Chen opened his eyes, and in his pupils, there seemed to be two rounds of golden sun shining brightly.

After these five days, he has completely integrated the sun~divine body.

Although Realm has not broken through, it is still Divine Transformation First Stage.

However, the aura on his body has improved significantly.

With every gesture, there is a divine brilliance.


Zhan Lingshuang walked into the Great Hall, and seeing that Yang Chen was fine, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Then some complained:

"You don't even say hello to your teacher in advance when you awaken your rebellious physique. I think you are becoming less and less a teacher in your eyes!"

"I will settle accounts with you in the future!"

"Before I told you that I would leave in three days, you suddenly closed Door Training for five days!"

"Get ready to go now, don't delay, or you won't have much time to return to Xuantian Sect!"

"As a teacher, I have summoned the seven elders and the two grand elders to let them all pass through!"

"Master, should we leave now?"

When Yang Chen saw Feng Yuwan walking into the Great Hall with a face full of reluctance, he couldn't help feeling soft.

Originally, he said that for three days, he could spend good time with Wan'er and the child in his stomach.

But with the fusion of the Sun God Body, the Closed Door Training took five days.

"Master, let's go at dawn!"

"Disciple still has something to tell Wan'er!"

"whats the matter?"

Zhan Lingshuang asked casually.

But when he turned around and saw the reluctance in Feng Yuwan's beautiful eyes, he immediately understood.


Zhan Lingshuang pouted.

If there is anything to say, it's nothing more than the crap about men and women.


"Okay, let's go at dawn!"

After saying something impatiently, Zhan Lingshuang turned and left.

"Brother Chen!"

Feng Yuwan couldn't bear it any longer, and threw herself directly into Yang Chen's arms.

The voice was a little choked.

The reluctance in his eyes seemed to turn into countless threads of affection to entangle Yang Chen.

"Wan'er, don't worry, I will pick you up soon!"

"During this time, you can rest assured to raise your baby!"

"Birth our children!"

"Give Gan Ning a companion too!"

"I listen to your Brother Chen!"

"I will always be waiting for you in the ancient city of ice and snow!"

Feng Yuwan groaned, her jade arms tightly hugging Yang Chen's waist.

It seemed to melt into his body.

Feng Qianning on the side looked at this scene with some envy in her eyes.

When she saw Yang Chen's big hand caressing her mother's back, her cheeks suddenly became rosy.

Bending slightly to Yang Chen, he hurriedly left the palace.

She already thought about what would happen next.

After a few hours.

The sky is getting brighter.

Zhan Lingshuang came to Feng Yuwan Palace impatiently.

Prepare to take Yang Chen away forcibly.

On Xuantian Sect's side, she still has to deal with a lot of things.

She, the Sect Leader, left suddenly, and she had to give a good account to the elders.

Chen'er, a traitor, thinks about those things day in and day out.

Really useless.

Zhan Lingshuang just walked into the palace.

I was stunned immediately.

Because, a sharp and gentle voice came into her ears.

It immediately made her cheeks feel hot.

"This traitor has been going all night, and he hasn't stopped yet!"

"Fortunately, I can take this opportunity to bring him to Zhongzhou, otherwise, let him stay with this old woman Feng Yuwan every day, and sooner or later he will be sucked dry by her!"

"Also, Feng Yuwan, an old woman, is also a Divine Transformation cultivator, her will is far beyond ordinary people, but now!"

"Is this kind of thing so exciting?"

Two hours later.

Yang Chen and Zhan Lingshuang came to a snow mountain outside the ice and snow ancient city.

Zhan Qiuyun is still wearing a moon robe, wrapping her graceful and graceful body.

Turn around slightly.

As the breeze blows, it shakes the veil.

The cheeks and high nose bridge that were hidden like snow and jade were exposed.

The moon robe also clings to the delicate body, outlining a graceful curve.

Yang Chen's pupils were stunned for a moment, and he keenly captured this scene.

"It can trigger the vision of heaven and earth, and reverse Yin & Yang's day and night!"

"Chen'er, what you awakened should be a yang physique!"

Zhan Qiuyun didn't seem to notice Yang Chen's eyes, and said softly, with an elegant voice.

On this empty snow mountain, there is more ethereal lingering.


Zhan Lingshuang suddenly frowned slightly, and couldn't help saying:

...asking for flowers...

"Second Sister, Chen'er's awakened physique is his secret!"

"You don't even know me as a master, so don't ask more questions!

"Also, you can call him Yang Chen!"

"Yang Chen?"


Zhan Qiuyun suddenly smiled playfully.

"Ling Shuang, we are sisters!"

"Your only direct disciple, if I, my elder sister, call him Yang Chen, wouldn't it be too distant!"

"Since you don't want me to call him Chen'er, then I'll call him Xiaochen!"

"Xiao Chen, what do you think?"


Yang Chen frowned slightly.

The word "small" has nothing to do with him.

Especially now that he has merged with the Sun God Body.

Zhigang Zhiyang, brave and unusual.

A round of golden yang in the body exudes endless blazing sun energy.

However, he didn't care too much.

After all, the beautiful woman in the moon robe in front of her is not just as simple as Master's sister.

He is also the master of the son of destiny.

This time I went to Zhongzhou, it was for her.

There is nothing wrong with building a good relationship first.


"It's Junior's honor that Zhan senior can call Junior like this!"

Yang Chen looked respectful.

Hearing this, Shou Qiuyun reminded:

"Xiaochen, this seat is your master's own sister, it's too strange for you to call me senior!"

"Just call me Master Aunt!"

"After all, this seat is also your elder!"



When Yang Chen heard this, he immediately laughed.

He sized up the beautiful woman in the moon robe in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

He found that the attitude of this beautiful woman in the moon robe suddenly improved and became much more cordial to him.

Could it be because he awakened the Sun God Body?

She is wrapped in a moon robe, so is it possible that she has some special relationship with the sun god body?

Yang Chen looked at Zhan Qiuyun's beautiful eyes like autumn water.

But he found that this beautiful woman was also looking at him with a smile.

In his eyes, there seemed to be a bright and full moon rising.

Moreover, there seemed to be a slight tremor in the golden sun in his body.


Yang Chen couldn't help feeling a little scared.

Could this beautiful woman be playing tricks on my body?

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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