Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 130: Feng Qianning, Do You Regret It? The Pretense Is Over! (Seeking Subscription)

Looking at the rushing blue Phoenix, Long Aohuan threw out a punch.

"Get down on my seat!"


The dragon chant sounded.

This punch was powerful and heavy, as if it combined the general trend of heaven and earth.

Forms a crimson fist directly.

It hit Feng Yuwan Phoenix firmly.


Even if Feng Yuwan transformed into Phoenix form, it would be difficult for her to bear this punch.

He was directly beaten and flew out.

Falling to the ground, a blue halo flashed, and it turned into a human form again.

His face was pale, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"How can it be!?"

Feng Yuwan was really shocked this time.

Transforming into Phoenix form, both attack power and defense power will be greatly improved.

However, he couldn't even catch the opponent's punch.


Seeing "170", Feng Qianning hurried to Feng Yuwan's side to support her.

"You are my son's wife in Beilingyu!"

"Not bad, I also have Ice Phoenix Bloodline!"

"It's barely worthy of my son!"

"You and your mother, marry into my Zhilong family together!"

"This is also your mother and daughter's Good Fortune!"

"From now on, you can leave this remote Northern Spiritual Realm and go to the land of Zhongzhou!"

Long Aohuan glanced at Feng Qianning for a few times, and nodded in satisfaction.

The big one is plump and graceful, dignified and noble.

The small one is tall and graceful, cool and beautiful.

This mother and daughter are pretty good, they are the best in the world.

If it wasn't for the young one who was already married to Yu'er, he wouldn't mind accepting them all.

"Such a stunner can be born in the small Northern Spiritual Realm, haha, my trip is worthwhile!"

Long Aohuan didn't hide it at all, and laughed wildly.

With his strength, if he was in Zhongzhou, he would not dare to do this.

But in what he thought was the remote Beiling Domain, he thought he was invincible and could fear nothing.

"Damn bastard, I must have killed you!"

Feng Yuwan gritted her silver teeth tightly, feeling full of hatred in her heart.

Want to shoot again.

But as soon as True Qi was turned on, another mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

His face turned pale again.

"After being punched by this seat, it is already good that you are still alive!"

"Accept fate honestly, and concentrate on serving me from now on. This is your only way to survive!"

Long Aohuan said disdainfully.

He is only one step away from the Void Refining environment.

He continued to fight in the land of Zhongzhou, and there were no fewer than dozens of Divine Transformation late stage and peak powerhouses who died in his hands.

A Divine Transformation Fourth Stage, it's not bad to be able to receive his full punch.

Although all the Elders of the Feng family were angry at this time, they were afraid of Long Aohuan's strength in front of them, so they could only hold back with tears in their eyes.

Long Tianyu watched this scene.

I couldn't help feeling a burst of joy in my heart.

This is the benefit of being powerful.

Father alone can easily defeat Feng Yuwan, a proud woman.

It also made everyone in the Feng family silent.

Long Tianyu walked up to Feng Qianning with his head held high, and said condescendingly:

"Feng Qianning, do you regret it now?"


Feng Qianning raised her head, staring at Long Tianyu with her beautiful eyes.

In the eyes, there is no longer the pity and boredom before.

But a strong killing intent.

She did regret it.

I regret not killing the bastard in front of me sooner.

In the past twenty years, although Long Tianyu was the son-in-law in Feng's family.

But I treat him well.

Whenever he was bullied by his family's children, he would come forward to rescue him.

But today, as soon as his father came, he killed an Elder from Nascent Soul Realm and wounded his mother.

And she and her mother were required to serve their father and son together in exchange for the family's survival.


Ungrateful bastard!

Feng Qianning clenched her silver teeth and stared at Long Tianyu.

Long Tianyu naturally felt the anger and killing intent on her body.

But he has no fear.

If it was before, he must explain it well.

but now.

Father has come.

And a bitch woman as powerful as Feng Yuwan is not the enemy of my father.

Ha ha.

In this ice and snow ancient city, he doesn't need to pretend anymore, and he doesn't need to please anyone.

Straightforwardly, coldly:

"I told you a long time ago that Beilingyu is very small, and Youzhou is very heavenly!"

"My Chilong family is also a prestigious existence in the land of Zhongzhou!"

"Your Feng family has repeatedly humiliated me, today, you will pay the due price!"

"Feng Qianning, if you are willing to serve me, I can let my father keep some Bloodline for the Feng family!"

"Bah, don't think about it!"

Feng Qianning's beautiful eyes were cold, and said coldly 0

She would rather die than surrender.

On the side, an Elder at the peak of Nascent Soul in the Feng family couldn't help but angrily said:

"Long Tianyu, although you are the son-in-law of my Feng family, my Feng family has raised you for twenty years!"

"You and your father treat my Feng family like this, isn't this a revenge for kindness?

"Oh? Repay your kindness with revenge?"

Long Aohuan turned to look at the Elder, with a look of contempt on his face.

"Your Feng family dares to make my son a son-in-law, it is a capital crime, and the Manchus should be punished!"

"Things like ants dare to bark in front of me!"


After Long Aohuan finished speaking, he pointed out directly.


A crimson beam of light hit the Elder directly.

Burst the flesh it hit.

A blue Nascent Soul hurriedly fled outside the hall.


Long Aohuan snorted coldly.

"A mere ant at the peak of Nascent Soul, the means of saving his life are pretty good!"

"But I still have to die!"

When the words fell, Yin Aoshi pointed out again.

However, the crimson beam of light was blocked by a Devilish Qi turbulent stone tablet.


The stele was suppressed.

It actually crushed the crimson beam of light.


Long Aohuan was a little surprised.

He looked at Yang Chen on the high platform.

He didn't expect that a Divine Transformation First Stage ant could block his blow by 0.7.

I underestimated this guy just now.

That Devilish Qi turbulent stone tablet is definitely a very good Supernatural Power.

Unexpectedly, such a supernatural power exists in the remote Beilingyu.

This trip was indeed worthwhile.

After capturing the ant, search for the soul directly.

If he got the Supernatural Power just now, his strength will definitely go a step further.

Yang Chen stood on the high platform.

He looked playfully at the pair of father and son who were pretending to be below.

Now, the atmosphere is almost in place, and the hatred value is also full.

It's time for their pretense to end.

It is also time to send Yu'er's father on the road.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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