Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 131: Exquisite Power! Zhan Lingshuang: Is This Soft? (Seeking Subscription)

"Your Excellency killed the Elder of the Feng family at will, isn't it too overbearing?"

Yang Chen looked at Long Aohuan, and said lightly.


"Hmph, this seat has always been like this in the past!

"Since you stand up, let's kill you first!"

"It's just a matter of venting my anger for my son!"

Long Aohuan's eyes were invincible.

Even if Yang Chen blocked his blow just now, he didn't take Yang Chen seriously.

A Divine Transformation First Stage, in his eyes, is nothing more than a bigger ant.

"Father, it's the bastard!"

"This bastard, I will cut him into pieces!"

"Don't kill him directly, abolish his Cultivation Base, I will torture him!"

Seeing Yang Chen, Long Tianyu looked like a madman.

"Long Tianyu, if His Royal Highness Shengzi hadn't spared your life several times, you would have died a long time ago!"

"You ungrateful bastard!"

Feng Qianning said sharply.

However, these words stung Long Tianyu all of a sudden.

"Feng Qianning, you, like your mother Feng Yuwan, are both sluts, sluts!"

"Do you also want to climb into Yang Chen's bed!"

"Haha, you have no chance!"

"I'm going to abolish Yang Chen's Cultivation Base, and play you in front of him!"

Long Tianyu's eyes were full of ferocity and madness.

"What did you say on horse 08?"

"You bastard!"

Feng Yu Qi Condensation trembled all over.

At this time, Long Aohuan punched Yang Chen.


The dragon chant resounded.

A scarlet dragon appeared.

"Brother Chen, be careful!"

Seeing this, Feng Yuwan hurriedly reminded her.

Running True Qi, wanting to help Yang Chen resist this strike.

Because she knows the power of this punch.

Even if she manifested Phoenix, she couldn't resist it.

But Yang Chen looked indifferent, just standing quietly.

Behind him, a red-gold figure appeared, also punching out.


The two fists collided.

True Qi is crazy and turbulent.

The entire Great Hall collapsed directly and turned into ruins.


Long Aohuan was shocked.

He hit with all his strength, but was blocked.

True Qi dissipates.

A girl with dragon horns stood in front of Yang Chen.

The breath on his body is extremely strong.

The red-gold dragon energy filled the whole body.

"Divine Transformation Tenth Stage!?"

Long Aohuan couldn't believe it.

There are such strong people in the remote Beiling Realm.

Staring at the girl with dragon horns, Long Aohuan gradually had doubts in his eyes.

Because, he always felt that the aura of the dragon-horned girl in front of him was somewhat familiar.


His eyes widened.

"You are the true soul of the red dragon in the Dragon Blood Jade!?"


Linglong tapped her head lightly.

Dragon Blood Jade loomed between her eyebrows.

Ever since she shaped her physical body, Yang Chen gave her the Dragon Blood Jade.

The dragon blood jade was formed from the dragon blood of Linglong's previous life, and her current dragon soul was nourished and condensed in the dragon blood jade.

It can be said that Yu is her mother.

Long Aohuan suddenly said in a deep voice:

"Since the senior has created a physical body, why should he help this person?"

"Could it be that the senior has forgotten the Ten Thousand Years of my Red Dragon Family's cultivation?"

"The cultivation of your Chilong family?"

Linglong's face was full of disdain.

"It's just a group of humans with bloodline dragons!"

"Also worthy of raising this king?"

"Could it be that the king didn't increase the Bloodline strength of your Red Dragon Family?"

"Without this king, would your Zhilong family have what it is today?"

At this moment, Linglong's face was full of dragon clan's pride.

It's different from Yang Chen.

Although she used Yang Chen's blood to condense her body, she is a pure Dragon Clan.

She looks down on bloodline hybrids like the Red Dragon Family from the bottom of her heart.

"My Red Dragon Family Bloodline Mixed?"

A gloomy expression appeared on Long Aohuan's face.

His pupils stared at Linglong.

A bold idea came to mind.

The true soul of the red dragon condenses into the body, and that is a pure-blooded true dragon.

If he devoured her, wouldn't the strength of his own Bloodline be greatly increased?

In this way, as long as he devours her, he can immediately step into the Void Refining Realm.

very good.

"Since you are ungrateful, I will kill you today!"

"Let you be the nourishment for this seat to step into the Void Refining Realm!"

Long Aohuan's eyes were ferocious.

He flew up directly, forming seals with his hands.

Columns of crimson light descended from the sky.

In just a moment, three thousand six pillars of crimson light were formed.

It was like a prison, imprisoning Linglong and Yang Chen in it.


Linglong didn't care, and said to Yang Chen behind her:

"Master, I passed on this Supernatural Power to the ancestors of the Red Dragon Family back then!"

"I didn't expect it to be used on me today!"

As she spoke, Linglong directly transformed into a giant red gold dragon.


The giant dragon circled, unstoppable, and directly smashed all the beams of light.


Long Aohuan's pupils constricted.

These thirty-six beams of light are the Supernatural Power of the town clan of their Red Dragon Family.

In the past, when fighting against people, they were invincible and could suppress everything!

But now, it is so vulnerable.

Before Long Aohuan recovered his senses, the red gold dragon had already rushed towards him.

"not good!"

Long Aohuan hurriedly wanted to escape.

However, it was still slow.



Long Aohuan was directly sent flying by the tail of this strike Shenlong.

It fell heavily on the ground.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

The arrogance just now is gone now.

"How can it be!?"

Long Aohuan couldn't believe it.

He is only one step away from the Void Refining Realm.

The usual Divine Transformation Tenth Stage is not his match at all.

However, in the face of Chilong True Soul, he was seriously injured with just one blow.

Yang Chen was also very surprised at this time.

He also didn't expect that Linglong's strength was so great.

It seems that the fusion of his body shaped by the ancient God dragon Blood Essence has greatly improved her strength.

Moreover, after shaping the physical body, her consciousness and wisdom are not as good as before.

Combat instinct has been significantly improved.

Everyone in the Feng family looked excited.

I didn't expect that there was such a strong man beside His Royal Highness.

"Father, lost?"

Long Tianyu stood where he was.

His eyes were dazed.

His overbearing and invincible father was actually defeated.

How can this be?

When my father came to Beilingyu, he should be invincible!

"Yu'er, be sure!"

Long Aohuan came directly to Long Tianyu's side, and was about to leave with him.

Through the confrontation just now, he has already determined that he is not the opponent of Chilong True Soul.

The true soul of the red dragon condensed with the flesh, just like a pure-blooded true dragon.

Even though Realm is lower than him, his combat power is extremely powerful. 217

For the current plan, only by breaking through the Void Refining can there be a possibility of devouring her.


Long Aohuan brought Long Tianyu into the air.

A white chain struck directly from the horizon.

The white chain seemed to be formed by flames, and it went directly towards Long Aoxue.

"Damn it!"

"Break it for me!"

Long Aohuan did not expect that there would be hidden strong men nearby.

The phantoms of red dragons erupted, trying to crush the chains.

However, when the Chilong phantom touched the chain, it was directly burned into nothingness by the white flame above it.


It was difficult for Long Aohuan to keep calm anymore.

He wanted to escape with Long Tianyu, but it was too late.

The white chains pierced through the phantoms of red dragons and wrapped around him directly.


Long Aohuan's expression suddenly twisted.

The flames above the white chains were both scorching hot and extremely cold.

His skin was instantly ripped apart and scorched black.

"Damn it!"

"This is a strange fire!"

"It's Xuanyou Lenghuo!"

Long Aohuan recognized it instantly.

Involuntarily said loudly:

"Who is the fellow daoist?"

"Here is Long Aohuan, the patriarch of the Chilong family in Zhongzhou!"

"If the fellow daoist lets me go, there will be a reward every day!"

Long Aohuan knew that the Cultivation Base who made the shot must not be weaker than him.

In addition, the opponent also possesses different fires.

Can only speak and pray.

"Hmph, is this soft? Wasn't it quite arrogant just now?"

The sarcasm sounded.

At the end of the chain, Zhan Lingshuang walked slowly in a loose Taoist robe.

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