Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 129: Overbearing Dragon Aohuan! Also Eyeing Feng Yuwan? (Seeking Subscription)

"Yujie Elder!"

An Elder from the Feng Family of Nascent Soul Realm was blown up into a cloud of blood mist.

This scene directly shocked everyone present.

Then everyone saw it.

A burly middle-aged man wearing a scarlet dragon robe stood beside Long~Tianyu.


Seeing this familiar figure, Long Tianyu couldn't bear it anymore.

His eyes were red, and his voice was choked up a bit.

Twenty years later, I finally saw my father again.

After twenty years of humiliation, he can finally get rid of his shame today.

"Don't cry!"

The burly middle-aged man shouted coldly:

"I am a child of the Red Dragon family, and I will fight the world!"

"As the son of my Long Aohuan, I can only bleed, not cry!"

"Yes, father!"

Long Tianyu said excitedly.

Father is still as powerful and domineering as he was twenty years ago.

There is an invincible and invincible momentum in the voice.

Long Tianyu stood up and walked to Long Aoling.

"Twenty years!"

"Yu'er, where is Mr. Zhang who guards you?"

Hearing this, Long Tianyu's eyes darkened immediately, and then he looked at Yang Chen on the high platform with resentment:

"Father, Mr. Zhang was killed by that bastard!"

"The shame and humiliation that the child has suffered is all thanks to him!"

"Dragon Blood Jade was also taken away by this bastard!"

"My child must cut him into pieces before he can relieve his hatred!"

"And these bastards here are all going to die!"

As if hearing the resentment deep in Long Tianyu's heart, Long Aohuan patted him on the shoulder and comforted him:

"It's okay Yu'er!"

"Come for the father, everything can be solved!"

"It's just a Divine Transformation First Stage, it's just a bigger ant, because it's easy to handle!

With that said, Long Aohuan looked towards the high platform.

But his eyes just glanced at Yang Chen and then passed directly.

Then it stopped on Feng Yuwan.

Obviously, Feng Yuwan, a graceful and beautiful woman who is also a Divine Transformation Fourth Stage Realm, is even more attractive.

But at this time, Feng Yuwan, who was the head of the Feng family, had a particularly gloomy expression.

Killing intent gathered in her beautiful eyes.

An Elder of Nascent Soul Realm died in front of his eyes, without a complete body.

As the head of the Feng family, how could she let it go.

"Your Excellency killed my Feng family Elder, it is too presumptuous!"

Feng Yuwan shouted coldly.


"Ha ha!"

Long Aohuan laughed immediately.

The laughter was like a dragon chant, roaring and deafening.

Some juniors from the Gold Core Foundation Establishment Realm of the Feng family knelt down on the ground one by one, hugging their heads in shock from the ear-splitting laughter.

Even the Elder of Nascent Soul Realm was sweating, feeling very uncomfortable.

"A mere Nascent Soul, an ant-like thing, if you kill it, you will kill it!"

What's more, insulting my son is a shame!"

Long Aohuan's tone was extremely domineering.


Feng Yu's graceful face is covered with frost.

True Qi surges on his body.

Shoot it out with one palm.

True Qi instantly formed a big handprint, and slapped Long Aohuan again.


However, Long Aohuan just pointed two fingers up to the sky.

The True Qi handprint collapsed immediately.


Feng Yuwan was startled.

Just now she realized that the strength of the person in front of her should not be underestimated, so she didn't hold back the slightest hand in that palm.

However, she slapped her with all her strength, but the other party broke it so lightly!?

"It's really not easy to reach the Fourth Stage of Divine Transformation in the North Spirit Territory, which is far away from Zhongzhou and where Spiritual Qi is thin!"

"And also has the ice phoenix Bloodline on his body, the concentration of bloodline is so strong that the shadow of the ice phoenix has already manifested on his body!"

"Not bad!"

"This seat can give your family a chance to survive!"

0…ask for flowers……………

"As long as you swear allegiance to my family of Chilong, and you marry me as your concubine, you and your family will be forgiven!"

Long Aohuan took a few glances at Feng Yuwan's plump and graceful figure, and a hint of salivation flashed in his eyes.

Such a top-notch beautiful woman is rare even in Zhongzhou.

And when Feng Yuwan made a move just now, the phantom of Bingfeng was looming on her body.

And there is a light blue ice and phoenix imprint between the eyebrows.

These are all external manifestations of Bingfeng Bloodline being strong to a certain extent.

These obviously attracted Long Aohuan.

But when Long Tianyu heard his father's words, he was stunned.

Feng Yuwan is his forbidden son!

Even if it is a father, you can't miss it!

But before he could speak, Feng Yuwan said with a straight face:

"Asshole, I want you to die!"

After the words fell, a phoenix cry resounded through the Great Hall.

From Feng Yuwan's body, the blue True Qi surged out.

She herself turned into a blue ice phoenix directly.

In the Great Hall, the temperature plummeted.

The ground was instantly covered with a layer of ice.

"Very good, the strength of Bloodline has reached such a level that it can turn into the body of the ice phoenix!"

"If this seat and you give birth to an heir, the strength of Bloodline must be extraordinary!"

Looking at the blue Phoenix swooping towards him, Long Aohuan's eyes were even more satisfied.

This time when he came to Beilingyu to pick up Yu'er, he originally wanted to send any of his subordinates here.

But luckily I came in person.

Otherwise, wouldn't you miss this peerless beauty in front of you.

If you can subdue a Phoenix with a strong Bloodline.

This life is not in vain.

At that time, the dragon and the phoenix meet.

It is simply a beautiful thing in the world.

Maybe I can use this to break through the final barrier in one fell swoop and reach the Void Refining Realm.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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