Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 128: Why Is The Mother's Voice Hoarse? Father Long Is Here! (Seeking Subscription)

Listen to the whirring sound inside.

Feng Qianning was a little puzzled.

Then he walked to the door of the room.

I was about to prick up my ears and listen carefully.


The door was opened.

Feng Yuwan was also shocked at this time.

She didn't expect her daughter to stand at the door.



She couldn't help but feel very happy.

Fortunately, it didn't make too much noise just now.

Qian Ning should not have heard anything.

Subconsciously touching her lips, Feng Yuwan said in a deep voice:

"Qian Ning, what's the matter with you?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Feng Yuwan regretted it.

Because of her voice, something was wrong at this time.

Feng Qianning immediately asked:

"What's the matter with you, mother?"

"Why is your voice so hoarse?"

Thinking of the thrilling scene just now, Feng Yuwan's cheeks turned rosy.

Then hurriedly said:


"The weather is a bit dry these days, and my voice is hoarse!"

"Oh, I see!"

Feng Qianning's face was full of doubts.

Because, the ancient city of ice and snow is a city of ice and snow.

The air is so humid, how can it be dry?

Moreover, the mother is the cultivator of the Fourth Stage of Divine Transformation.

Could these factors still affect her?

Sensing the doubt on Feng Qianning's face, Feng Yuwan knew that the reason she just said 240 was too lame, and the rosiness on her face couldn't help but deepened.

I can't help but curse in my heart:

Damn it's little bastard, he made me miserable again!

However, Feng Qianning did not dwell too much on this issue, but said:

"Mother, I am going to dissolve the marriage with Long Tianyu!"


Feng Yuwan was stunned for a moment.

Then he cleared his throat and said:

"You finally figured it out!"

"It's time to dissolve the marriage with that trash!"

"I don't know what your grandfather thinks, he insists on marrying that trash!"

"I should have sternly refused back then!"

As Feng Yuwan spoke, she suddenly stopped.

In my mind, I can't help but think of an idea.

If it was the strict rejection of Qian Ning and Long Tianyu's marriage back then.

So, is it still possible for me and Brother Chen?

I'm afraid that the one who is by Brother Chen's side today is not me, but the girl Qian Ning.

Calculated in this way, Long Tianyu's trash is not useless.

It can be regarded as indirectly contributing to the marriage between himself and Brother Chen.

"Mother, mother?"

Feng Qianning's shout brought Feng Yuwan back to her senses in an instant.

Yurong couldn't help but feel hot again.

But there was a touch of apology in the eyes looking at Feng Qianning, and she couldn't help stroking the hair hanging on her shoulders with jade hands.

"Qian Ning, you are mother's only daughter!"

"In the future, the ancient ice and snow city will be inherited by you!"

"It's also time to drive away this son-in-law, Long Tianyu!"

"Otherwise, the husband of the young city lord of Ice and Snow Ancient City is a good-for-nothing son-in-law, after all, it cannot be justified!"

"Mother summons the Elders to expel Long Tianyu from Feng's house in public!"

Feng Qianning felt Feng Yuwan's care, but her eyes were on her belly.

Couldn't help poking it with my hand.

"Mother, I am not the only one for you, Ann!"

"Here's another one!"


"You girl!"

Feng Yuwan immediately laughed and scolded:

"How do you know it's a daughter? What if it's a son?"

"Mother, have you forgotten? The ice phoenix Bloodline in our body is very special!"

"As long as the mother's body awakens Ice Phoenix Bloodline, the chance of the next generation being a girl is much higher than that of a boy!"

"Hehe, you're the only girl who knows a lot!"

Feng Yuwan's beautiful eyes are full of tenderness.

Yushou couldn't help stroking his stomach.

She wished it was a son.

Because, giving Brother Chen a son, own status will be more stable.

After all, the most passionate love for a man is to bear him a son!

At this time.

Yang Chen walked out of the room with a warm smile on his face.

"Is Qian Ning here?"

Seeing him, Feng Qianning couldn't help but stare blankly.

Then immediately bowed and said:

"Qian Ning has met His Royal Highness Son!"

Yang Chen immediately waved his hand:

"Qian Ning, we are all a family, there is no need to be too many!

"You can call my father, Uncle Yang!"


Feng Qianning nodded in agreement.

But the word Uncle Yang (afef) was not called out.

At this time, Feng Yuwan said:

"Brother Chen, Qian Ning has decided to dissolve her marriage with Long Tianyu, you won't object, will you?"

"of course not!"

Yang Chen heard the conversation between the two just now clearly.

Long Tianyu's father is about to come to the ancient city of ice and snow.

At this time, Feng Qianning wanted to dissolve her marriage with Long Tianyu again.

Haha, this is a proper plot line.

At that time, it is bound to be another show of pretending to be aggressive.

In the Great Hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

After Feng Yuwan finished washing, she changed into a dark green palace attire.

It outlines the plump and graceful figure in every detail.

Long hair pulled into a Phoenix-style bun.

His temperament is a little more elegant and holy.

Under the high platform.

Long Tianyu knelt on the ground, and it was difficult for Feng Yunhai to get up when he pressed his shoulders.

Looking at Feng Yuwan who looked like a peerless fairy on the high platform, she couldn't help cursing in her heart:


"After being pregnant with that bastard seed of Yang Chen, I love to dress up more and more!"

Long Tianyu swallowed hard, and obscenity and jealousy flashed in his eyes.

Wait until father arrives.

Must let father abolish this bitch's Cultivation Base.

Then let this bitch wear a different palace dress every day.

Let him ravage.

"This seat has decided to dissolve the marriage between Long Tianyu and Qian Ning, and expel Long Tianyu, the son-in-law, from the Feng family!"

"From now on, my Feng family has nothing to do with Long Tianyu!"

Feng Yuwan said lightly, her beautiful eyes glanced at Long Tianyu, full of arrogance and indifference, as if watching an ant.

But this contemptuous look gradually brought excitement to Long Tianyu's pupils.

Father will be here soon.

He's about to roll over too.

Feng Yuwan's haughty eyes once again stimulated the ambition in Long Tianyu's heart.

"Feng Yuwan, you bitch!"

"I must make you kneel in front of me when I step on the horse, so I can conquer you!"

"You wait for me!"

"The head of the family is wise, Long Tianyu's son-in-law really doesn't deserve to stay in my house!"

"Miss Qian Ning is the only daughter of the Patriarch, and she is also the young master of my Feng Family and Ice and Snow Ancient City. How can she have such a useless husband!"

"That's right, Ms. Qian Ning has awakened the Ice Phoenix Bloodline, and stepping into the Divine Transformation in the future is just around the corner. How can a loach dance with Phoenix!"

Several Elders of the Feng Family spoke in agreement.

In the Great Hall, there were even more sarcasm voices.

No one took Long Tianyu, a good-for-nothing son-in-law, seriously.

At this time, Linglong's transmission suddenly sounded beside Yang Chen's ear:

"Master, he is here!"


Yang Chen raised his eyebrows.

He looked out of the hall.

Just for an instant.

A dull, thick, thunderous voice exploded in the Great Hall:

“What a loach with Phoenix!”

"Son of this seat, how can you allow such insults like this group of ants!"

The voice fell.

The Nascent Soul Elder of the Feng family who said that the loach was paired with Phoenix was directly blown into a cloud of blood mist.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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